
ds (51), dvd ds (33), cr (26), vcr ds (11), ds* (11), cd -cr (10), dvd -cr (8), church book ds (6), church book ds* (6), cd ds (5), dvd-cr (4), CR (4), cd-cr (3), dvd- cr (2), ds paperback (2), cd cr (2), cd cs (2), vcr -ds (1), ds paperback -have read it very carefuly (1), ds 1906 hardback (1), ds 1882 (1), cr ;paperbook bro. lyman once use this book in seminary (1), ds ruth forwaller was almost one of his followers (1), ds about 200 pages of very condensed biographys of writers -no great treasure (1), cr 1905 edition (1), given to us by vera lee's parents before leaving for oakland ds (1), vcr -cr (1), ds * (1), dvd cr (1), bought used by vera lee in barbados on about 29 feb 2011 ds (1), dvd- cr gift from sarah (1), 1 of 2 dvd cr (1), a set of 4 -cr (1), set of 4 dvd's -cr (1), dvd -cr (may not work of modern pc) (1), dvd -cr a good proogram if someone can get it to work (1), church book -mostly art ds (1), DVD DS (1), dell cd installation disk -cr (1), dvd 2 disks ds (1), cd -cr under computer desk in box (1), a great book i gave it to dad in 1966 cr (1), ds i already have a newer copy this is the burts library edition (about 19100 (1), ds one of mothers text books -dry as dust- printed 1905 (1), written intirely in russian (1), no index not very useful (1), pamphlet size (1), pamphlet size tourist book (1), some beautiful artwork (1), gift from lanett ward -card inside (1), gift from riassa march 1992 (1), given to me by riassia ahowing military medals of russia (1), a triplicate copy (1), belonged to uncle andrew (1), and conversation book # 468 (1), a little brown old(1917) spanish grammer (1), good short history (1), 1938 edition (1), nice illustrations (1), guidebook (1), 1957 (1), good material (1), interesting cr (1), DON'T LOSE IT!!! (1), CR -BOOK BELONGED TO MOTHER BEFORE SHE WAS MARRIED (1), CR 1895 EDITION BELONGED TO DAD (SEE BELOW) THIS IS A CLASSIC (1), CR -GIVEN TO ME BY HANS AND LISA IN 2003 (1), BUT SMALLER IN SIZE (1), COFFEE TABLE TYPE BOOK (1), DS GOOD BIOGRAPHY SLICK (1), DS-- I SENT THIS TO DAD WHEN I WAS ON MY MISSION. (1), DS WAS GIVEN TO UNCLE ANDREW. HES THE STORY THE MAN WHO KNEW COOLIDGE" FUNNY STORY (1), old one ds and illustrated one cr (1), cr purchased it in china in 2000 (1), ds and cr two books (1), cr vol 1 and 2 (1), cr given to me by edward (1), cr hardback one of two hardback copies that i own (1), also has in it the 1930 census for la sal and blanding (1), cr a gift from wayne (1), given to me by fellow northern states missionary spence hatch cr (1), cr purchased thru amazon for 35$ (1), purchased in a logan bookstore (1)
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Oct 25, 2010