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About My Library
A very eclectic mix of many things: gardening, fantasy, m/m romance, photography, travel, non-fiction, cooking, how to make teddy bears, art, jewelry making... I work literally in a cave of books. I don't have too many books, I don't have enough bookcases! I am thankful for eBooks, because otherwise it would be much, much worse. I was a holdout on ebooks for a long time, but now I'm glad I have an eReader (or rather, an app on my phone, since that seems to be what I read on most these days) as many of the books I read are only available as eBooks.
About Me
People are hard to define. I am an author, artsy, musical, creative type of person who grew up around books. We may not have always had furniture--I had a somewhat unconventional childhood--but we always had books. And usually cinder-blocks and boards. You know, as I get older, and bookcases heavier, that's not such a bad idea. You could use those nice glass blocks instead, although the cinder-blocks did make cool parking garages for toy cars. The glass would make for better interior lighting, however.
Pacific Northwest, USA
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