
fiction (3), lesbian fiction (3), lesbian (2), erotica (2), short stories (2), relationships (2), romance (2), anthology (2), glbt (2), literature (2), 20th century(2) Ancient Rome(2) bilingual dictionaries(2) book(2) bookcrossing(1) books at school(1) box 1A(1) cdub(1) classical(3) classical studies(2) classics(15) dictionary(171) English(18) English language(3) foreign language(16) front bedroom(1) gui (1), (5) 2006(7) 2007(2) @library(2) American(2) At Risk(2) Boston(3) contemporary(2) Cornwell(2) crime(28) crime fiction(11) detective(9) dna(4) DNA technology(2) fiction(63) first edition(3) forensics(25) hardcover(2) July 06(2) kay scarpetta(9) large print( (1), 1997(1) Buddha(5) buddhism(135) Buddhism - Vajrayana(1) comparative religion(2) contemplation(1) Dzogchen(3) Eastern(2) eastern philosophy(3) eastern religion(4) Eightfold Path(3) home office(1) i've read(1) Jeff read(1) Lama Surya Das(3) meditation(7) mi (1), 1(5) 2006(4) 2007(9) 2008(4) Adult(7) audio(6) Cindy Thomas(6) Claire Washburn(6) crime(50) Crime Fiction(17) detective(16) eBook(3) Female Detective(4) Female friendship(4) fiction(152) hardcover(3) James Patterson(26) Jill Bernhardt(6) library(3) Lindsa (1), 2006 acq.(1) anarchism(5) anarchy(10) banned(2) bullshit(2) casey(1) classic(1) classics(1) counterculture(3) crafts(1) Crank(1) d.85.politica(1) DHS watchlist(1) disobedience(1) Dressing(1) drugs(5) electronics(1) firearms(1) guide(1) history(1) how-to(2 (1), Amazon Wishlist(1) Edgar Cayce(2) magick(1) mind(1) neuroscience(1) new age pro(1) occult(1) psychic(2) wishlist(1) (1), 17-1(1) @(1) aec(1) batch26(1) BookCAT(1) dictionary(71) English(13) English language(2) etymology(1) For4(1) Foreign(1) foreign language(8) france(2) french(88) french language(11) grammar(1) have(1) in stonewall(1) Keeper(1) language(45) Language refere (1), american sign language (asl)(1) asl(25) Back Room(1) communication(2) deaf(2) Deafness(1) dictionary(1) education(3) guest room(2) Home library(1) Instruction(1) instructional(3) language(17) language instruction(1) language studies(1) languages(5) LC tex (1), agonology(9) ancient(22) asia(19) asian(15) Asian History(9) Business(64) China(199) Chinese(100) Chinese history(25) chinese literature(37) Chinese philosophy(16) classic(91) classics(81) eastern(10) Eastern Philosophy(33) Historical(15) History(225) Hom (1), children's and young adult fiction (1), 2006(1) Bella(1) box 22(1) fiction(2) homesick(1) l(1) lesbian(7) lesbian fiction(2) library book(1) november(1) npcl(1) romance(5) want to read(1) (1), Adventure(25) anglo-saxon(268) Anglo-Saxon Literature(23) beowulf(150) bilingual(26) Britain(27) british(58) british literature(47) Classic(284) classic literature(35) Classics(279) Dragons(22) England(36) english(65) english literature(79) epic(396) epic (1), 303) Read(130) saga(33) Scandinavia(28) seamus heaney(21) translated(22) translation(193) unread(66) verse(51) (1), 19th century(47) 19th century philosophy(5) aphorisms(4) Books with Comments(4) classic(8) classics(25) college(5) continental philosophy(14) eBook(4) essays(4) ethics(68) europe(7) existentialism(64) german(56) german literature(15) German Philosophy(10) (1), 1990s(1) 1999 acq.(1) 2004 reads(1) 2005(1) American Jewish Literature(1) american literature(2) female author(1) fiction(13) from library(1) glbt(2) glbt(2) historical fiction(3) history(3) immigrants(2) immigration(1) jewish(2) Judaica(1) judaism(1) lab (1), bioterrorism(2) medicine(1) public health(1) WA 295 H496b 2002(1) (1), warfare(1) (1), 3(2) 2005(5) 2006(5) 2007(3) adult(3) Audible(3) audio(5) audiobook(2) August Spies(2) California(4) Cindy Thomas(3) Claire Washburn(3) crime(26) Crime Fiction(10) detective(12) Fiction(97) First Edition(4) hardcover(3) James Patterson(15) Jill Bernhardt( (1), 20th century(1) 21st century(1) Amy(1) Amy Brown(1) anthology(1) art(11) art book(1) Art Faeries(1) Art Fantasy(1) art-fairies(1) Arts(1) Brown(1) faerie(2) fairies(5) Fairies in art(1) Fantastic art(1) fantasy(4) Fantasy in art(1) have(1) Index(1) Lynett (1), 20th Century(4) 3(3) american(5) Cornwell(11) Crime(69) crime and mystery(3) Crime Fiction(27) detective(10) fbi(5) fiction(159) forensic mystery(4) forensic pathology(6) Forensic Science(3) forensics(52) Gerichtsmedizin(3) kay scarpetta(101) kay scarpett (1), 2(3) 2006(4) 2007(5) adult(3) American Crime Fiction(3) audible(3) audio(4) California(3) Cindy Thomas(4) Claire Washburn(4) crime(26) Crime Fiction(18) detective(11) ebook(3) female(3) female friendship(4) fiction(106) First Edition(3) hardcover(3) james (1), english(1) ex-fanfic(1) f/f(1) fiction(3) first time(1) h/c(1) lesbian(4) lesbian fiction(1) Lesbian Romance(1) lesbianism(1) romance(5) uber(4) (1), 19th century(13) british(29) british literature(8) contemporary(8) contemporary fiction(14) crime(6) England(17) English(8) female author(4) fiction(201) Gay(9) gay fiction(4) gay/lesbian(8) ghosts(9) glbt(15) gothic(11) historical(32) historical fiction( (1), 20th century(1) autobiographical(1) b5(1) Based on a True Story(1) Berlin(8) bglt(1) biography(22) Erlebnisbericht(1) favorite(1) fiction(8) fiction/lesbian(1) film(2) gay(5) Gay/Lesbian(3) Gender Studies(1) german(8) Germany(15) glbt(3) history(13) Holoc (1), action(5) adult(3) adventure(14) aircraft(10) aircraft accidents(8) airplane crash(6) airplanes(25) american(7) audio(3) aviation(31) book club(3) Bookshelf(3) borrowed(5) Conspiracy(3) Crash(4) crichton(15) crime(3) disaster(3) Drama(4) faa(3) fiction(33 (1), Alaska(4) guidebook(1) Location - Denver(1) New books for May 2008(1) random(1) Tourism(1) Travel(3) travel book(1) Travel Guide(1) u(1) usa(1) (1), 1970s(1) 1975(1) 1982(1) 20th century(1) 20th Century Russia(1) Alexander(1) american(1) autobiography(2) biography(3) Biography/Autobiography(1) communism(1) dolgun(2) fiction(1) gulag(5) h5b(1) highly recomended(1) history(4) Human Rights(1) Interesting (1), Dangerous Goods(1) Emergency Response(1) First Aid(1) Hazardous Materials(1) Incident Command System(1) Survival(1) (1), 1(2) 2005 acq.(1) 3169(1) @Lyndsea(1) @not in library(1) conjugation(4) conjugations(2) dictionary(23) english(2) foreign language(25) France(3) french(212) French grammar(7) french language(41) french reference(5) French verbs(4) Gift from Meghan(1) gram (1), 2005(4) adult(3) Alex Cross(113) Alex Cross #1(2) American(5) crime(39) crime and mystery(2) Crime Fiction(12) cross(4) detective(25) ebook(5) fiction(146) Film(3) James Patterson(19) kidnapping(14) made into movie(3) mass market(2) movie(7) murder(14) mu (1), 2004(1) gift(1) glbt(1) high school(1) how-to(1) lesbian(1) non-fiction(1) Queer(1) (1), 2002 reads(1) adult fiction(1) angels(1) books by friends(1) Box 25(1) contemporary fantasy(1) Dark Fantasy(2) fantasy(6) Feb 11(1) fiction(11) Finished Reading(1) friends(1) g(1) ghost busters(1) horror(12) magic(1) mass market pb(1) mystery(1) n(1) nove (1), 20th Century(6) 20th century fiction(3) american(9) Cornwell(11) cover(3) Crime(78) crime fiction(25) Detective(7) Dr. Kay Scarpetta(4) fbi(7) Fiction(166) first edition(7) forensic mystery(5) forensic pathology(5) forensic science(6) forensics(53) hardco (1), 20th century(45) alcoholism(38) america(15) american(21) audiobook(13) autobiographical(12) autobiography(357) biography(378) Catholic(14) catholicism(23) childhood(62) Coming of Age(13) family(57) favorites(11) fiction(208) frank mccourt(39) hardcover(13 (1), 2004(29) 2005(20) 2006(21) action(51) Adult(19) adventure(137) American(23) art(67) borrowed(24) brown(47) Catholic(23) Catholic church(62) catholicism(58) Christianity(48) church(20) conspiracy(151) contemporary(22) contemporary fiction(21) crime(44) dan (1), 641) Historical Fiction(45) history(69) Illuminati(146) italy(66) murder(41) mystery(628) novel(150) own(84) owned(21) paperback(39) pope(34) Read(246) religion(325) religious(26) Religious fiction(34) Robert Langdon(78) roman(21) Rome(99) science(37) sec (1), *(1) amy brown(5) angels(1) any brown(1) art(31) art book(5) Art Fantasy(1) Beautiful(1) Bookshelf 1(1) charles de lint(1) Charles De Lint (Intro)(1) color(1) dragons(1) elves(1) fae(2) faerie(8) faery art(1) fairies(15) Fairy Art(1) fantasy(13) fantasy a (1), 2003(3) 2004(5) American(6) American crime(3) Cornwell(11) crime(63) crime fiction(19) detective(6) fbi(4) fiction(145) first edition(6) forensic mystery(4) forensic pathology(7) forensic science(5) forensics(51) Gerichtsmedizin(3) hardcover(3) hc(6) kay (1), 576(1) already read(1) blood brothers(1) box 1(1) Box 23(1) box 6(1) box_01(1) Brian Horror paperback(1) Brian Lumley(2) cold war(1) english(1) fa(1) fantasy(2) feb 18(1) Fiction(9) genre fiction(1) ghosts(1) half price books(1) Hers(1) Horror(37) Keogh(1 (1), anthology(2) fiction(4) hades(1) horror(4) own(1) print(1) read(1) sci-fi(1) short stories(2) (1), 2008(1) fiction(2) historical(1) historical fiction(1) June 2008(1) lesbian(4) Library(1) minnesota author(1) Request(1) romance(2) selco auther series(1) sequels(1) series(1) signed(1) time travel(2) (1), 20th Century(3) 4(3) adult(3) American(10) American crime(3) audiobook(2) Cornwell(11) coroners(4) crime(78) Crime fiction(30) death(2) Detective(10) Dr. Kay Scarpetta(3) fbi(5) fiction(177) forensic fiction(2) forensic mystery(6) forensic pathology(3) fo (1), 18th century(7) american(4) American literature(4) anne rice(17) bisexuality(2) castrati(37) castration(4) contemporary literature(2) erotica(4) fantasy(25) fiction(188) gay(11) Gay Romance(3) general fiction(2) glbt(5) hardcover(3) historical(27) histori (1), 1980s(3) American(8) American Fiction(3) American Literature(4) animal(3) animals(10) banned(6) castle rock(6) Contemporary Fiction(2) cujo(3) Death(4) dogs(60) Drama(3) Epouvante(3) f(3) family(3) fantasy(3) fiction(255) finished(3) genre writing(3) Hard (1), 2004(43) 2006(42) action(64) adventure(174) American(57) art(257) Art History(42) borrowed(43) Brown(45) Catholic Church(91) catholicism(72) Christianity(180) church(40) codes(40) conspiracy(265) contemporary(43) contemporary fiction(57) crime(85) da vinc (1), 931) France(107) grail(219) hardcover(45) historical fiction(122) History(141) jesus(83) leonardo da vinci(68) Louvre(47) mary magdalene(99) movie(84) murder(55) mystery(1 (1), 229) novel(359) opus dei(64) own(138) paris(112) Popular(41) read(412) Religion(654) Religious(44) Robert Langdon(65) secret societies(46) suspense(393) Thriller(898) unread(58) (1), 20th Century(3) ai ai cthulhu ftagn(1) American fiction(2) American Literature(3) anthology(14) Arkham(3) arkham house(5) box 1(1) classic(2) classic horror(2) classic literature(1) collection(10) cthulhu(19) cthulhu mythos(21) english(3) Fantastique(5) f (1), fiction(1) in process(1) lesbian(5) paranormal(1) romance(1) (1), About Fiction(1) books about books(1) cornwell(1) crime(2) encyclopedia(1) first edition(1) forensics(2) literary companion(1) mystery(3) (1), 20th Century(4) adult(3) American(7) American Literature(5) authors(2) Castle Rock(9) doppelganger(4) Epouvante(4) fantasy(14) favorite author(3) fiction(287) film(3) first edition(5) hardcover(18) hb(5) hc(4) Horror(420) Horror fiction(7) King(27) librar (1), 1p(1) 2003 reads(1) a pb o/o(1) American(1) b2(1) chick lit(1) confirmed(1) dnf(1) family(1) fiction(5) gf(1) Maine Contemporary(1) mystery(5) mystery/Thriller(1) not in library(1) oralia(1) own(2) Paperback(1) pbnr(1) romance(5) Romantic Suspense(5) Sala (1), anwältin(1) arc(1) Buy(1) Fiction(4) Mary Crow series#2(1) Mooched(1) mystery(6) mystery/Thriller(1) r(1) Released(1) thriller(1) thriller/detective(1) traded(1) usa(1) (1), 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) booksfree(1) Christine: Not Read(1) Crime Fiction(1) Dead(1) Dead Series(3) easy suspense(1) fbi(1) Fiction(4) fun(1) Heather: Not Read(1) HRY/Series: Dead(1) Julie: Not Read(1) kimberlycastoro(1) Location: Heather(1) Mariah Stewart(1) mmpb (1), 20th century(5) 20th century fiction(3) adult(3) american(10) american fiction(3) American literature(5) Banned(4) Castle Rock(8) clairvoyance(3) coma(5) esp(7) fantasy(12) fiction(295) hardcover(8) hb(3) horror(426) Horror fiction(5) isbn(3) king(34) mad (1), 2005(1) 2007(1) 20th century(1) 21st century literature(1) a(2) Alex Cooper(6) alex cooper series(1) alexandra cooper(7) Alexandra Cooper #4(1) alexandra cooper crime mystery(1) Alexandra Cooper Staatsanwältin(2) arc(2) Audio(1) Book(2) category:book(1) (1), diversity/inclusion (1), Fairies & Fairy-Folk (1), fiction(2) gay/lesbian(1) lesbian(2) Permanent Collection(1) (1), @relationships-leadership(1) @sets/collections(1) business(1) File #3 PH(1) Idiots Guide(1) Leadership(4) management(3) psychology(1) Reference(1) relationships(1) self improvement(1) Self-help(1) (1), already read(1) blood brothers(1) box 24(1) box 9(1) box_01(1) Brian Lumley(1) cold war(1) english(1) fantasy(1) feb 18(1) fiction(10) genre fiction(1) ghost busters(1) half price books(1) Hers(1) horror(35) Keogh(1) Lumley-Necroscope - 15(1) Lumley-necro (1), Canine(1) Colorado(4) dogs(2) guide(1) Hiking(1) library(1) maps(1) Pets(1) photography(1) regional(1) Travel(3) (1), YA Fantasy (1), 09/2007(2) American(5) borrowed(2) Cornwell(12) coroners(2) crime(71) crime and mystery(3) crime fiction(31) detective(10) fbi(5) fiction(153) forensic mystery(4) forensic pathologist(2) forensic pathology(5) forensic science(3) forensics(49) kay scarpett (1), 2000(2) Amelia Sachs(6) American(4) American crime(2) b4(2) crime(38) Crime Fiction(9) crime thriller(4) Deaver(4) detective(15) ebook(2) fiction(101) first shelf(2) forensic mystery(3) forensic science(4) forensics(27) good(2) horror(7) lincoln rhyme(49) (1), department of defense(1) manual(1) non-fiction(1) reference(1) war(1) weapons(1) (1), 5/21/06(1) a(1) actors(1) African American Non-Fiction(1) African-American(3) american author(1) anobii(1) audio(1) audiobook(1) autobiographical(1) autobiography(10) b2s1(1) Biography(8) biography/autobiography(1) black(1) box 6(1) cassette(1) cinema(1) (1), 0122 pages(1) Adam(1) bb8(1) Bible(1) Bible study(1) biblical(1) box 1(1) Chatham(1) christianity(1) dark goddesses(1) demonology(2) divine feminine(1) Femine(1) Feminism(3) fiction(1) folklore(1) gender studies(2) goddess(8) goddesses(1) Hebrew mythology (1), 2007(2) 2008(6) Audiobook(2) Autopsey(1) Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh(2) Charleston(4) cornwell(4) crime(15) Crime Fiction(6) detective(3) Dr. Self(2) Fiction(52) First Edition(3) forensic pathologist(3) Forensic pathologists(2) forensic pathology(4) fo (1), 1938(2) 20th century(1) 2nd edition(1) aitken(1) american(1) anthology(2) beacon(1) Books To Pry From My Cold Dead Fingers(1) buddha(3) buddhism(34) Buddhism collection(2) buddhism toread(1) Buddhism>Mahayana(1) Buddhist scripture(1) china(1) eastern reli (1), 1999(3) 20th century(3) American(7) American crime(3) Book 7(3) Cornwell(13) crime(69) Crime Fiction(25) detective(8) detective story(3) fbi(6) fiction(163) forensic mystery(3) forensic pathology(3) forensic science(3) forensics(49) Gerichtsmedizin(3) har (1), *Reference(1) 1980s(1) 2nd(1) @of2(1) bc11(1) Belief(1) cartomancy(1) dictionary(1) divination(21) Eden Gray(1) faith(1) fortune telling(5) games(1) gothic(1) gothic/horror/occult(1) handbook(1) have(1) home(1) How-To(1) instructional(1) isbn(3) lr(1) mag (1), (25) 20th century(29) adventure(61) allegory(149) Animals(22) anthology(25) aslan(52) british(45) C.S. Lewis(151) children(234) children's(377) children's books(32) children's fiction(64) children's literature(160) christian(124) Christian fiction(51) Chr (1), 682) favorite(31) favorites(27) fiction(1 (1), 119) Inklings(31) juvenile(29) kids(36) lewis(51) literature(83) magic(77) Narnia(264) novel(69) Omnibus(28) own(84) Owned(23) paperback(29) read(151) religion(120) religious(24) series(122) unread(51) ya(61) young adult(139) youth(32) (1), 20th century(13) adventure(19) Alexandre Dumas(9) bibliomystery(7) bibliophile(9) bibliophilia(8) Book collecting(7) books(47) books about books(31) contemporary(8) contemporary fiction(8) crime(16) devil(10) Devil Worship(6) Dumas(30) fantasy(15) favorit (1), "lincoln rhyme" thriller(2) 2007(2) Amelia Sachs(6) American(3) American crime(2) arc(2) Book 2(2) Bookshelf(2) Borrowed(2) crime(33) crime fiction(6) crime thriller(2) Deaver(2) detective(12) ebook(2) fiction(68) Forensic Science(3) forensics(15) home(3) (1), 19th century(20) 20th century(23) america(23) american(56) American Civil War(69) American Fiction(23) American literature(19) american south(13) Appalachia(18) book club(8) civil war(409) Civil War fiction(13) contemporary(15) Contemporary fiction(23) fa (1), apparitions(1) ghost hunters(1) Ghosts(2) haunted house(1) library(1) non-fiction(1) Nonspecific region(1) Paranormal(1) wishlist(1) Woo-Woo(1) (1), b(1) Barbara(1) bf(1) books8(1) box 25(1) cartomancy(1) Divination(5) elizabeth(1) esoterica(2) fortune telling(1) guidebook(1) how-to(1) metaphysics(1) mythology(1) new age(2) non-fiction(3) Occult(5) Occultism(1) oracles(1) own(2) Priority Low(1) read(1 (1), Dream Analysis (1), lesbian love stories (1), Dream interpretation (1), dreams (1), sexuality (1), medical (1), Gay (1), poetry (1), family issues (1), dreaming (1), servitude (1), mythology and fairy tales (1), sex (1), sexy (1), royalty (1), poems (1), metaphysical (1), hunting (1), bay area (1), servants (1), rebellion (1), stories (1), queer (1), classics (1), adventure (1), paperback (1), favorites (1), friendship (1), sf (1), classic (1), contemporary (1), magick (1), smut (1), love (1), abuse (1), first novel (1), divination (1), non-fiction (1), adaptation (1), depression (1), feminism (1), Lesbian (1), gay/lesbian (1), Survival (1), tales (1), Hazardous Materials (1), Incident Command System (1), Dangerous Goods (1), Lesbian Romance (1), lesbianism (1), bad (1), Cinderella (1), young adult fiction (1), gay (1), fantasy fiction (1), death (1), first edition (1), lgbtq (1), Legend/Mythology (1), magic (1), Fiction (1), Dictionary (1), gay fiction (1), Emergency Response (1), fairy tales retold (1), gender bending (1), MA (1), mothers and daughters (1), hunt (1), how-to (1), true stories (1), gay issues (1), Chinese-American Literature (1), strong heroine (1), 2009 (1), interpretation (1), halloween (1), young adult (1), Bella (1), First Aid (1), lyrical writing (1), classical (1), dream dictionary (1), October 2009 (1)
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Apr 14, 2007
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About My Library
My library tends to mimic my life. I read about things that I tend to have a personal connection with, or I have a vast want of information on. Fiction tends to be my focal point right now. It maybe a small collection but its a start right. My goal is to have floor to ceiling bookshelves full.

About Me
I grew up with a great love of reading. I attribute this to my mom, who taught that reading could be such a great past time. I read mostly for enjoyment but sometimes I do read for work. But being in law enforcement, I got to say training manuals aren't all they are cracked up to be. Like most people (I'm finding this out the older I get) I tend to have multiple books going on at once. And a ton of books I wished I had.

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