
Nov 18, 2010
Private Catalog
Real Name
phillip Lund
About My Library
I have been collecting and reading PG Wodehouse books and short stories since 1974.I estimate I have 200 Wodehouse books or stories related to Wodehouse I think Wodehouse is awesome. I have a extensive collection of Civil War books. I used this library to assist teaching at a community college. I also have other authors such as Vollmann and Halberstam. I am fortunate to have many good books. Being on LibraryThing is very much part of this book experience.
About Me
I am retired. I have masters degree in Political Science and a second degree in History. My main vocation is reading and bird watching. I have developed governmental systems for providing pre-hospital in response to a need to assist cardiac trauma patients. this new approach is based on the "Mash" strategy. This Medic system has saved many lives and reduced long term body damaged. I have been married 43 years. My wife, Bernedine, is a manager of a national cancer research for women Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Her study has saved thousands of lives. I am proud of her! I view my library as a means of expressing my beliefs and opinions of actions involving the world wars, racism, and my penchant for PG Wodehouse. I believe it is important to have passion that I derive from my controversial books.
Federal Way, WA
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