
Real Name
Tantra Bensko
About Me
Readers Favorite awarded a gold medal in Intrigue to Glossolalia, the first book in The Agents of the Nevermind series of psychological suspense novels about the heroism of exposing social engineering. The third book will be released summer of 2018. The next book to appear is not in the series but is what I call a seductive psychological suspense book.

I teach fiction writing courses through UCLA Extension Writing Program, Writers on the Net, and my own academy online, through which I edit manuscripts. I received my MA from FSU and my MFA from the Iowa Writers Workshop.

In addition to what you see here, ISMs Press put out my chapbook, The Cabinet of What You Don't See, Naissance Press put out the 50 page book, Watching the Windows Sleep, and Dance of Shiva put out five small books. I've also contributed to many print anthologies such as Women Writing the Weird and Strange Little Girls and have had a few hundred publications in magazines

I sporadically publish people's writing through LucidPlay Publishing. I maintain the resource site, Everything Experimental Writing, which has a Facebook page as well.
Berkeley, CA
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Bookstores: Pegasus Downtown, University Press Books

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