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Jun 24, 2013
About My Library
In progress, have several thousand to add, begun in July 2013...
About Me
Who We Are:

Born during the pontificate of our Holy Father of blessed memory, Pope John Paul the Great, we are a growing, strongly Pro-Life Religious Brotherhood dedicated to giving our lives for love of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church.

Following our own Statutes and the Third Order Regular Rule of St. Francis of Assisi, we strive to live a common life of prayer and repentance, fraternal love and support. We are committed to live and proclaim The Gospel of Life, devoting ourselves to serve and defend the most vulnerable of our society: the pre-born child, the severely disabled, survivors of torture, the poor and the homeless.

What We Believe:

We are the first Religious Brotherhood canonically established in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, and we are under the authority of its archbishop.

As Roman Catholic Religious, we believe and profess all that the Catholic Church presents to us through our Holy Father, Francis and his successors, the Magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church), Sacred Apostolic Tradition (which includes the great Symbols [creeds] of the Faith that so beautifully define our belief in the One, Triune God) and Sacred Scripture.
St. Paul, MN

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