
Library (464), TBC (320), Room 1 (217), Fiction (213), Fantasy (92), History (63), Literature (50), D-2 (34), A-1 (29), D-4 (28), B-2 (28), A-2 (27), D-1 (25), A-3 (24), A-5 (20), C-3 (20), A-4 (19), C-5 (18), D-5 (18), Guide (17), C-4 (17), B-1 (17), C-2 (16), C-1 (16), Religion (14), D-3 (12), Photography (9), English (9), Classics (8), Comedy (8), Canada (8), Egypt (7), Hinduism (7), Software (6), Management (5), Dictionary (5), Biography (5), Cookery (5), Astrology (4), Mystery (4), WW2 (4), Asia (4), China (4), Kitchen (3), Time Management (3), Leadership (3), Prophecies (3), England (2), Naval (2), Organization (2), Reading (2), WW1 (2), Business (2), Etiquette (2), Philosophy (2), Encyclopedia (2), Humour (2), Newfoundland (2), Reference (2), Writting (2), USA (2), Travel (2), Painting (2), Physics (1), Communication (1), Governance (1), Screenplay (1), Thesaurus (1), World (1), Style Guide (1), Radio (1), Productivity (1), Programming (1), Office (1), Game (1), Arts (1), Afghanistan (1), Australia (1), Pholosophy (1), Scotland (1), Rwanda (1), India (1), Russia (1), Cocktail (1), DOS (1), North America (1), Railway (1), Science (1), MBA (1), Language (1), Computer (1), Art (1), Maps (1), Technical Writing (1), Marriage (1), Gardening (1), Architecture (1), Finance (1), Marketing (1), Operating System (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jun 14, 2007
About My Library
ml-library call numbers are calculated as described below. These call numbers are entered in the "Dewey Decimal" column of LibraryThing database.

The facets used for determining the call numbers are:
* Class
* Author (cutter number)
* Series or Subject (cutter number)
* Title (cutter number)
* Volume
* Year of publication
* Copy

Class data
FIC: Fiction
HIS: History
LIT: Literature
REL: Religion
TRV: Travel
All other categories uses the alphabet leader (class/sub class) from LC data.

Author data
structure is ;cutter number

Series or Subject data
structure is ,cutter number

Title data
structure is .cutter number

Volume data
structure is v.##

Year data
structure is ####

Copy data
structure is c.##

OCLC Cutter program is used to generate the cutter numbers. The format used is the four-figure cutter numbers.
About Me
Limehouse, Ontario, Canada