Real Name
Scott M. Davis
About My Library
I have a relatively small collection of perhaps 175 books. My collection used to be larger but at one point I cleaned it out (I gave them to the local public library). I have science fiction, books on sustainability, a few books on the 60's, books about favorite movies. I have owned books all my life and my collection has gone through a number of changeovers as my needs, tastes, interests and locations changed.
About Me
I am a sixty-ish writer who grew up reading science fiction, including several authors. I worked under architect Paolo Soleri for 16 years at his Cosanti studios and Arcosanti project in the Arizona desert. I co-authored a book with him in 1983, published 1984. I have written a book about my experience at Arcosanti, which I would like to publish. An excerpt from my book will be published in Voices of Arcosanti, edited by Michel Sarda and produced by Bridgewood Press, June 2009.
Mesa, Arizona
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