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Sep 6, 2005
Local Favorites

Bookstores: Bakka-Phoenix Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookstore, Black Oak Books - Berkeley, BookBuyers - Mountain View, Books for Cooks, Books Kinokuniya - Los Angeles, Books Kinokuniya - San Jose, Dark Carnival, Forbidden Planet - London, Foyles (old Charing Cross branch), Harvard Book Store, Heffers Bookshop, Hennessey + Ingalls - Art & Architecture Books, Kate's Mystery Books, Kepler's Books, Know Knew Books, Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe, Librairie Book Shop, M is for Mystery, Maple Street Bookshop - Used and Rare, McKay Used Books - Manassas, Moe's Books, Murder By The Book, New England Mobile Book Fair, Politics and Prose, Powell's City of Books (Portland), Read it Again Sam, Shakespeare & Co. Books, The Cook's Library, The Cookbook Store, The Poisoned Pen, Vroman's Bookstore

Libraries: Charles E. Beatley, Jr. Central Library (Alexandria Public Library), Library of Congress

Other: National Book Festival, 2013 Virginia Festival of the Book

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