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About My Library
Right now, they're mostly my To Be Read books, which have increased significantly since joining Bookmooch (and progressively since joining Bookcrossing three years ago).

There are also some books I've read in the past that I've been adding, even when they're not actually in my library anymore (I trade a lot of books in the aforementioned sites).

I have more to add but it's a work in progress. My tags are rather simple and mention only binding, genre, status (read, tbr, permanent collection) and whether I got it on any of the sites above or bought them. Sometime in the future I might take a moment to explore more tags in other user's libraries and complete mines a bit more.

If you're on Bookmooch and see a book or two in my library you might want to mooch (check the 'tbr' tag only since many of the 'read' ones aren't with me anymore), send me an email. I can't guarantee it won't be one of those that are earmarked for my permanent collection, but more often than not I'm happy to list something on Bookmooch. I'm always in need of points over there. It may take me a while to read those books, though, depending on whether or not I have others on my immediate TBR pile.
About Me
My name is Rita, I'm 29, born and bred in sunny (though occasionally rainy) Portugal. I have a degree in Educational Psychology. And I am a book-o-holic. I've tried to fight this addiction but there's not many twelve-step programs for people like us and, honestly, it's stronger than me. I am a slave to the power of the printed word. Thus, I am always looking for great new books to read and I'm all too willing to share my books. It's the only way I can find space for the new ones! And to stop them whispering to me at night. Or every single waking moment too, come to think of it.

I can be a very obsessed reader at times, hence my constant late night reading sessions. I consider myself versatile in my reading choices, reading a bit of everything from fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, urban fantasy, science-fiction from time to time, Teen/YA fiction (a genre I'm re-discovering), a tad of chick-lit and mystery, etc. I am not very fond of romance in any of its incarnations (fantasy romance, paranormal romance, historical romance, etc.). Hard Sci-Fi is also something I'm fond of in very small doses, even though I love Arthur C. Clarke and Frank Herbert.

I read a lot in English (almost exclusively in the past year or so, actually), not only because there aren’t many translations of books I want to read but also because it’s fairly cheaper to buy the original versions. Not to mention some translations actually make my teeth hurt.

Some of my favourite authors are George R.R. Martin, Patricia McKillip, Guy Gavriel Kay, Marion Zimmer Bradley, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jane Austen, Frank Herbert, Robin Hobb, Anne McCaffrey, among many others. I've been discovering new authors I didn't know about and have lots of their books in my TBR piles. I’m a fan of fantasy series, though I actually prefer those that are trilogies or have an end in sight (long multi-book series make me a bit weary, since I probably have to read most of them from the beginning... I may love fantasy but I have a whole lot of its classics in the TBR still and many others in my wishlist.
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