
variety (62), spiral/local (50), fresh (29), Asian (22), intnt'l (21), meats (21), family (20), basic (20), history (18), Japanese (18), veg (16), CA (16), pbb (14), seafood (14), Chinese (13), potluck (12), fish (11), favorites (9), fast (8), BBQ (8), game (8), low fat (7), diabetic (7), easy (7), baking (7), regional (7), church (7), Mexican (6), encyclopedias (6), beverages (6), diet (6), odd (6), magazine annuals (6), IDYLLWILD (6), Midwest (5), generic (5), Italian (4), freezing (4), literary cookbooks (4), canning (4), vegetarian (4), sushi (4), camping (4), hunting club annual (4), wine (4), Ethnic (4), grilling (3), drying (3), healthy (3), Indian (3), fruits (3), restaurant (3), 1930's (3), Mediteranean (3), sashimi (3), AZ (3), desserts (3), low sugar (2), snacks (2), whole grains (2), shellfish (2), GREAT REFFERENCE (2), Vegetarian (2), appetizers (2), Better than average church cookbook (2), BH&G (2), sourdough (2), Hawaiian (2), manners (2), crock pot (2), odd ingredients (2), famous restaurants (2), low calorie (2), pairing (2), French (2), wild foods (2), garnishes (2), Medeterainian. Good reference (2), herbs (2), tapas (2), whole foods (2), outdoor cooking (2), wok (2), kids (2), San Francisco (2), butchering (2), basics (2), rice (2), professional (2), bilingual (2), Colorado (2), poultry (2), Jewish (2), dictionary (2), hiking (2), chocolate (2), bread (2), historical (2), quick (2), survival (2), legal (1), Breads (1), jams/jellies (1), Southern cooking. Humor. (1), Oriental (1), large groups (1), Commercial publication (1), lo & no fat (1), picnic/camping (1), fast & modern (1), variety (includes meats/fish) (1), fish (salmon) (1), club annuals (1), seasonal (winter/spring) (1), equivalents (1), fresh. variety (1), Specialty baking (1), intnt'l (misc. grains file) (1), deep fryers (1), Party (1), regional PACIFIC NW (1), variety American (1), Tropical (1), special Southern section (1), So. Cal (1), writing (1), regional WEST COAST (1), regional (Louisiana) (1), commercial (1), flambe (1), one pot meals (1), signed by author (1), fishing club annual (1), Prescott AZ (1), equipment based (1), game + water safety issue (1), Buffet kitchens (1), Creole/Cajun (1), Yummy (1), Slow Cooker (1), So. Louisiana (1), Sushi (1), Scandavian (1), Scratch (1), just directions. (1), home-style (1), Not just another Junior League book (1), traditionals (1), bible of grill cooking (1), Thai (1), with some "open a can...." and some good breads. (1), Reference to what (1), Waterless cooker and slow cooker (1), Cheeder bay bisquits and desserts (1), with Few "open a can...." and some good breads. (1), Party prep. (1), chinese (1), international refference (1), Cheese cakes (1), Not Politicaly Correct (1), 80 pages of veg fare (1), gulf ethnic (1), osso buco to cheese to challah (1), Resturant Favorates. (1), Another fund raisor. (1), mostly from scratch (1), Tabasco helps (1), Treatis on pumpkins (1), Travel Guide for serious foodies. (1), Jalapenos (1), A Caribbean Cook Book (1), fresh fish (1), Good pitchers and easy format. Loose leaf binders. (1), cakes and icecreams (1), for the ambitious cheff (1), Annual (1), Deep Frying (1), Professional technique guide (1), using pre-made ingredients like can of beans or cup of sauce. (1), Fine reference with sauces and food values (1), Fast and easy meals. Lots of "1 package of...." (1), Absolut (get it?) classic. No bar should be without one! (1), Simple fancy recipes. great glossary and food value charts (1), For the advanced cheff. Do not look for mesurments (1), Restaurant to resturant travel (1), Wild game (1), resturant recipes (1), in depth. (1), Menus and easy recipts (1), Basic Cooking (1), Artison cooking (1), Art of Japanese cooking. (1), Great referance. (1), Heart and budget friendly. (1), 600+ good food recipes. (1), with nutricion notes. (1), 1940's (1), how (1), Sauces (1), chemistry (1), literary cookbook (1), beef (1), Veg (1), crepes (1), meatless (1), restaurants (1), cooking for 2 (1), nutrition (1), sports (1), Coconut (1), microwave (1), casserole (1), where (1), haggis (1), with (1), AK (1), fillings (1), wildlife (1), potato (1), hand printed (1), easy to follow (1), therapy (1), tofu (1), slow cooking (1), Fruit (1), pasta (1), balanced (1), pocket size (1), equipment (1), building (1), preserving (1), earthy (1), vegetables (1), fusion (1), Slow cooking (1), grains (1), beer (1), party food (1), salads (1), stews (1), Baking (1), Gold Rush (1), wines (1), reprints (1), chicken (1), oriental (1), Olde English (1), family memoir (1), spiral (1), Indonesian (1), German (1), Sake (1), Banning (1), Dallas TX (1), sailing (1), Mission (1), American (1), Collection (1), pets (1), compilation (1), Wisconsin (1), smoking (1), good photos (1), International (1), Desserts (1), New England (1), Vietnamese (1), style (1), duck (1), Professional (1), Basic (1), Regional (1), Encyclopedias (1), wok cookery (1), family style (1), wild (1), fruit (1), pizza (1), picnic (1), lamb (1), fondue (1), Louisiana (1), San Diego (1), bartending (1), soups (1), geneology (1), Cincinnati (1), outdoor (1), folk tales (1), brewing (1), facts (1), Nebraska (1), Vermont (1), drinks (1), entertaining (1), 1950's (1), Christmas (1), technique (1), Literary cookbooks (1), Tong in Cheek (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Dec 25, 2007
About My Library
This is an attempt to catalog my reference materials ONLY! My wife is the main cataloger/librarian. Most of the books get a genuine rating; 3 stars may mean it looks like a reasonable book but needs to be used/analyzed further. Books under 2 stars are maybe worth keeping for 1 or 2 recipes and are on the endangered list. 1 star? Why keep it?
About Me
I am a hobby-chef working on my second cookbook. Sunset Chef of the West in 1992.
Idyllwild, CA
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