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Dec 14, 2005
About My Library
My library is a pretty good reflection of me, except for a few of the romances that were freebies at book fairs. :-) I'm addicted to books, as the saying goes, and it's a challenge for me to not to take stray books home. Most of the books listed here I haven't read yet, but hope springs eternal. Generally, if I haven't rated it, I haven't read it. A small apartment has forced me of necessity to dispose of most of the books that I have read, except for a few favorites.
About Me
gay, early 40's, Chicagoan, librarian, progressive, spiritual, keen interest in: travel, history, politics, psychology.

Lately developing an epicurean bent, which according to the Myers-Briggs, is right on schedule, as in midlife I develop my Sensing function. I knew it was coming, but I'm still surprised that I now care about my linens' thread count and my basil's freshness.

I want to enjoy the outdoors more often, get out of the city, hike, climb a tall hill or two. I can even see myself moving away from the big city, though I do love all the urbane artistic and culinary pleasures.
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