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Aug 18, 2007
About My Library
I collect old (pre-wwii) physics and chemistry textbooks, including a pre-Kekule chemistry book. When I have real money, I hope to reach back to more pre-Einstein physics. If anyone has a first edition CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics they want to give me, I would be a very happy nerd.

The rest is mostly popular science (especially math and physics), current events, and science fiction, and a very large collection of math, physics, and chemistry textbooks.

I've also got my queued and now reading lists up on my Good Reads account, but LibraryThing is comprehensive.
About Me
I love to read, scuba dive and make and drink beer and mead. In my spare time, I'm a research scientist.

My profile picture is a photomosaic of me made from my book covers.

My Erdős number is 7.
Princeton, NJ
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Bookstores: Black Oak Books - Berkeley, Builder's Booksource, Elliott Bay Book Company (Seattle), Left Bank Books, Moe's Books, Powell's City of Books (Portland)

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