fiction (168), political science (90), history (72), medieval (69), role playing (63), box 03 (60), art history (60), sell (56), merp (47), books about books (46), historical fiction (45), box 02 (44), 19th century (39), book history (36), computer books (35), religion (33), fantasy (31), philosophy (31), cookbooks (29), public opinion (27), survey research methodology (25), programming (23), napoleonic wars (22), box 01 (22), aubrey/maturin (21), maps (21), voting behavior (21), reference (21), collection (20), knitting (19), manuscripts (18), travel (18), politics (17), sas (17), spain (16), outdoors (16), children's books (16), short stories (16), maggie's books (16), box 04 (15), poetry (14), american (14), baby (11), mystery (11), crochet (11), ancient (11), humor (11), communication (11), illustration (11), board books (11), missouri (10), france (10), tolkien (10), photography (10), language (10), texas (9), psychology (9), miniature books (8), architecture (8), LIS (8), autobiography (8), 18th century (7), memoirs (7), england (7), economics (7), christianity (6), partisanship (6), drama (6), war (6), 20th century (6), renaissance (6), islam (6), sociology (6), web (6), mythology (5), propaganda (5), statistics (5), heritage press (5), canada (5), wine (5), writing (5), mexico (4), reading (4), pipes and cigars (4), bible (4), graphics (4), faith (4), early printing (4), wwii (4), women (4), nature (4), quilting (3), germany (3), archives (3), food (3), gardening (3), 17th century (3), careers (3), apocalypse (3), folk art (2), pilgrimage (2), clinical research methodology (2), museums (2), house (2), 16th century (2), italy (2), biography (2), art theory (2), libraries (2), holmes (2), health (2), museum (1), kids (1), information (1), nobel (1), chicago (1), US (1), britain (1), shakespeare (1), sewing (1), classification (1), bohemia (1), latin america (1), enlightenment (1), pregnancy (1), prayer (1), organic (1), c18 (1), vegetables (1), composting (1), graphic novels (1), toddlers (1), art (1), orchids (1), activities (1), cataloging (1), digital (1), design (1)
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Oct 17, 2005
Real Name
Andrew & Kelli
About My Library
This is actually the library of two people: Andy's interested in political science and history; Kelli in the history of art and books. And we have a few fiction books, reference books, and cookbooks. OK, more than a few.
Austin, Texas
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Bookstores: Book People, Borders - Austin - Westgate Marketplace, Half Price Books - South Lamar

Libraries: Austin Public Library - Faulk Central Library, Austin Public Library - Manchaca Road Branch, Ellis Library - University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Texas Libraries - Harry Ransom Center

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