
poetry / American - 20th century (150), fiction / British - 20th century (136), vocal solo / American - 20th century (95), fiction / American - 20th century (87), piano solo / American - 20th century (83), anthology (77), miniature score (74), Minneapolis history (65), gay (62), Minneapolis (61), sacred (59), vocal solo / British - 20th century (58), add pic (57), light verse (55), biography (53), poetry criticism (51), literary criticism (50), fiction / British - 19th century (44), poetry / British - 20th century (43), word games (43), cookery / American (42), poetry / British - 19th century (39), Romanticism (36), sonata (35), piano solo / British - 20th century (32), standards (31), study score (30), piano solo / German - 19th century (27), cartoons (27), cryptic crossword anthology (27), vocal solo / German - 20th century (26), piano/vocal score (26), Broadway (25), cartoonists / British (25), criticism (24), literary theory (24), symphony/Austrian or German-18th century (22), restaurant cookbook (21), cookery / general (21), choral / German - 18th century (21), poetic epics and narratives (20), piano solo / French - 20th century (20), Punch magazine (20), historiography (17), Lieder (17), solo vocal/German-19th century (16), collectibles (15), piano solo / French - 19th century (15), depression glass (15), lexicography (15), organizational cookbooks (15), fiction / American - 21st century (15), English language (15), short stories (15), piano solo / Russian - 20th century (14), fiction / American - 19th century (14), poetry (14), solo vocal/French-20th century (14), humor / American - 20th century (14), cookery / Indian (14), piano solo / German - 20th century (13), Twin Cities (13), memoir (13), Minneapolis cookbooks (12), piano solo / German - 18th century (12), humor (12), choral / British - 20th century (12), Christianity (11), études (11), music / American - 20th century (11), computers (11), humor / British (11), writing (11), opera (10), signed copy (10), fiction / Italian - 20th century (10), poetry / Greek - ancient (10), opera / German - 19th century (10), opera / Italian - 19th century (10), fiction / Canadian - 20th century (10), fake book (10), piano pedagogy (10), music theory (10), poetry/British-18th century (10), cantata / German - 18th century (10), languages (10), musical analysis (10), vocal selections (9), cookery / reference (9), music criticism (9), web design (9), autobiography (9), piano four hands / transcriptions (9), Christmas (9), piano solo / Russian - 19th century (9), opera singers (9), plays / - ancient Greek (8), choral / American - 20th century (8), fiction / Irish - 20th century (8), piano solo / Dutch - 20th century (8), popular song / lyricists (8), popular song - lyrics (8), musical humor (8), music / Broadway (8), keyboard (8), children's books (8), orchestra / German - 19th century (7), cookery / Italian (7), piano solo / American - 21st century (7), chamber music (7), cookery / French (7), cookery / Chinese (7), literature / British - 19th century - history & criticism (7), solo vocal/British-19th century (7), social history (7), Music history (7), music / British - 20th century (7), editorial style (7), poetry / British - 17th century (7), OED (7), popular song (7), Victorian (7), piano solo / Hungarian - 20th century (7), poetry / British (7), poetry / American - 19th century (6), solo piano/jazz (6), literature / British -18th century (6), popular song/American (6), piano solo / Italian - 20th century (6), translations (6), solo vocal/French-19th century (6), purchased in 2013 (6), oratorio (6), Minneapolis sights (6), poetry/Canadian-20th century (6), gay history / United States (6), dictionary (6), poetry / British - 14th century (6), cookery / American - Minnesota (6), choral / German - 19th century (6), music / American - popular (6), Samuel Johnson (6), piano solo / Czech - 19th century (6), Music/20th century (6), symphony/Austrian or German-19th century (5), pop songs (5), Music / American - 20th century (5), opera / British - 19th century (5), exercise (5), CSS (5), reference (5), piano playing (5), choral / British - 18th century (5), musicology (5), music biography / American - 20th century (5), history / British -19th century (5), piano four hands / German - 19th century (5), operetta (5), opera/British-20th century (5), musical performance (5), piano solo / Hungarian - 19th century (5), Twin Cities architecture (5), sonatas (5), piano four hands / British-20th century (5), piano solo / Latin America (5), archaeology (5), music / Austrian - 20th century (5), choral / British - 17th century (5), cookery (5), piano solo / Austrian - 19th century (5), cookery / French - regional (5), fiction/German-20th century (5), Dayton's (5), poetry / British - 16th century (5), workouts (5), history / British (4), orchestra / Austrian - 20th century (4), choral / Italian - 16th century (4), music / British - 19th century (4), literary criticism / history of (4), piano solo / Italian - 19th century (4), cookery / cocktails (4), cookery / British (4), cookery / grilling (4), cookery / Middle Eastern (4), fiction / French - 19th century (4), plays / British - Renaissance (4), piano solo / Australian - 20th century (4), art / Dutch - 17th century (4), fiction / British - 21st century (4), fiction / British - 18th century (4), piano solo /Austrian - 20th century (4), Minneapolis neighborhoods (4), fiction / Australian - 20th century (4), literary parodies (4), Minneapolis architecture (4), Minneapolis music (4), Scottish fiction/19th century (4), Opera reference (4), in German (4), Poetry / American (4), Religion (4), aesthetics (4), octavo (4), piano four hands (4), variations (4), two pianos/20th century-trancriptions (4), madrigals (4), madrigal (4), boosterism (4), books on books (4), humorous essays (4), libraries (4), parody (4), baseball (4), theology (4), art history (4), London (4), string quartet/20th century-Hungarian (4), Scrabble (4), cookery / African (4), poetry British 14th century (4), solo vocal/Australian-20th century (4), poetry/Latin-ancient (4), poetry/German-19th century (4), piano solo technique (4), solo vocal/British-17th century (4), two pianos/20th century-American (3), poetry-20th century (3), cocktails (3), musicals/American (3), kitchen utensils (3), symphony (3), recordings (3), transcription (3), cartooning (3), orchestral score (3), musical notation (3), solo vocal/Russian-20th century (3), piano solo / Austrian - 18th century (3), postcards (3), memoir / British - 20th century (3), Mass (3), cartoonists / American (3), poetry British 16th century (3), sexuality (3), piano four hands / American - 20th century (3), research (3), orchestra / French - 20th century (3), piano four hands / 19th century-Austrian (3), humor / British - 20th century (3), music criticism / British - 19th century (3), piano solo / transcription (3), Shakespeare (3), piano solo / anthology (3), cultural studies (3), cultural history (3), literature / British - 19th century (3), composers - interviews (3), orchestra / British - 20th century (3), voice with instruments (3), piano concerto/Russian-20th century (3), Philosophy/medieval (3), philosophy - 17th century (3), art song / German (3), poetry/French-19th century (3), European music/19th century (3), fiction / German - 20th century (3), sonata/history (3), German art song/19th century (3), Philosophy/20th century (3), choral - SATB (3), Minneapolis memoir (3), history / European - medieval (3), Minneapolis parks (3), prelude and fugue (3), plays /German -19th century (3), cookery / Mexican (3), cookery / vegetarian (3), collectibles / glassware (3), poetry/French-20th century (3), cookery / Spanish (3), Metropolitan Opera (3), opera history (3), bartending (3), vocal score (3), music history (3), solo vocal/anthology (3), YA (3), music biography / German - 19th century (3), piano-vocal score (3), musical aesthetics (3), Minnesota Orchestra (3), musical iconography (3), Sociology (3), string quartet/Austrian18th century (3), string quartet/American-20th century (3), poetry / Irish - 20th century (3), program music (3), poetry/German-20th century (3)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Oct 18, 2012
About My Library
My library is largely an accumulation reflecting my changing interests rather than a collection. Areas of strength include poetry, lit crit, music history, cartoons and cartoonists, Punchiana, cookbooks, and books about Minneapolis. I am slowly starting add my musical scores as a separate collections, but do not plan that this will ever be a comprehensive list.
About Me
I am a bookseller at a local Half Price Books store. I have a Master's Degree in Musicology from Indiana University.
Minneapolis, MN, USA
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