
All collections (3,431), Currently reading (1), Your library (1,392), To read (306), To read - ebooks (210), DVDs (4), WisCon (496), Abandoned (147), Deaccessioned (498), Mom's books (21), Wishlist (61), Read but unowned (1,277)
fantasy (460), nonfiction (400), p1 (305), ebook (283), science fiction (250), horror (241), graphic novel (180), historical fiction (153), wiscon37 (152), history (148), short stories (133), mystery (127), wiscon41 (127), ya (116), wiscon38 (100), wiscon39 (98), epic fantasy (84), metatext (81), tie-in (81), p2 (77), arc (72), seafaring (70), true crime (69), comics (67), my childhood (67), anthropology (65), mythology (63), wiscon36 (62), crafty (54), occult (53), thriller (53), lib ebook available (51), manga (50), queer (48), romance (47), humor (46), writing (43), psychology (43), q3 (42), science (40), wiscon40 (40), alienvsmonster (40), gothic (37), religion (36), memoir (36), wiscon43 (35), steampunk (34), monsternotmonster (32), contemporary fiction (32), dystopia (31), decolonizingsff (30), anthology (30), reference (30), poetry (30), pirates (29), faerie (28), intimatevsremotegods (28), gender-bending (27), urban fantasy (26), ghost stories (25), alternate history (25), doctor who (24), fairy tales (24), moralambiguity (24), godcharacters (24), sciencecompatiblereligion (23), audiobook (22), review copy (22), genrekillsfascists (22), signed (22), anarchisminsff (22), givingamicrophone (22), art (22), creepy-twisty-surrealistic (21), techasprogress (19), magic (18), moreproductiveapocalypse (18), philosophy (18), familyvalues (18), portal fantasy (18), spy-fi (18), series incomplete (17), murder (17), classinsff (17), noirish (17), napoleonic wars (17), medicine (17), medieval (17), postapocalyptic (16), arthurian (16), english fantasy (16), et-langs (15), serial killers (15), collection (15), feministendings (15), writing research (15), essays (15), womeninpower (15), apocalyptic (15), irish (14), regency (13), detective (13), ubc (12), satire (12), archaeology (12), noir (12), speculative fiction (12), knitting (12), rethinkingzombies (12), drama (11), transnbfic (11), survival horror (11), cross stitch (11), folk horror (11), series complete (11), space opera (10), self-help (10), literary fiction (10), adventure (10), translation (10), linguistics (10), time travel (10), non-european fantasy (10), godsinspaaace (10), babylon 5 (10), historicalbamfs (10), american mythology (10), social justice (10), tiptree winner (9), feminism (9), haunted house (9), magazine (9), anti-horror (9), sf book discussion (9), cyberpunk (9), crime (9), star wars (9), biography (9), first contact (9), magical realism (9), embroidery (8), overlappingmagesteria (8), politics (8), world war ii (8), womenofthemiddleages (8), strongfemalecharacters (8), trans (8), zombies (8), lovecraftian (7), weird fiction (7), Victorian (7), hopepunk (7), norse (7), diversityinfiction (7), tarot (7), konmari: maybe (7), children's (7), worldbuilding (7), literature (7), Ireland (7), depression (6), endjapaneseelves (6), reread (6), fandom (6), science fantasy (6), vampires (6), pagan (6), family drama (6), paranormal (6), paganism (6), october (6), sciencesexgender (6), racism (6), classic (6), economics (6), Lovecraftian (6), sffpaganism (6), futurewewant (6), cults (6), theology (5), Boston (5), unreliable narrator (5), sociology (5), folktales (5), mental health (5), French (5), codeswitching (5), multiple copies (5), grief (5), whosedystopia (5), survival (5), mysticism (5), creatingareligion201 (5), metafiction (5), child abuse (5), weird west (5), psychological thriller (5), language (5), internet (5), sffmentalillness (5), witchcraft (5), weaving (5), witches (5), american history (5), internet culture (5), celtic (5), London (5), self help (5), writing advice (5), biology (5), milsf (5), roaring twenties (4), buddhism (4), design (4), culture (4), memory (4), library rescue (4), activism (4), slavery (4), adf (4), social criticism (4), sewing (4), tiptreeauction (4), painting (4), revenge (4), druidry (4), epistolary (4), golden age (4), needlepoint (4), creativity (4), primary source (4), libraries (4), historical fantasy (4), legal system (4), justice system (4), good and evil (4), surreal (4), autobiography (4), afrofuturism (4), comedy (3), robots (3), movies (3), memetic fiction (3), conceptofappropriation (3), pulp (3), prison (3), fightscenesforwomen (3), dragons (3), rural pagan horror (3), canonvsfanon (3), conspiracies (3), f&sfcoursera (3), monsters (3), transgressingclass (3), abuse (3), drawing (3), revolution (3), updated (3), native americans (3), parody (3), old west (3), artists (3), aliens (3), artificial intelligence (3), anarchism (3), cannibalism (3), trans character (3), sexism (3), popular science (3), professional (3), heist (3), socks (3), circus (3), spiritualism (3), wilderness (3), news media (3), colonization (3), australia (3), rural horror (3), world war i (3), gender (3), Christianity (3), zombie apocalypse (3), victorian (3), southern gothic (3), Christmas (3), trauma (3), tolkien (3), death (3), lesbian (3), motherhood (3), neurology (3), psychics (3), meditation (3), lifestyle (2), body work (2), con artists (2), evilwomen (2), wiscon goh (2), shallowselfcare (2)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Mar 29, 2013
Real Name
Jen Moore
About My Library
I'm tracking multiple things, but the primary ones are stuff I own (Your Library) and stuff I've read (Read but Unowned). Library Books Out is a good indicator of just how underwater I am right now. TBR is a reflection of the books I own but have not yet gotten around to; Wishlist is for books I know I want to own a copy of. I have an extensive 'want to read, not to own' list in Evernote.

For the past several years I've been attending WisCon and adding every single book I hear mentioned at panels; obviously this only covers panels I could actually attend, but you can see what I've got in the WisCon collection. I try to add panel tags, too, so you have some idea of the context.
About Me
I'm a writer (unpublished), reader (voracious), and librarian (surprise, surprise). I've been a SF geek all my life, and I cannot remember a time before books. TBR-list exceeded life expectancy some time ago; somebody better get on this immortality thing, stat.
Naperville, IL
Currently Reading
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Bookstores: A Room of One's Own, Bookhunters, Moon Palace Books

Libraries: Warrenville Public Library District

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