Real Name
Nancy Silverrod
About My Library
I have way more books than shelves, so at least half my collection is in boxes. I collect a variety of children's books: award winners, old books that appeal to me for their illustrations, childhood favorites that I like to re-read, and various things that just grab me in some way. I also have an extensive collection of children's and YA LGBT books. Most of my adult books are packed up.
About Me
I'm a dog lover, and have many more pictures of my dog than of me, but mostly because my dog-walker takes them and sends them to me.

I'm a librarian at the San Francisco Public Library. I worked for over eleven years in children's and young adult services, and the last ten in adult services.

Starting this fall I will be a member of the Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee. I am currently Co-Chair of the GLBT Round Table of ALA.

I currently have two wordpress blogs where I write book reviews.
San Francisco, CA
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