About Me
Hello, My name is Angela and I am the owner/reviewer and mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. However what I am not is a writer. I apologize now for the grammatical and punctuation errors I make, because I know I’m going to make them.

I never once thought I would start my own blog, but with the help of my computer geek husband and a little pestering from him to do a blog, I ended up with Angel’s Guilty Pleasures.

I’m a mother to a 5-year-old who is non-stop on the go since the day he could walk. I’m a wife, dog owner, animal, and book lover. My favorite animals are horses (i.e. Appaloosas, Lipizzans, & Friesians). I grew up in Northern Indian on a farm and my father is a veterinarian, so animals have always been in my life and have been a passion of mine. I no longer live on a farm, but we are currently dog owners to a beautiful Australian Shepard named “Saphire”. Some of you book lovers might recognize her name!!

As for reading my love started as a kid, but then my teen years came and reading feel away. It wasn’t until I hooked up with my husband in College and meet his family, who are avid readers, that I really got back into reading. When we moved to the same state as my husbands Aunt, who is a very big reader of YA/PNR/UF, she suggested I try the first book in Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series Halfway to the Grave. She handed over her Nook and I read the book in a day. That was my first PNR/UF and I got sucked back into reading. Now I read a verity of books and have many authors I enjoy. A few of my favorites are Ilona Andrews, Jeaniene Frost, Gene Showalter, Terry Spear, Lynsay Sands, Patricia Briggs, Setta Jay, Anna Lowe and G.A. Aiken aka Shelly Laurenston.
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