Real Name
Sasha Decker
About My Library
I enjoy reading a quite diverse variety of books; I'll read pretty much anything as long as it's well-written and not too kinky. My collection leans towards fantasy, mostly because I feel more justified in buying them - 'it's for the website!' I also really enjoy classic novels, particularly 19th-century ones. And I have a small collection of old language books, as well as some modern textbook-style ones. Other types of literature that I particularly enjoy (though they are not as well-represented on my shelf) include mysteries and young-adult lit.
About Me
I am a recent college graduate, currently working at an independent bookstore and teaching Latin to 40 students. My B.A. was in Classical Philology. I am a dedicated bibliophile who loves books with a deep and enduring devotion. I maintain a website, along with a friend, which features reviews of fantasy and sci-fi from both an artistic and Christian perspective.
OR, U.S.A.
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Bookstores: Powell's City of Books (Portland), Waucoma Bookstore

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