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About My Library
The day I discovered fantasy and science fiction, there was no going back. I've read everything from epic high fantasies in the vein of "The Lord of the Rings" to hard science fiction, though my favorite stories (the ones I love enough to add to my library) are usually character-based.

I like well-drawn, realistic characters; plenty of action; fascinating settings; and lush, descriptive language. I think my library generally reflects these interests. In addition to fantasy and science fiction, I also sometimes enjoy historical fiction, mysteries, action/adventure, war stories, biographies, books about language, and so on. The only books I almost never read are straight-up romances.
About Me
I am a college student in my early 20s, and I've loved books since I can remember. I also love to write, but have no illusions of being good enough to actually be a successful writer. I enjoy technology, the outdoors, pets, cooking, and playing with my nieces and nephews.
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