
pornographic (1), but oddly beguiling and sweet at others (1), Gripping like a hand around your you know whats (1), Why doesn't anyone write like this anymore? (1), and all true!!! (1), Just a fantastic lark (1), a bit close to home what?! (1), Oy (1), altogether a charming read. (1), Queeny and pretentious at times (1), they tell me. Can't read it yet. (1), The photos alone rank this book right up there but the Mailer portrait is the best of her ever made to be sure. (1), Read it twice. Oooooo those hippies! That Charles Manson is nothing but trouble. (1), although Vile Bodies comes in a close second followed by Black Mischief. (1), Perhaps his best novel (1), Almost kitsch in its clarity of purpose. (1), bitchy brilliance. (1), I have read this three times now and it never fails to amaze and disturb. (1), and the best gay affirming tomes ever. (1), but goes on a bit and gets nowhere. Worth it though. Raises more questions than it answers by a factor of three (1), His least shocking novel (1), you just wish it wasn't all true. But.... (1), Like In Cold Blood on the road (1), we're still waiting. (1), Call me crazy but I just love this shit. (1), Charming charming charming. Like Love In The Time Of Cholera without the Cholera. (1), Punctuation is apparently not necessary anymore. Who thunk it. (1), The madness of solitary confinement contained in these pages. (1), Post modern Afrikaans masterpiece. a real worry. (1), tackier and sexier and not as sad but an engrossing account. (1), a luta continua. We wish. (1), if only because its the closest to normal porn that he's written. Amoral certainly (1), She is as god as they say. (1), Proof that ethics is the main preoccupation of the Irish. (1), Now I understand. (1), The mother I never had. (1), read it twice. (1), Lovely lies (1), Made me angry that someone can write this well. More vivid than drowning in a vat of vermilion while chocking on a lump of Lapis. (1), but not utterly evil like some of his others. Gorgeous none the less. (1), Her best (1), Like Marx (1), disturbing (1), The actual history of South Africa with no sides taken and no propagandizing. (1), Its a mystery why Lord of The Rings has a following a tenth of the size of the Titus trilogy's (1), and people specifically. Not to mention animals. I can't understand why this book is not held in higher esteem. (1), changed the way I viewed societies generally (1), especially so as his grandfather was such a believer. (1), amusingly irreverent (1), Not terribly good really. (1), The most comprehensive collection of photo's of everyones favourite couple and dog. (1), for the real South African post-apartheid story (1), the best granta ever! But I'm prejudiced. (1), turned me into a feminist. (1), the play is unread as yet (1), which was phenomenal (1), Seen the movie (1), but brilliant. (1), Have not finished as too disturbing at the time (1), Brilliant (1), Shocking (1), one of the great unknowns that it has one higher. (1), His most sensitively studied work (1), Vintage Vidal (1), our real leader and liberator. (1), amoral. (1), Pulls off what Pynchon pretends to. (1), a riot. (1), No comment. (1), The Bodhisattva would have loved this work. (1), proves that you don't need full penetration in high definition to shock the socks off anyone. (1), evil and without compare. (1), Deranged (1), the true miracle worker of South Africa (1), heartbreakingly so; knocks spots off Ian Mc. (1), I hate god but I love Desmond (1), It may be old hat (1), Makes Heat magazine look like a polite tea party. Filthy rotten scandalous and probably all true. Delicious. (1), but it is good old hat. (1), like the event this book is devastating. (1), it gets darker. (1), Everytime I read it (1), The nuclear play. (1), Not his best but a wonderful deconstruction of British Imperialist racism. (1)
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Oct 23, 2008