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About My Library
My library is never complete. Growing up with bibliophilic parents has taught me one very important lesson: there can never be too many books. I have rarely met a genre I didn't like, but medieval literature, fantasy and linguistics each have a special place in my heart. Even so, I can be a rather picky reader. As a linguist, I also tend to collect a variety of books in a variety of languages.

11/18 - There are two general themes to the nonfiction book in my library: Mediaeval studies and Japanese linguistics. For Mediaeval studies, I am particularly interested in the history, language and culture of the British Isles and Scandinavia (and France as it relates to the former two). My Japanese library is now expanding to include more fiction.

11/2018 - I am still working on inventorying our entire collection, and have completed all of the books that have been unpacked. After several trans continental/oceanic moves however, and a good part of the collection still remains to be unpacked. Once finished I want to complete some collections, exchange some books for other editions and, finally, weed out books we no longer want. Extra space will, of course, be filled with more books. Due to all the shuffling, my library will look a bit of a mess and for this, I apologise.

TAGS: I use tags to track specific series from one publisher. This helps keep my collections manageable.

COLLECTIONS: I use collections a bit differently. Here's the breakdown:

My Library - These are books that I currently own and plan to keep. Books in this collection may be on the list for a different edition, but until I have the other edition in hand, these books are here to stay.

Sell/Swap - Owned, but have been removed from the "My Library" collection. I'm getting rid of these on Bookmooch/PBS or selling on Amazon. If you see something on here and are just dying to have it, let me know.

Films, Read in 2016, Private, 日本語 - How to meddle in the affairs of wizards and laugh at live dragons. Seriously, these are just what they sound like :) Soon I will also be adding a music collection, but the books must come first.

Just Added - Temporary collection while I am inventorying the library. I use the iPhone scanner to put everything in here and then sort it later. Will go away soon.

Read but Unowned - Generally if I read a book, I own it. This collection is either for books that I read, don't want to keep, but do not want to delete from LibraryThing. This would include books that I have written reviews for and do not want the reviews deleted if the book is removed from the library. Or, books here actually are books that I've read and don't own. The few books that I have read, but don't own are also added to my Wishlist.

Favorites - I'm still trying to decide how I'm going to use this collection, since tracking favourites is really not high on my list of priorities. For the most part, I only keep books that I like or that have an academic/research purpose to them. It could be argued that I could put the majority of my library into this collection. NOTE 04/16 - I may eventually use this collection for books that I want to keep in the library but that are in very poor condition. The goal will be to get these swapped/replaced over time.

Currently Reading - Not always up to date, but I try to put up a sampling of what I'm currently working on.

To Read - Reading list. Ideally this is my priority "to reads". But honestly, I don't use this collection much and am thinking of another way to use it.

Wishlist - A note about this collection: My library is a combined library with my family. Because if this, I've added a couple of sub "wish lists" so that I can keep everything straight on what people want.

Series Collections - A note about specific series: These are series of books that I am trying to collect (most of them in their entirety). I use these collections for tracking purposes. Most of these series remain in my range of interest however some do not. For academic purposes I tend to focus my interest to Britain and Scandinavia prior to 1485.

Series focused on history/literature/archaeology/linguistics whose books extend beyond 1485, give or take a few years, will usually stop somewhere at or around this date. All this to say, don't necessarily assume that a collection in my library represents an entire series.

Harvard Classics Collection - These include all of the Loeb Classics Library, I Tatti Renaissance Library and Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library. My goal is to convert most of my classics library to this series. This collection shows me which I have and which I still need to add.

MART/METS/Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature/Middle Ages Series/Records of Western Civilization/York Medieval/Yale English Monarchs/(Brill) Northern World/Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon England/Cambridge Centre for Anglo-Saxon England/Studies in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland/Brepolis Pub - These are collections that I am tracking and trying to collect. Again, this is for tracking purposes.

Children's Books - Currently, these are children's books that I want to add to my collection. Eventually it will include all the children's/youth/YA books currently in my library once I get everything online.

Mysteries - Most of these are my mother's collection/wishlist.
About Me
Tree hugging nomadic life form with a penchant for books and curious things.

Having spent my formative years living and traveling in Europe, North America and Asia, I am a wanderer at heart. For some reason I have a proclivity towards many and unusual interests including long bow archery, martial arts, pre-Renaissance literature, medieval history, trees, drawing, Japanese kanji, and writing pen and paper letters to friends around the world. I also tend to collect random things. Books, swords, longbows, art supplies and postage stamps.

House: Ravenclaw.
Patronus : Snowy Owl
Wand : Yew wood with a Dragon heartstring core 9 ¾" and Slightly Springy flexibility
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