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- All collections (5,410), Your library (5,306), English | Hardcover (207), English | Paperbacks (873), English | Audiobooks (1,189), English | Digital (976), English | Vintage (14), English | Naval fiction (81), Français | Hardcover (19), Français | Poche (184), Français | Digital (338), Français | San Antonio (120), Français | Tout Simenon (28), Français | La Pléiade (19), Nederlands (184), Ned. | Vertaald (126), Ned. | Digitaal (61), Ned. | Havank (21), Ned. | Jeugd (2), Ned. | Jeugd | Bob Evers (25), Deutsch (13), Comics | Digi (16), BD (329), BD | Astérix (25), BD | Digi (717), Strips (94), Strips | Suske & Wiske (80), Strips | Digi (25), Biography, History, Historical Fiction (92), Economics, Sociology (6), Natuur (14), Gardens & Gardening (7), Poetry | Poezie (1), Travel | Reizen (1), Signed / Dédicacé (56), 1st printing / 1ere édition (172), Tirage de Luxe (6), Rediscover (2), Trees Reading List (13), Wishlist (20), Currently reading (4), To read (234), Read but unowned (2), Quo vadis (6)
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- Jun 13, 2008
- About My Library
My 'Collections' indicate both the type of the book and where it can be found in my library.
English | Hardcover | Paperback | Audiobooks | Digital | Vintage | Naval Fiction
French | Hardcover | Poche | Digital | San Antonio | Tout Simenon
Dutch | (translated) | Bob Evers | Havank
For history, biographies, historical novels and naval history I add the historical date under private comments. Books can be sorted that way.
A word about my ratings.
***** Stupendous read. Have read it and/or will re-read it (again) and strongly recommend it. Goes on my favourites shelf and author on favourite author status.****' Loved it. Will re-read and recommend it, candidate for my favourites shelf.
**** Great read. Really enjoyed it. Will follow-up on author or series. Might reread.
***' Fun to read. Passed the time. Will probably not re-read, nor recommend.
*** Fair to read. May have some flaws but I can over look them. Will not reread, nor recommend.
** Has major flaws which cannot be overlooked.
* Did not finish it.
With my library overflowing a number of years ago I got in the habit of donating the * and ** to Oxfam where maybe someone else would better appreciate them.- About Me
- Books are unconvertible assets to be passed on only to those who possess them already (Anthony Powell)
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Bookstores: Boekenhuis Theoria, De Groene Waterman, Furet du Nord de Lille, In 't Profijtelijk Boeksken, Oxfam Bookshop Kortrijk, Paard van Troje