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Dec 31, 2005
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About My Library
I haven't had time to enter very many books yet. My wife says I'm an addict, but at least I've gotten pretty good at buying most of my books used or on clearance. To me, books, etc. are the raw material for research. Life is too short to figure out everything for ourselves; we've got to learn from others!

Also, you can find my Amazon profile/reviews at:
About Me
I'm an aerospace engineer, researcher & entrepreneur with a lot of interests. You can read about many of them on my blog All Things []. If you're interested in aerospace, then check out my blog AeroGo []. I do interdisciplinary research in systems applied to psychology/productivity and other areas.

You can get links to most of what I'm writing at various places on the web by using the Twitter link []. Connect through one of the sites below, or just leave a comment here!
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