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About My Library
LOTS of classics (they are classics for a reason afterall - most are superb). Because I read audiobooks I'm a bit at the mercy of my local libraries; however, most have a fair to excellent selection of unabridged works (cannot do abridged at all). I think the "open road" library factor is actually a very good thing: the adventure of sifting through what's available; finding books I have wanted to read; and discovering new authors - adds to the fun and excitement. Other than heavy on the classics, what I read is truly eclectic because of this library aspect and my taste. Lucky, lucky me.
About Me
What can I say - love those books. I read almost exclusively audiobooks, but I do love the look, weight, feel, even smell of the ones with pages very much. Books are as good as living to me. Throwing out a book - even a mediocre one - is sacrilege. I like to know about authors, too: what their lives, times, circumstances were like.
Glen Allen, VA

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