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Oct 26, 2006
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About My Library
Semi-organized, but I can usually put my finger on what I want.
About Me

Some favorite genres/subjects: fiction--Southern US, Latin American, Northern European, mystery, literary, historical, humor; nonfiction--birding, natural history, American & European history, historical biography, medicine, health, science, travel, Italy and all things Italian

Philadelphia, PA
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Bookstores: AIA Bookstore & Design Center (Philadelphia Center for Architecture), Baldwin's Book Barn, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Willow Grove, Brattleboro Books, Commonplace Reader, Drury Lane Books, Everyone's Books, Giovanni's Room, Labyrinth Books, Midtown Scholar Bookstore, Mystery Lovers Bookshop, Newtown Bookshop, Philly AIDS Thrift At Giovanni's Room, The Book Cellar, The Doylestown Bookshop

Libraries: Free Library of Philadelphia - Parkway Central Library, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Horsham Township Library, National Constitution Center, Penn Museum Library, The Library Company of Philadelphia, The Rosenbach Museum & Library, University of Pennsylvania Van Pelt Library, Yardley-Makefield Branch, Bucks County Public Libraries

Other: The Franklin Institute Science Museum

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