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Loading... Claimed by Shadow (Cassandra Palmer) (edition 2007)by Karen Chance (Author)Sorry to say the last three Cassandra Palmer books were shadows of themselves. First, and most evident, she needs a native speaking English language editor. There so many typos and misused misplaced words it makes correcting her syntax tiring while reading. Second, somehow Ms. Chance must have recently taken a creative writing class and learned how to "beef up" a good 200 page story to turn it into a highly descriptive (this a a blade of grass, tall, thin, green as the light filtering through the leaves of a tree) 500 page of really stupid narrative to meet her publishers page/word quota. Finally, her stories are good! But because of the above I am so glad the saga is over. Cassie has a whole lot going on... The vamps want to have her under their thumb, the mages want to kill her and get the power to go to one of their choosing, Myra is trying to kill Mircea, the geis is triggered and all over the place... and I haven't even mentioned the fey! Worldbuilding: Sooooo much happened in this instalment. We shifted to many different times (god knows how the Pythia keeps track of who and what!?) but apart from being curious where and when we ended up this time, I never felt confused or lost due to the great descriptions and information I got while reading. As always the author has great attention for details, making it much, much easier for readers to follow the story. Character development: Cassie didn't really have the time to think about all the implications of being the chosen heir for the Pythia, she's too busy saving herself, Mircea or her friends. That said, she rolled with the punches, learning as she went. I had totally forgotten about Mac (this is a re-read) and his tattoos. Such a cool guy :) So it was strange to see him being friends with Pritkin, who was, for once, not trying to kill Cassie (well...ish). While Mircea was in the picture a lot, it was mostly in the 1880s where Cassie had to save his ass from Myra, her evil co-Pythia heir. I have to say though that I liked it that he was so much like his modern self even that long ago, for me it means that he managed not to get jaded (too much) and held on to his core beliefs and principles... go Mircea! (*swoon*) Pacing and flow: Well, there was a lot of action, I don't even know if there was a time where Cassie and the gang couldn't just relax and take a breather (well, okay, that one time, but that doesn't count). So yes, a lot of action! Fortunately, there was a good balance between everything going on and conversations and the transitions felt smooth. The book: The book itself was well written with no (noticeable) errors. There is sex described (if that is important to you). The book is 374 pages long, spread over 15 chapters and from Cassie's POV (point of view). All in all: I'm happy I'm re-reading this series to pick up where I left off since I just can't remember a single thing from this instalment! I loved it! :D Another amazing story by Karen. This second book in the series is a fantastic read, full of magic, mystery, amazing characters, great twists and turns, adventure, excitement and a whole host of other things. I love how well Karen has laid out this world for the readers, as it is so realistic you can actually imagine you are there. This exciting second instalment in the series gives you exiting new developments and leaves you hungering for more. A must read if you enjoy this genre. "4 out of 5 stars, I'm finding that this series is addicting as soon as I put one book down I had to read the next one, especially with all of the cliffhangers that end the books. This one..." Read more of this review and a TEASER here: In book 2 we find Cassie in Hell. Wait, my mistake. She’s at an incubus staffed bar in Dante’s Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas — decorated to look like Hell — surrounded by the 3 Graeae sisters. With war mages coming at her from every direction the Graeae provide the perfect distraction for her to do what she does Because Cassie doesn’t have time to be killed by the people who are supposed to be protecting her. No, she has Tony, the heinous vampire who raised her, and Myra, the murderous rival for the Pythian power, to catch. Only they’re hiding out in Faery, an extremely dangerous place. She also has the little problem — ok, major problem — of the Pythian power pulling her back in time through the centuries to fix who knows what! And this is where Cassie proves how smart she is. With her eyes wide open to all the possibilities, she teams up with Pritkin and his retired war mage buddy Mac. Sure they might kill her or turn her over to the Silver Circle. But the way the Circle is after her that may happen anyway. And who else is she gonna trust, the Senate (vampires)??? I love Mac. He is a fabulous character. He believes in Cassie when no one else does, even herself. He is also a magical tattoo artist which is pretty dang cool. We also get to re-meet some minor characters from book 1 while in Faery and Cassie has more problems added to her to-do list. That list is getting pretty long! What I love about Ms Chance is that every piece of information has a purpose. It’s an Easter egg for later in the book or later in the series. The tiniest details come back around and prove important. Fabulous, intricate writing. And across two series with one timeline!! If you haven’t read the Cassie Palmer and/or Dorina Basarab books you must start now! TW: rape scene (spoiler alert, Cassie saves herself in the nick of time but the scene gets close enough to be traumatic. It is only a few paragraphs and easily skippable without losing important story pieces. Once the roots start ripping off her shorts jump forward 12 paragraphs to avoid.) This book is a fantastic follow on to the fabulous plot and cast of characters found in Touch The Dark. Again Cassie’s unique brand of terrified courage in the face of total chaos provides the backdrop to some of the most intense inter-character relationships I’ve ever seen on paper. Hot and steamy, while totally true, doesn’t begin to cover the depth and detail of emotion packed into every exchange. Another masterpiece to add to this authors accomplishments to date. The complicated relationship between Cassie and John Pritkin has brought me loyally back to this series more times than I can remember, and each time I crack the cover it’s just as good as the first time I picked it up nearly a decade ago. Cassie is hiding out in Vegas. She's on the run from any goons Tony sends as well as a wayward acolyte Myra. She's keeping her things in a skating rink locker and stealing outrageous outfits from casino locker rooms to interrogate Casanova. He used to be Tony's second in command and he might know how to get to him in Faerie. She has to get to Tony before he gets to her. She wants to take him down and she wants the paper weight that currently traps Cassie's father's ghost. She also does not want to be Pythia. Then cruel, annoying Pritkin enters the scene. They may make it to Faerie together, but will they make it in one piece? Claimed by Shadow is all around great. The warmages get a front seat in this novel rather than the vampires. We learn more about the magic within this world by following Pritkin around through the backhalf of the novel. We also get more action scenes, and Chance knows how to write a riveting action scene. Cassie speaks more in this one, I suspect because she's out of the clutches of the vampires. She has more agency all around when she's away from them. In fact, one of the main problems, the geis enchantment placed on Cassie, compounds the vampires' rampant disregard for her agency. I love Claimed by Shadow. I hope you love it too. Sooo cassie's stance of I don't want to be controlled but I don't want to be pythia and I don't want this or that got really annoying she needs to stop whining and just OWN it. she's obviously the best choice for the "job" as she calls it. also Pritkin is soooooooo annoying... I guess i was just annoyed with most of this book Claimed by Shadow 3.5 Stars With various vampires, mages and fae all vying for control of her newly acquired powers, Cassie Palmer is, herself, on the trail of the vampire she holds responsible for the deaths of her parents. To make matters worse, the rival for her abilities is determined to destroy the competition by any means necessary including traveling back in time to dispose of the powerful and sexy master vampire who has always been the one constant in Cassie’s life. ***Warning***: Minor spoilers ahead The action in this installment begins immediately, which is both a good and a bad thing. It is good in the sense that the story is fast paced, but bad as expository information is lacking to the point that it feels as if a novella is missing - it isn’t and the explanations of events in the beginning are forthcoming later in the book. There are some interesting developments in Cassie’s relationships with the various men in her life -Mircea, Pritkin and Tomas. To begin with the Pritkin is one of the more intriguing characters in the series. While he and Cassie are obviously at odds on numerous issues and his reactions to her are aggressive and even violent, it is also clear that they are attracted to one another albeit very reluctantly. It will be interesting to see where Chance takes this. Tomas is the weakest love interest for me. Not only did he The actual plot is a mixed bag. The time travel elements are entertaining and it is interesting to see the social interactions and mores of the European vampires in London of 1888. In fact, these are the best parts of the book. The threads that focus on Myra’s machinations are exciting and action packed although the resolution is anti-climactic - In sum, Claimed by Shadows has its ups and downs, but it is intriguing enough to justify continuing with the series. "Rivendicata dalle tenebre" è il secondo romanzo della saga di Cassandra Palmer, la chiaroveggente dai poteri instabili, amica dei fantasmi e allevata dai vampiri. Un urban fantasy per adulti senza dubbio, dove l'intrigo si mescola perfettamente con il paranormale e qualche accenno di erotico-sentimentale. Una lettura sensuale e adrenalinica. Come nel primo romanzo, lo stile di Karen Chance risulta un po' confusionario e decisamente veloce, nonchè imprevedibile, potendolo definire impetuso e burrascoso, dove gli eventi si avvicendano vorticosamente senza un attimo di tregua portando il lettore e rincorrere i personaggi pagina dopo pagina. Dato che la gran parte dei personaggi e l'ambientazione è stata scrupolosamente descritta in "Toccata dalle tenebre", il romanzo riesce a ingranare immediatamente, gettandoci immediamente negli eventi che ripartono praticamente da una manciata di giorni dopo la fine del precedente romanzo. La Chance, nonostante ciò, non abbandona l'uso snodato dell'infodump ed è piuttosto facile finire catapultati in uno dei lunghi monologhi interiori della protagonista che finisce per assomigliare sempre di più alla "vecchia" Anita Blake dei primi libri della saga di L.K.Hamilton in quanto a sfacciataggine e autoironia; molti avevano riscontrato tale somiglianza nel primo capitolo della saga, decisamente più lungimiranti e attenti. Cassandra Palmen, ventitreenne, si ritrova letteralmente "fra capo e collo" l'immenso potere della precedente Pitia, morta subito dopo averle affidato il potere. Nessuno si sarebbe mai immaginato che la poco dotata Cassandra, allevata dai vampiri e del tutto ignara dei compiti di una Pitia, potesse essere l'erede di un Potere del genere e questo non va assolutamente giù a molta gente, lei per prima. C'è chi vorrebbe manipolarla, chi conquistarne i favori e chi semplicemente ucciderla, come nel caso di Myra, la precedente Sibilla candidata e addestrata al ruolo di Pitia. L'unica alternativa per Cass è scappare da tutti e non fidarsi di nessuno, nemmeno del suo stesso Potere visto che, come la vita stessa le ha insegnato, nulla è gratis e di certo non lo è un potere di quelle dimenzioni. Fra un salto e l'altro nel passato, continui tradimenti e sentimeni contrastanti che continuano a confonderla e irritarla, alla nuova Pitia non resterà che affidarsi all'ultima persona che avrebbe mai preso in considerazione, Pritkin il magio incaricato dal Cerchio di trovarla e ucciderla. Decisamente migliore rispetto al primo romanzo, nonchè più interessante grazie alla centralità assoluta che hanno avuto i "viaggi nel passato" al fine della risoluzione della trama, anche se alcuni elementi sono semplicemente troppo confusi per essere esatti, forse qualche incoerenza dettata dai salti temporali c'è o, molto semplicemente, l'autrice ha ancora degli assi da giocare... Sempre più ricco di personaggi, creature soprannaturali (perfino mitologiche!), poteri e vicende, in questo secondo romanzo l'autrice sembra aver trovato un ritmo migliore e decisamente più delineato diminuendo alcuni dei difetti presenti e rendendo il libro decisamente più interessante e accattivante. Lascia qualche perplessità il titolo che, per quanto azzeccato, risultava sicuramente più gradevole in inglese, mentre la copertina è a tutti gli effetti una delle migliori copertine di adult fantasy fra le ultime uscite. Probabilmente non spiccherà per orginalità ma è senza dubbio elegante, sensuale e misteriosa, adatta al genere e ad un romanzo per adulti! 3.5 I’m just not a time travel fan, so the first part of the book didn’t hold my attention as much as I’d like. There was shifting that seemed almost constant and I had trouble following the storyline due to the almost non-stop action, frantic pace, and not slowing down for me to care about much. Instead of staying excited, I grew bored and tended to skim when yet another shift scene happened that came out of nowhere with information overload to soon follow. The second half grew more interesting as it slowed down to breathe (slightly) and there was some returns of characters from the first book, as well as interesting new ones, and the ending excelled with how she finally becomes Pithia. I’m curious about what is going to happen with the geas and where that’s going to lead the story. It being tied into the dreamy Mircea helps. There must be some rule somewhere that almost any story with fairies, they’re pretty bad and cruel in Urban Fantasy. Billy the ghost is always funny and I’d like the author to explore Cass’s connection with the spirit world in a more in-depth way. The Consol is just yicky and disturbing, but I suppose the cold leader of the Vampire council would likely be anything else. I didn’t really care at all about the Mircea and brothers Dracula angle, which is one reason I think I wasn’t as interested for the first part. Cass is a good character – she’s funny, sympathetic, determined, independent, with realistic vulnerabilities. She doesn’t have a huge chip on her shoulder that makes you want to break it off. She does the best she can in whatever situation she lands, so the story getting dull at times doesn’t lay on poor characterization. While the action being too frequent may hurt the story, Karen Chance is excellent with writing action scenes in general, I just think they may go on a bit too long and become overwhelming. She’s excellent with writing dialogue as well. The end isn’t really a cliffhanger, but more of a major development that makes the potential sequels seem exciting. I now know there are at least two major plot points that will continue, both of them intriguing, so even though this book didn’t wow me much, I am definitely going to continue into the third to see what happens with the geas and the major changes for Cassie. I just can't do it anymore. This series has the potential to be sooo good. But that goodness gets lost in the mix of too much going on and too many unanswered questions. (and me being distracted by the narrator's pronunciation) I really do want to like these books but and though they are not bad in the end I just feel rather "meh" about them. I guess this is just not the series for me and that makes me so sad. 2.5 but rounding up to 3 Stars I just can't do it anymore. This series has the potential to be sooo good. But that goodness gets lost in the mix of too much going on and too many unanswered questions. (and me being distracted by the narrator's pronunciation) I really do want to like these books but and though they are not bad in the end I just feel rather "meh" about them. I guess this is just not the series for me and that makes me so sad. 2.5 but rounding up to 3 Stars I give up. I spent a week trying to listen to this book, and had to keep returning to previous chapters because I had tuned it out. This book is boring boring boring, made worse by a narrator with a monotonous voice. It is one battle after another, again and again. I finally tried to cut to the end and couldn't even manage to find out how it ended; I just could not listen to it long enough to find out. Not imaginative, not compelling, not entertaining, not gripping. I would recommend this book only to SERIOUS followers of the author or the series; I can't imagine anyone else getting through to stultifying dullness. RATING: barely 3 stars. Okay this series just isn't doing it for me (lol). No really. The author sets a plotline at the beginning and then instead of a linear story we get huge conversations/ info-dump moments interlaced with fast and furious action just as if the author remembered suddenly that ah! I have a story to get to, can't waste any more time with chitchat. Plus all the action seems kind of meaningless because most of the times it doesn't even advance the story that much (SPOILER - like the scene at Casanova's with the bucket of cow entrails - yuck). Then to top it off, the ending is always disappointing. And some of the tasks set out at the beginning are never completed. Still, this one was a little better than the first. And since I've bought the first three books and the first in the author's other series I suppose I best read them all and get them out of the way... :p Just about every mystical creature that you could possibly think of, has been mentioned at least once in this story. This makes for a very large and interesting world. At times however, Chance gets downright ridiculous in her choices. In the last book, we were introduced to Marlow, Rasputin, Baby face Nelson, Jack the Ripper and the famed artist Raphael as vampires. It's enough to make one wonder if Chance believes that any historical figure was human. To some degree, one must suspend belief to read urban fantasy but Chance simply has pushed this too far with her latest editions. Would you believe that zombie Elvis makes an appearance as an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas and when he gets accidentally hurt in a battle, he is temporarily replaced by zombie Jimi Hendrix? If that were not enough, Casanova the incubus, inhabits the body of a vampire. I side eyed my kindle so hard, I damn near hurt myself. It seems that Chance just loves a dash of camp with her urban fantasy. With the death of the Pythia, Cassie inherits great power, unfortunately she does not have the training to be able to control it and the Circle (Light witches), vamps and fae all want something from her. Cassie's goal is to find someone to transfer the power to, save her father from an eternity of imprisonment and to avenge the mortal death of her parents. As you can see, there is a lot going on with this world and this is even further complicated by time travel. As an agent to move things along, time travel is excellent; however, if not treated carefully, the varying timelines can and in this case do make story difficult to follow. In a trip to fairy, Cassie is offered the opportunity to complete the transfer of power and claim her rightful tittle as Pythra. As you may have guessed from my previous review, this involves having intercourse. We are repeatedly told that Cassie is a virgin, though if she is -- it is name only --having done every sexual act except penile penetration; this definition of virginity is highly heterosexist. It means that a gay man or woman who has never had sex with someone of the opposite sex, would by Chance's definition, remain a perpetual virgin, regardless of how many times they had sex. This coupled with the fact that there isn't a single gay or lesbian character in the series thus far is highly problematic. I will give Chance a bone though, for having succubi and incubi change gender at will however, once they change their gender to ensure that whatever coupling they participate in is heterosexual. There is only one hint of a same sex relationship involving an incubus and the vampire Dracula and that is thrown in as an aside, but with the ability of the incubi to change genders, there is enough room to question whether this really constitutes a same sex interaction. A large part of the reason Cassie wants to claim her title as Pyria, is to remove the gies (read: magical spell) that was placed on her at the age of 12. This spell was placed on her by the master vampire Mycia and it ensured her virginity until she was ready to assume the role of Pyria, by sending out strong keep out vibes. The gies is specifically set to only allow Mircea, or a male he designates to have intercourse with Cassie. This of course means that when she find herself attracted to Pritkin the war mage, the gies flares to cause them physical pain to stop any kind of coupling. Wow, a virtual chastity belt on a prepubescent child. Mycia was essentially grooming her for himself. Events however become confused when Cassie travels back in time and inadvertently places a second gies on Mircea. It becomes a case of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Would Mircea have placed the gies on her when she was 12, if Cassie had not traveled back to the 1800's and accidentally placed one on him first? Read more Cassie Palmer is still on the run from mages, vampires, and her new unwanted powers. Will she or won't she complete the "ritual" required to completely claim her status as the new Pythia? I wasn't surprised at her decision on this particular issue, just who the other participant in the ritual was. Didn't make much sense to me. Guess I'll have to keep reading the series to see where this goes! In the last book Cassandra got the power of the pythia but there's one thing she has to do before the power is hers. There's a geis between herself and the vampire Mircea, a geis that's hurting both of them, there's another clairvoyant who wants to be pythia and several other complications in Cassandra's life. It wasn't bad, it took me a while to remember some of the background, and in many situations I didn't get a great sense of place or time, not the best read but not a bad read. I'm not pushed to get the next book in the series but I wouldn't reject the idea of reading it. This is the second book in the Cassie Palmer series, I reviewed the first book a couple of months ago. I like this book more than I did the first. Part of the reason I like this book more than the first one is because a significant amount of the world building had been done in the first book. Sometimes, world building can be fun and exciting to read, but for the me, the first book felt at often times confusing for me to really sink my teeth into. Because of that I spent a lot of time being confused by what was going on within the first book. But in this second book, I had enough of a foundation to really get into the book. Not to mention the characters in this book had already been established and I already had a vested interest in them. One of the things about this series of books is that they take place over a very short period of time. Because of this there is seldom a time where there isn't any action in the book. This is a good thing because it keep the reader really involved in the writing. However if you are going to be reading this book in more than one sitting, I might suggest reading a few of the pages you have already read before delving into new material, the action happens so quickly you may need a bit of a refresher. One thing I would have liked to have seen more of in this book is Mircea, he is by far one of my favorite characters within this series. Although I understand that this book is primarily about the journey Cassie takes, I still wish there had been more of Mircea in the book itself. As I just mentioned this book is really about Cassie coming into her power. In the previous book Cassie had received the power of the Pythia, but she did not complete the rituals (she needed to no longer be a virgin). I am not going to say who she slept with but I will say by the end of the book Cassie becomes a full blown Pythia. In a lot of ways this book feels a lot more like a set up for the future of this series. It give Cassie the power of the office of Pythia, with no more chance that it goes to someone else. It also sets up several other scenerios/problems that are going to need to be resolved, and sooner rather than later. Dracula makes an appearance, and it is clear that the vampire community does not want him alive. Dracula is clearly going to play a role in the books to come. Cassie has still not been accepted by the Circle, so there is that to be resolved, or at least hope they stop trying to kill her with every chance they get. A deal was made with the a King that Cassie needs to complete. And of course the geis that caused Cassie so much trouble throughout this book needs to be removed, not just for Cassie's sake but also for the sake of Mircea, if not dealt with it is completely possible that both Cassie and Mircea will be driven crazy. Overall this book was a much more enjoyable book to read than the first. On top of that it left me wanting to read the third book in order to continue on with Cassie's journey. That is a huge skill for an author, the ability to get the reader to want more. I would most definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes Urban Fantasy. I would recommend reading the first before though, the background information contained in the first is invaluable. I hope all of you enjoy this series as much I as did. Cassandra Palmer escapes the Senate with a duffel full of weapons only to be attacked by the Circle. Pritkin and Cassie are forced to become allies due to a common goal-although she never truly trusts him. Besides Pritkin, Cassie is helped by Billy the ghost and Mac, a tattoo artist mage. Cassie's Pythia powers drag her into the past to save Mircea from Myra who is set on making sure Cassie never lives to get her powers. By going into the past, Cassie accidentally sets the geis, a bonding spell Mircea had cast, in the future on the past Mircea strengthening their bond. This becomes problematic for both of them since they can't seem to keep their hands off eachother when together and when separated are in total physical pain (a pain that has led others under the same circumstances to commit suicide). After reading the first book in the series, Touch the Dark, I thought this can only get better. I was a bit disappointed. I mean, yes it was action packed. And yes, there was never a dull moment. But the plot didn't really progress until the last 10 pages or so. Also, I love Mircea, and I hated how he was barely in this book. He showed up briefly in the present, but only for short periods of time in the past. Also, the whole thing with Tomas at the end was weird. I did like Cassie's spirit in this book. No matter how many times she was knocked down, she just got right back up again. All she wants is to find her father, kill Tony, and live a normal life. But everyone else wants something from her. They are all one-step ahead of her. Even though the odds are in no way stacked in her favor, she keeps on fighting for what she wants. Honestly, I like the series so I'll keep reading. I want to find out how it ends. I felt rushed through the book, and I found myself confused several times wondering if I missed something but after rereading realized I didn't miss anything. By the end of the book I got the gist of what happened, however I was still lost. Both in this book and the first I felt like I was thrown into the middle of it and was left to figure out what was going on. Arghhh I really wanted to give this 4 stars because the action is terrific, the pace pulls you along with barely a breath. The world continues to be interesting - this installment focuses more on the mages and a little glimpse of faerie. There are some awesome ideas in terms of magical abilities and charcters. Its lots of fun to read BUT Cassie is driving me insane.She actually accomplishes very little herself because any time anything happens her brain goes numb or she is dazed or confused or too exhausted to make sense of anything. There is only so many times her inaction can be blamed on her being overwhelmed before I am thinking get over yourself already. In the very few instances she makes any decision its an incredibly stupid one.I really hope that she starts taking some ownership and deliberate action in the next installment which I am starting tonight |
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Sooooo much happened in this instalment. We shifted to many different times (god knows how the Pythia keeps track of who and what!?) but apart from being curious where and when we ended up this time, I never felt confused or lost due to the great descriptions and information I got while reading. As always the author has great attention for details, making it much, much easier for readers to follow the story.
Character development:
Cassie didn't really have the time to think about all the implications of being the chosen heir for the Pythia, she's too busy saving herself, Mircea or her friends. That said, she rolled with the punches, learning as she went.
I had totally forgotten about Mac (this is a re-read) and his tattoos. Such a cool guy :) So it was strange to see him being friends with Pritkin, who was, for once, not trying to kill Cassie (well...ish).
While Mircea was in the picture a lot, it was mostly in the 1880s where Cassie had to save his ass from Myra, her evil co-Pythia heir. I have to say though that I liked it that he was so much like his modern self even that long ago, for me it means that he managed not to get jaded (too much) and held on to his core beliefs and principles... go Mircea! (*swoon*)
Pacing and flow:
Well, there was a lot of action, I don't even know if there was a time where Cassie and the gang couldn't just relax and take a breather (well, okay, that one time, but that doesn't count). So yes, a lot of action! Fortunately, there was a good balance between everything going on and conversations and the transitions felt smooth.
The book:
The book itself was well written with no (noticeable) errors. There is sex described (if that is important to you).
The book is 374 pages long, spread over 15 chapters and from Cassie's POV (point of view).
All in all:
I'm happy I'm re-reading this series to pick up where I left off since I just can't remember a single thing from this instalment! I loved it! :D ( )