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La escapada by William Faulkner

La escapada (original 1962; edition 1997)

by William Faulkner

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  atman2019 | Nov 9, 2020 |
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The Reivers is a book that could work better as a coming of age as an odyssey rather than a comedy piece. The pacing is slow, dragged out, resembling Light in August and the misadventures in it. And like that book, the struggles and relationship of the main cast is immensely interesting. Faulkner really knows how to write such simple but characteristic characters. The issue is that, since this book is written from the perspective of the characters alone, the serious nature of the narrative tone hinders the comic value. As such, this book simply does not work as intended, with the potential highs brought by Faulkner's powerful insights left aside in favor of a kind of humor that just did not catch on with me. ( )
  _takechiya | Nov 29, 2023 |
Interesting, with some funny, near slapstick parts, but lots of complex plot sections that weren't engaging enough to unravel. ( )
  lschiff | Sep 24, 2023 |
Faulkner is hard for me to understand. ( )
  mykl-s | Aug 12, 2023 |
Ezt a regényt a szerző jókedvében teremtette. Azt hiszem, ebből a műből válik nyilvánvalóvá, hogy Faulkner szerette azt a mélydélt, aminek csúfságába oly sokszor nyomta bele az orrunkat. Karosszék-regény ez a felnőtté válásról, nagypapa szájába adva, egy hosszú mese a soha-vissza-nem-térő múltról – az eltűnt idő az eszköz, ami megteremti a könyv finom nosztalgikus alaptónusát. A legkönnyebben feldolgozható Faulkner-írások egyike, talán mert nem a biblikus atmoszférához nyúl vissza, hanem Huckleberry Finn-hez: épp csak annyi balladai homály van benne, hogy elmélyítse a mese mágikus realitását. Mert ez végtére is mese, mégpedig meghökkentően szép kópémese ellopott autóról, ellopott lóról, bordélyházról – és részben pont az a meghökkentő, hogy Faulkner ezekben a dolgokban is megtalálja a szépséget. Belenyúl a sűrűjébe, gumikesztyű nélkül, kiemel valamit, és láss csodát: csillog. Mert úgy fest, Faulkner ehhez is ért. Nem úgy zseniális, mint mondjuk a Fiam, Absolom! – hanem máshogy. De éppúgy zseniális. ( )
  Kuszma | Jul 2, 2022 |
I figure if I am going to 3-star a Pulitzer Prize winning Faulkner novel I’ve got some ‘splainin to do.

I have a checkered history with picaresque novels. I could not finish Don Quixote but The Adventures of Augie Marsh is one of my favorite books. I loved The Goldfinch but Kim almost turned me off reading forever. It’s a tricky balancing act creating over-the-top stories that are not irritating and that line is in a different place for every reader. Perhaps the best-known American master of the picaresque novel is Mark Twain, and from the moment this book started Twain was all I could think of. If I had read this book without attribution and was asked to guess the author I would not have thought twice before naming Mr. Clemens. I have a bit of a love-hate thing going with Twain as well. I love Huck Finn, and have read it half a dozen times, including two reads with my child. I neither love nor hate Tom Sawyer (which I had 4-starred here on GR, but that is inaccurate) and I despised Pudd’nhead Wilson. Pudd’nhead is the first book I can recall hurling against the wall when it was assigned in my 1st year lit class. This book had elements of all three of those books, and in the end my heart tells me this is a weak 3-star. I would be remiss if I did not mention another book it held a VERY strong resemblance to – Amor Towles The Lincoln Highway was the Northeastern version of this Mississippi tale. My friends who did not like that book, (I actually did, though I did not adore it) you ought to steer clear of this one.

The very basic outline of the story is strong. Our band of merry reivers includes a buffoon (Boon), a resourceful black man (Ned, who was part of the same family as the white characters but this is Mississippi in the early 20th so black and white people being part of the same family meant something different from what it would now), and 11 year old Lucious Priest, (which is a fine name!) who was left in their care while his parents attend a funeral. The reivers steal a car, sell it for a horse, hang out in a brothel where they make friends aplenty, somehow get the horse to another town where they race the horse using questionable tactics, and get the car back. This is Faulkner’s last book (the Pulitzer was awarded posthumously) and it mostly reads like the ramblings of an old man. Faulkner was only 63 when he finished this book but he sounds like celebrated old crank Andy Rooney. Here we have Faulkner recalling a moment when the world began to change from horses to cars and trains. He is telling that story of change 40 years later as the country lives through another seismic shift. This is written immediately in the wake of the decision in Brown v. Board of Education and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and at a time when Kennedy was in the White House. Faulkner would have heard that MLK was championing the Second Emancipation Proclamation and would have watched peaceful marchers attacked by police in segregated Albany GA (we say Al-Binny down south btw.) Perhaps most impactful, he likely watched out his office window when riots erupted on the campus of Ole’ Miss when snarling white folks fought to block James Meredith, a black Air Force veteran, from attending classes.

I think Faulkner was a relatively good man (well, he prodigiously and publicly cheated on his wife, but I don’t judge) who knew he was wrong in opposing desegregation. I believe he publicly said something along the lines of it being a good idea that should not be forced. I expect as he was watching the racist melee out of his office window at Ole Miss he had some feelings to work through. He saw the parallel, the fear of change that to him was reminiscent of the resistance to the necessary changes wrought by the industrial/automotive age he saw as a boy. I suspect for all his “go slow” public statements about desegregation he knew that without force we would never see desegregation. I think I see what he was doing here, and it is intended to be a noble thing. But the book still didn’t work for me. The fact that this, his last novel, showed nostalgia for travel by horse is ironic in light of the fact that his death immediately after finishing the book was caused by injuries sustained after a fall from a horse. Resist change at your peril.

A couple notes: I am a Faulkner fan. I really love his books I have read from the 20s and 30’s but I don't connect with Yoknapatawpha County and I don't think his stabs at the comic novel worked. I was not crazy about this, and I stopped reading Wild Palms after perhaps 25 pages because it didn’t work for me. Also, the N-word is tossed around casually and frequently here, and the black characters are portrayed in stereotypical ways for the most part - they really know how to party and are content to live lives in the shadow of the white folks who have so much less fun than they do. Women fare no better, though he acknowledges that most all of the women's lives are made worse by men. Mostly the women we spend time with are hookers with hearts of gold and deep desires to do men’s laundry and have sex with other men to get their chosen men out of trouble. No question it is offensive, at least to me. That said, I imagine it reflects his memory of how white people thought and talked in the early 20th in Mississippi, and I expect it was not a wholly inaccurate recollection. Faulkner certainly had more information to work with than I when he made these choices.

Okay, I will shut up now. Hopefully, this is enough to let you know if you should read this one. ( )
  Narshkite | Jun 15, 2022 |
This book is fairly straightforward for Faulkner and has lots of humorous picaresque moments. It basically involves the misadventures of a youth and two stablehands (one white, one black) who steal a car and drive to Memphis for some fun. ( )
  stevepilsner | Jan 3, 2022 |
Finally, another Pulitzer-Prize winning book I enjoyed. Immensely. The Reivers is, like The Great Gatsby and All The Kings Men, a good story made great by the manner of its telling. Faulkner lets you think this is just the story of Lucius Priest, an eleven year old boy who acquiesces to borrowing his grandfather's automobile to go joy-riding with his father's hired hand Boon. That their eighty mile journey from Jefferson, Mississippi to Memphis will end up nothing more than an entertaining tale laughingly remembered. Then Ned happens. And keeps happening. First appearing as an innocent stowaway who "got just as much right to a trip as [Boon] and Lucius," Ned will embroil them all in a hare-brained scheme involving a "borrowed" horse that doesn't know how to run a race. Over the course of four days, Boon and Ned will, through their personal lives, provide Lucius an introduction to the chaotic adult world of love and lies and compromise and honor.

Written in Faulkner's unmistakable style that is simultaneously educated and everyday, The Reivers is a clash of idiocy and wisdom set in 1905 America, when a car on the road caused people to stop and watch it drive by. You will laugh out loud at the surprises Faulkner springs on you, and shake your head as Ned's attempts to disentangle Lucius, Boon and himself from the mess he has created only lead to more trouble. Through the book's details you appreciate how far we have advanced, both technologically and socially, regardless of how much we can still improve. And in the end Lucius, though still eleven and not a man, will no longer be a child.

A less-serious book than Faulkner's better known works such as The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying, The Reivers is nonetheless equally worth reading. ( )
  skavlanj | Jan 13, 2021 |
comedic tale of men and boys on spree
  ritaer | Jul 5, 2020 |
The English Dictionary describes a ‘reiver’ as a plundering raider. In this comical novel by Faulkner, an eleven-year old boy Lucius Priest, son of a well to do business man from a small town in Tennessee, is looking for adventure and inadvertently becomes a reiver.

We’ve all done things in our childhood we regret. And perhaps back in 1905 the opportunity to get in trouble was not as easily at one’s disposal as today. But I can imagine for children of that era if the occasion presented itself the temptation might be overwhelming. Lucius, along with the black family coachman Ned McCaslin, and Boon Hogganbeck- a half American Indian and chauffeur for Lucius’s grandfather steal Boss’s car and head for Memphis. Grandpa Priest is referred to as Boss by everyone, including Lucius. They figure they have 4 days to enjoy an adventure while Lucius’s parents along with the Boss and Grandma are out of town for a funeral.

There are only 2 cars in the entire town and the roads are merely dirt paths tamped down by horses and buggies, rutted, and overgrown with weeds. But that is all part of the adventure. I will not spoil the plot but will say they do make it to Memphis and are put up at Miss Reba’s house of ill repute. Ned trades the car for a race horse, and plots to win tons of money and then get the car back. Lucius is chosen to be the jockey.

One fiasco leads to another and during the course of the plot Lucius learns way too much about far too many adult activities.

I can’t imagine what audience Faulkner was _targeting in "The Reivers". It is certainly not suitable for a young boy to read although that is who would enjoy it the most. It’s a preposterous plot. The dialogue seems quite authentic but the writing style leaves a lot to be desired. Faulkner offers strong character development and plenty of details about the turn of the century customs and attitudes, but much of the information is passé, such as how to dig an automobile out of a river, and the minute details about how a mule and horse think and behave.

"The Reivers" was published in 1962. It won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and was made into a movie a few years later starring Steve McQueen in the award-winning role as Boon. ( )
  LadyLo | Oct 19, 2019 |
In The Reivers, Lucius Priest, a man now in his mid-sixties, looks back on a memorable four-day period in his life when he was 11 years old and the 20th century was younger still. Grandson of a wealthy lawyer and landowner in rural Mississippi, Lucius has been raised to understand where to draw the line between Virtue and Non-Virtue. However, when his grandfather acquires the first automobile in the county, Lucius gets drawn into a convoluted journey plotted by Boon, a poor white man who works for the family, and Ned, a black man distantly related to the Priest clan, that involves stealing the car and driving it to Memphis, some 80 miles distant, for a mysterious purpose.

While on the trip, Lucius encounters a number of people and situations that greatly expand what up until then had been a rather limited view of world. A partial list of his activities during the weekend jaunt includes staying in a whorehouse, getting in a fight over the honor of a prostitute, being part of a scheme to steal a racehorse, serving as a jockey in the subsequent stakes race, lying to and evading the law, and meeting some of the worst people he has ever known. To say the least, the whole experience is one that he will never forget as well as one that indelibly shapes his future, which makes the whole tale a sweet and poignant coming-of-age story.

This was the last novel that Faulkner wrote in his long, celebrated career; in fact, it was published just a month or so before he died and about a year before the book received a posthumous Pulitzer Prize. It is also the most straightforward and accessible of the author’s novels (compared to the other ones I have read, at least) which has caused some critics to relegate it to the status as a “lesser work”. That may be the case—The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying are truly amazing—but it should be said that The Reivers is really great storytelling with some wonderfully drawn scenes and memorable characters. Beyond that, it is a very funny book that has the ability to both engage and charm the reader. To paraphrase an old saying, they just don’t write them like this anymore! ( )
  browner56 | Oct 10, 2018 |
You have to be brave, foolhardy, or just a plain old idiot to say bad things about a classic – particularly a Pulitzer Prize winner. Apparently, I am about to join the ranks of the brave, the foolhardy, or the idiotic (probably the latter) because I am about to talk about why I had trouble getting into The Reivers.

Before I take on that not-so-newly-acquired mantle (many have accused me of idiocy in the past), let me explain that I came to this book from a good place. While I have read only three of Faulkner’s novels, I am a fan. (I still find myself, at the oddest times, revisiting The Sound and the Fury in my mind.) Even the one book that was a disappointment was still better than most anything else we find ourselves reading.

But, with this book, I am again disappointed…a little.

First, let’s talk about the writing style. The narrator is Lucius Priest and he is telling the story of a boyhood adventure. So, we are awash in a combined vernacular of the rural south and an old man. Of course, Faulkner is a master of the style – in particular, of the various Southern speech patterns – and if you read Faulkner expecting something a little more proper, then you should just take the detour to something else right now. But in this instance – in the telling of what is a straightforward story – this seems to get in the way of that story. Eventually, I was able to read past this style – succumbing to the flavor rather than running aground on the actual words – but the problem was never far from evident. (In particular, I was driven crazy by the “word-asides”, a term I made up because I don’t know what else to call them. Constantly, the narrator says something to the effect of “he [that is Boon and I]” or “we [I mean just Boon].” This device of the old man clearing up his pronouns as he tells the stories gets old and in the way.

And my other issue is that this seems to be meant to be a rollicking tale. Lucius, Boon (a family friend and employee of Lucius’ grandfather), and Ned (a black man who also works for the grandfather) steal the grandfather’s car and travel to Memphis where they get involved in a horse race intended to win back the car and an extra horse to boot. It is a madcap adventure with travels through muddy back roads, a house of ill repute, ladies of the evening who are redeemed (and others who are not), and a grand old time being had by all. But, for me, it doesn’t rollick. It is a good story. But it gets buried in its attempts to have a good time. And, ultimately, it may be that age has worn off the veneer of humor and good times that was meant to be portrayed.

All of this distracts from what is a very moving story. I hate the phrase, but I have no other way to put it – this is a coming of age story. And that “coming of age” stuff sneaks up on you. Lucius grows up very fast, and yet, at the end, is still a boy. And that is exactly what happens to all of us. We grow up in spurts and we often grow past the age we really are.

The humanity of this part of the story stands in stark contrast to the “fun” of the story. And it is meant to do that. It is exactly the effect that was intended.

At this, the novel succeeds.

It would have been very easy for me to dismiss what was being said or even just give up because I wasn’t getting into the flow. But I would have been poorer by having succumbed to the urge flee. And, while I never bought into all the vernacular and the rollickingness of the good times, I still believed in and felt for Lucius.

And that is the mark of a really good author. ( )
  figre | Feb 11, 2018 |
This novel has lots of action, but the story is not so well crafted, making it more of a whirlwind of random events that don't integrate into a very coherent story. ( )
  JBarringer | Dec 30, 2017 |
In this Pulitzer Prize winning novel, 11 year old Lucas Priest is talked into stealing his grandpa's car by his family friend Boon Hogganbeck. One of the Priest family retainers manages to sneak into the car and comes along for the ride. The trio make their way to Memphis, where Boon has a girl he'd like to court. Along the way, they lose the car, gain a racehorse, and generally get in trouble.

This is supposed to be one of Faulkner's more light-hearted and easy-to-read books, and I agree with that assessment. Despite its serious topic, it has a subtle humor throughout. The plot tends to be pretty loose and easy to follow. The characters are strong and endearing. Overall, I found the book quite enjoyable and am pleased that I chose this Faulkner book to read, rather that one of his heavier books. I do want to read his heavier books, but sometimes it's nice just to read something light-hearted by one of the best American authors. ( )
  The_Hibernator | Mar 11, 2016 |
This is definitely one of Faulkner's most accessible books and a good one to start with if you've never read him before.

Lucius's reflections on the whole incident were the best part of the novel. The way Faulkner explained how he learned and grew from the whole thing was excellent. I also have to love that Ned turned out to have everything totally under control the whole time. It makes Boon seem that much dumber, and it provides a nice commentary on racism. ( )
  AmandaL. | Jan 16, 2016 |
I'm feeling a huge sense of accomplishment after finishing my first book by William Faulkner. It took me a bit to get into The Reivers, but once I got into the rhythm of the language and the story started moving forward, I was hooked.

I was most impressed by Faulkner's observations and his ability to put small details into words that startled me with their precision and insight. There were many times that I was pulled out of the story to re-read a sentence that demanded attention. This can be distracting, but in this book, the sentences were so beautifully crafted that it seemed as if Faulkner was trying to keep the story from getting in the way of the finely honed sentences.

I also loved the characters that Faulkner created. Reivers is another word for the thieves, and the thieves in this story are 11-year-old Lucius Priest, Boon Hogganbeck (an employee of Lucius's family), and Ned McCaslin, the family's black coachman. They take off for Memphis is Lucius's grandfather's car and soon find themselves in quite a predicament. Faulkner creates a deep and rich picture of each character, making them real, complex, and interesting. The story itself seemed secondary to introducing us to these characters and the zeitgeist of their times. ( )
  porch_reader | Feb 23, 2014 |
ok, I'm officially over my Faulkner phobia. I "had" to read something by him because he's on both the Pulitzer (2 times) and Nobel lists. I started with his last novel, The Reivers, for which he won the Pulitzer in 1963 and I loved it. Set in the very early 20th century in the American South, The Reivers tells the tale of an 11 year old boy who is taken on a trip to Memphis by his grandfather's driver who "borrows" grandfather's car while the boy's parents and grandparents are out of town for a funeral. On the way to Memphis they discover that a black stable hand, Ned, has hidden himself in the car in order to join them on the trip. Once in Memphis complications arise including Ned trading the car for a race horse who has never won and the ensuing scheme to win back the car. The book is suspenseful, funny and a total delight to read.

The only downside to the book for me was personal. I have a very unusual name. I've only met 3 other "Reba's" in my life and have never encountered one in literature...until now. One of the main characters in The Reivers is a madam, named Miss Reba. At least she has a heart of gold :-)

By the way, the fly leaf of the book says that "reive" means "to take away by stealth or force; plunder". ( )
  RebaRelishesReading | Sep 29, 2012 |
The Reivers, written at the end of William Faulkner's life, is a picaresque tale of a young boy's coming of age. There is a certain resemblance to aspects of Huckleberry Finn in the adventures and friendships of young Lucius Priest. Lucius, an eleven year old boy is sensitive and intelligent, but innocent of the rougher side of life and ready for adventure when Boon Hogganbeck, a simple man, and Ned William McCaslin Jefferson Missippi (a Negro referred to as Ned) steal Lucius' grandfather's car and head off for Memphis with Lucius in tow. The presence of cars in this early twentieth-century tale suggests the many changes in society that would occur later in the century. This story seems to be suspended in time, sometimes a time that feels like it never was, except in someone's imagination.
The encounters Lucius has over the next few days are as exciting as those of Huck and they lead him to meditate on his own innocence and its loss. Early on he recognizes this thinking, "You see? I was doing the best I could. My trouble was, the tools I had to use. the innocence and the ignorance: I not only didn't have strength and knowledge, I didn't even have time enough."(p 55) Later in their adventures, after Ned has traded the stolen car for a race horse, Lucius reflects further, "It was too late. Maybe yesterday, while I was still a child, but not now. I knew too much, had seen too much. I was a child no longer now; innocence and childhood were forever lost, forever gone from me."(p 175)

The novel is not all serious moments of reflection like these; for there is the excitement of the horse races, Lucius' friendship with the Corrie, the prostitute, and his experience with the negro old Possum and his family. The adventures, while real for Lucius, seem to exist in a fairy tale world as the fun overshadows any sense of danger. Through it all there are just enough ties to Faulkner's earlier work through genealogy and character (Ned was present in several tales of Go Down, Moses) to make this a fitting bookend to his career. In it you see a mature author brilliantly developing yet another view of a young boy's coming of age. ( )
  jwhenderson | May 27, 2011 |
Scottish for robbers, The Reivers blends a tangle of genealogies - everyone seems to have some blood link to someone else, with a complicated, detail packed plot and lots of run-on, rambling conversations. The Reivers is told from the point of view of eleven year old Lucious Priest. He gets involved in first the theft of Grandfather's automobile, then after running away to Memphis, prostitutes, horse smuggling and the long arm of the law. In the beginning I found plot and dialog cumbersome. It took me several chapters to get into the cadence of Faulkner's writing, but once I settled in and became familiar with his style it was highly enjoyable. ( )
  SeriousGrace | Aug 29, 2009 |
One of my perennial complaints is the dumbing down of reading lists for the summer months. Why must one be merely entertained and not challenged simply because it is warm out.

Well, somehow, I found myself with a Faulkner, usually the height of erudition, that nonetheless qualifies as a 'summer read', and having a rollicking good time with a book that bears more resemblance to Huck Finn with big words than to, say, Light in August or the Sound and the Fury. An 11 year old car thief in a brothel planning a horse race. A horse race that careens out of hand, culminating in double-or-nothing outrageousness. A plot that drives on, passing by the usual Faulknerian detours.

The depth of this work (and it is not devoid) is in the perfection of its tableau of life in north Mississippi and west Tennessee 100 years ago; other Faulkner works challenge that society, plumb its conflicts, and explore its inner workings - the Reivers simply lays it out there with a little chuckle, a little 'heh, heh, heh' (which is the refrain used by Ned, the stablehand lurking in the background as the novel opens but driving the action forward by the end of the book) and a shake of the head. Yes, Faulkner can't resist a bit of philosophizing, and his indelible stamp is indeed on the book's relatively stark though still floriforous language. But the book stays with the action - this is a page turner.

The range of Faulkner's work continues to amaze me, from film scripts to simple short stories to absolute masterworks of fiction. And this, my dears, is Faulkner's 'beach read'. Now, I must go pick up Absalom, Absalom or I'll start to feel guilty as well as amused. ( )
2 vote A_musing | Jul 18, 2009 |
Substance: Less a coming-of-age story than one of pummeling innocence into submission. Of the three main characters, only 11-year-old Lucius retains his honour, if not his ignorance. The machinations of the older boys (one hesitates to call them adults despite their age) are amusing, but unnecessarily convoluted.
Style: Faulkner evokes the time-and-place-and-people convincingly, but confusingly. Chapter 1 would flunk any first-year college student, and at no time do all the family relationships and history come clear.

The movie is more condensed and appealing.

NOTE: "Border Reivers were raiders along the Anglo–Scottish border from the late 13th century to the beginning of the 17th century. Their ranks consisted of both Scottish and English families, and they raided the entire border country without regard to their victims' nationality." (Wikipedia)

Despite the normal rules of pronunciation for English, this word sounds like "reaver," which is an alternate spelling according to some sources. ( )
  librisissimo | Jun 29, 2009 |
A Faulkner novel where everything turns out all right! The white farmhand, the black stableboy, and the grandson of the town's scion steal granddad's precious car, and wind up in a whorehouse in Memphis. Somehow the car is traded for a horse, then the horse must win a race so our protagonists can win back the car. All hell breaks lose when granddad shows up. What's not to love?
  lwobbe | May 31, 2008 |
I disagree with the other reviewer. The plot is not hard to follow it all. In fact, this is one of Faulkner's simplest novels. It's a madcap comedy with lots of hilarious adventures and some good life lessons. This is a good book to introduce yourself to William Faulkner. ( )
  BeaverMeyer | Jul 29, 2007 |
Good plot idea but very hard to follow. ( )
  Kelberts | May 9, 2007 |
  hpryor | Aug 8, 2021 |
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