Dansk skønlitteratur (336), Oversat skønlitteratur (249), Fiction in English (242), Danmarkshistorie (131), Del af serie (84), Star Wars (81), Nordisk skønlitteratur (81), Norge (74), Part of series (66), Politikerbiografi (60), Star Wars (Legends continuity) (56), By- og lokalhistorie (54), Historisk fiktion (52), Serie: "Tænkepauser" (52), Århus (50), Anden verdenskrig (48), Novellesamling (46), Sønderjylland (44), Gyldendals Tranebøger (41), Selvbiografi (39), 20. århundrede (39), Madlavning (36), Socialdemokratiet (36), Sociology (36), Amerikansk skønlitteratur (36), Kogebog (34), Sociologi (32), Autobiography (32), Tysk skønlitteratur (31), Opslagsværk (31), Biography (30), Classics (29), 20th century (29), Antologi (29), Svensk skønlitteratur (27), Filmmakers (27), Krimi (27), Grænselandet (26), Space opera (24), Political theory (23), Translated fiction (23), Det danske mindretal (i Tyskland) (23), Besættelsen (23), Sydslesvig (22), Slesvig-Holsten (22), Forfatterbiografi (21), Demokrati (21), Journalistik (20), Humour (20), Dansk sprog (20), Totalitarianism (20), Pulp (20), Dansk politik (20), Sovjetunionen (19), Opskrifter (19), Biografi (19), Slesvig (19), Manic Street Preachers (18), Communism (18), American cinema (18), Russisk skønlitteratur (18), Reference (17), Guide (17), Det danske monarki (17), Rusland (17), Rejsebeskrivelser (17), Media tie-in (17), Evolution (17), Kommunisme (17), Feminisme (17), Nazityskland (16), Soviet Union (16), Digtsamling (16), Auteur theory (16), Slægtsroman (16), History of Europe (16), Neurodiversity (16), World War II (15), Satire (15), Tegneserie (oversat) (15), Anthropology (15), Filmmaking (15), Capitalism (15), Socialisme (15), Historical fiction (14), Psychology (14), Cinema (14), Naturvidenskab (14), Essays (14), Nazisme (14), Autism (14), Fascism (13), Parlamentarisme (13), Filminstruktør (13), Biology (13), Socialism (13), Interviews (13), Democracy (13), Political history (13), Anden slesvigske krig (13), Psykologi (13), Mental health (13), USA (13), Hollywood (12), Det tredje rige (12), Depression (12), Tyskland (12), Bildungsroman (12), Nordisk mytologi (12), Samarbejdspolitik (12), Verdenshistorie (12), Vikingetid (12), Sovjet (12), American (11), Short stories (11), Internet (11), Barsoom (11), Biografi om kongelige (11), Dystopia (11), Engelsksproget skønlitteratur (11), Sci-fi (11), Psykiatri (11), Post-apocalyptic (11), John Carter of Mars (11), New Hollywood (11), Detective novel (10), Grundloven (10), Kritisk sociologi (10), Current affairs (10), Kristendom (10), Folkestyre (10), Palle Laurings Danmarkshistorie (10), Cultural history (10), Asperger's syndrome (10), Japansk skønlitteratur (10), Demokratisering (10), Fantasy (10), Nazism (10), Anthology (10), 1864 (10), Self-help (10), Government (10), Psykoanalyse (9), Dansk udenrigspolitik (9), Flerbindsudgave (9), Film directors (9), Germany (9), Fascisme (9), Fransk skønlitteratur (9), Political science (9), Autofiktion (9), 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(8), Adventure (7), Music (7), Kunstnerbiografi (7), Samfundskrise (7), Natur (7), Dansk musik (7), Parlamentarisk arbejde (7), Borgerinddragelse (7), Adolf Hitler (7), Det moderne gennembrud (7), Philip Marlowe (7), Danmark (7), Russian literature (7), Skandinavien (7), Memoir (7), Kulturhistorie (7), Debatbog (7), Første verdenskrig (7), Philosophy in art (7), Litteraturhistorie (7), Dansk kultur (7), Civilization (7), Marxisme (7), Dialektsprog (7), Den kolde krig (7), Film production (7), Idehistorie (7), Poetry (7), Culture studies (7), Samfundsorden (7), Linguistics (7), Sprog (7), Island (7), Russia (7), 18th century (7), Film theory (7), Arbejderbevægelsen (6), Kulturkamp (6), Egnshistorie (6), Technology (6), Grænseforeningens årbog (6), Filosofi (6), Oldenborgerne (6), Drikkevarer (6), Kunst (6), World War I (6), American history (6), Sprogbrug (6), Weimar (6), Sangtekster (6), Opvækst (6), Mindfulness (6), Computers (6), Genetics (6), Europe (6), Reformationen (6), Post-Punk (6), Aspergers syndrom (6), Mystery (6), Anarkisme (6), Litteraturkritik (6), Statsministre (6), Fattigdom (6), Social media (6), Borgerlighed (6), Antropologi (6), Socialistisk Folkeparti (6), Vandring (6), Fransk (6), Fotografi (5), National selvforståelse (5), Musikerbiografi (5), Society (5), Anxiety (5), Angst (5), Psychoanalysis (5), Tysk historie (5), Portraits (5), Memory (5), Marx Brothers (5), Propaganda (5), Fandom (5), Politisk teori (5), Nationalromantik (5), Information technology (5), Partihistorie (5), Samtalebog (5), Billedbog (5), Gamle opskrifter (5), Samfundskritik (5), Ukraine (5), Autism in fiction (5), History of Great Britain (5), Randers (5), Jylland (5)
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Mar 12, 2019
Real Name
Hans Christian Munch Andersen
About My Library

Been here since March '19.

Obviously I like some genres better than others, but I intend to catalog everything (physical) in my library. If nothing else then at least for the sense of calm and quiet I get from typing in ISBNs. Collections that are not books I catalogue elsewhere.

I guess my favourite books are those that [try to] explain why the world and people are the way(s) they are.
So that could be history, philosophy, poetry, Hamsun and Hesse, etc., etc.

Collections contain multiple languages, but are at least hopefully somewhat logically constructed and ordered (one work can show up under multiple categories). They make sense to me, at least.

No reviews yet, but perhaps someday – for those books most dear and/or impactful to me.

About Me

Reader (and very occasional) writer of books (so far, one LibraryThing member has catalogued my poetry book – guess who); a player and recorder of music; shooter of pictures; watcher of films and paintings; admirer of some people; .

Perpetually perplexed by the human experience, and proud owner of at least one diagnosis.

Too much art to experience and to make, but not enough time in a life. Such is the way (and weight) of the world. Alas!

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