Alain van den Abeele(1)
M. H. Abrams(1)
J. F. Adams(1)
William Addison(1)
Dawn Adès(1)
Adrian Bell. George A Birmingham. Edmund Blunden.(1)
Elizabeth Agate(1)
William Harrison Ainsworth(2)
Kenneth Bulmer(1)
Leon Battista Alberti(1)
Mitch Albom(1)
Louisa May Alcott(6)
Brian W. Aldiss(1)
Monica Ali(1)
G. F. Allen(1)
Richard D. Altick(1)
Mario Amaya(1)
Hans Christian Andersen(1)
Gerry Anderson(2)
and Anderson Gerry Anderson, Sylvia, and Allan, A(1)
M. D. Anderson(1)
Russell Andrews(2)
William Andrews(1)
Anthony Burton. John May(1)
Richard Appignanesi(1)
Dave Van Arnam and Ron Archer(1)
Jeffrey Archer(1)
J.R. Armstrong(1)
Rudolf Arnheim(3)
James Arnold(1)
Matthew Arnold(1)
Jake Arnott(1)
David Arscott(1)
Arts Council of Great Britain(1)
Dore Ashton(1)
William Ash(1)
Isaac Asimov(1)
Alison Assiter(1)
British Paper and Board Maker's Association(1)
Mick Aston(2)
Thomas Dinham Atkinson(1)
David Atwell(1)
Margaret Atwood(2)
W. H. Auden(1)
Jane Austen(5)
No Author(2)
Various Authors(2)
Pam Ayres(3)
Gaston Bachelard(3)
Francis Bacon(2)
Enid Bagnold(1)
Brian J. Bailey(1)
Beryl Bainbridge(1)
John L. Baker(1)
Tom Baker(1)
Francis Baldwin(1)
James Baldwin(1)
R. M. Ballantyne(1)
J. G. Ballard(1)
Ian Mark Bamsey(1)
Iain Banks(1)
Robin Banks(1)
Nigel Barker(1)
Ronnie Barker(1)
Josie Barnard(1)
Martin Barnes(1)
Ronald Gorell Barnes, Baron Gorell(1)
N. Barr(1)
Noel Barr(2)
Colin Barrow(1)
Roland Barthes(5)
John G. Barton(1)
Matsuo Bashō(1)
John Baskett(1)
Heiner Bastian(1)
Georges Bataille(2)
H. E. Bates(19)
Harry Batsford(2)
Jean-Dominique Bauby(1)
Charles Baudelaire(1)
Michael Baxandall(1)
Biddy Baxter(1)
Patricia Bayer(1)
Matthew Baylis(1)
E.A. Beasley(1)
Simon Beaufoy(1)
J. Graham Beaumont(1)
Simone de Beauvoir(1)
Elisabeth Beazley(1)
Samuel Beckett(5)
Winifred. G. Beddington(1)
Suzanne Beedell(1)
L.E. Beedham(1)
Adrian Bell(1)
Derek Bell(1)
Martin Bell(1)
Nigel Bell(1)
Hilaire Belloc(5)
Valerie R. Belsey(2)
Walter Benjamin(2)
Alan Bennett(2)
Richard. Bensted-Smith(1)
Chris Bentley(1)
Michael Benton(1)
Niall Benvie(1)
John Berger(2)
Ingmar Bergman(1)
Ferruccio Bernabo(1)
John Betjeman(16)
Bruno Bettelheim(2)
Thomas Bewick(1)
Peter Bicknell(1)
Mark Billingham(5)
Maeve Binchy(5)
Marcus Binney(2)
Linda Birch(1)
Julian Birkett(1)
Raymond Birt(1)
H. H Bishop(1)
E.L. Black(1)
R. D. Blackmore(1)
William Blake(3)
John Bland(1)
Robert Blatchford(1)
Mervyn Blatch(1)
George Blazyca(1)
Graham Bleathman(1)
Ronald Blythe(1)
Enid Blyton(2)
Wendy Boase(1)
Johannes Bobrowski(1)
Anthony Boden(1)
Dirk Bogarde(1)
T. G. Bonney(2)
Pieter Boogaart(1)
Prion Pulp Postcard Book(2)
Booth Cleese, John, Connie(1)
David Bordwell(1)
Mary Irene Cathcart Borer(1)
Jim Bosworth(1)
Clive Boursnell(1)
Julia Bowditch(1)
Robert Sidney Bowen(1)
Gavin Bowie(1)
E. A. Bowles(3)
Paul Bowles(1)
Anthony Geoffrey / Thwaite Bownas(1)
David Scott Daniell(3)
Derry Brabbs(1)
Ray Bradbury(1)
Tony Bradman(1)
E. R. Braithwaite(2)
Stan Brakhage(1)
Bill Breckon(1)
Gene Brewer(2)
Asa Briggs(1)
Raymond Briggs(1)
Harold Brighouse(1)
Peter Edith. Turner Brill(1)
Roy van den Brink-Budgen(1)
Poppy Z. Brite(1)
Paul Broks(1)
Anne Brontë(1)
Emily Brontë(1)
Rupert Brooke(2)
Peter Brook(1)
Chris Brooks(1)
Dan Brown(3)
Sylvia Browne(1)
Gregory Brown(1)
Robert Browning(1)
Jeff Brown(1)
Sandy Brownjohn(1)
Jonathan Brown(1)
R. J. Brown(2)
Richard S. Brun(1)
R. W. Brunskill(2)
Mario Bucci(1)
Arabella B. Buckley(1)
Robert Buhler(1)
Luis Buñuel(1)
John Bunyan(1)
Frederick Burgess(1)
Pamela Burgess(1)
Gerald Burke(1)
John Burke(1)
John Burke(1)
John Frederick Burke(2)
Frances Hodgson Burnett(4)
Sheila Burnford(1)
Robert Burns(1)
Ed. J. Burrow(1)
Anthony Burton(2)
Richard Francis Burton(1)
Virginia Lee Burton(2)
Raymond Bush(1)
Judith Butcher(1)
Audrey Butler(1)
Gillian Butler(1)
Tony Buzan(1)
A. S. Byatt(2)
Sheree Bykofsky(1)
Italo Calvino(2)
Albert Camus(5)
Canon Inc.(1)
Peter Cansfield(1)
Tim Cantopher(1)
Truman Capote(3)
Orson Scott Card(1)
Peter Carey(1)
John le Carré(1)
J. L. Carr(18)
Lewis Carroll(3)
Rachel Carson(1)
Angela Carter(4)
John Carvel(1)
John Casey(1)
Kathryn Cave(1)
Peter Cave(1)
A. C. Cawley(1)
David Cecil(1)
Martin Celmins(1)
E. R. Chamberlin(1)
Raymond Chandler(3)
Nick Channer(1)
Henri Charrière(1)
Mark Chatfield(2)
Geoffrey Chaucer(3)
Evelyn Cheesman(1)
G. K. Chesterton(1)
Mark Child(3)
Herschel B. Chipp(1)
Ian Christie(1)
Geraldine Christy(1)
Guy Clapperton(1)
John Clare(1)
Arthur C. Clarke(2)
Basil Clarke(1)
Graham Clarke(1)
Philip Clarke(1)
R M Clarke(1)
Jim Clark(1)
Susan Clark(1)
Pamela Cleaver(1)
Marcel R.Van Cleemput(1)
John Cleese(1)
Alec Clifton-Taylor(1)
George Clinch(1)
Arthur Hugh Clough(1)
Paul Clowney(1)
Philip Clucas(1)
Harold P. Clunn(1)
William Cobbett(1)
Ruth Cobb(2)
Harlan Coben(1)
Jean Cocteau(2)
Paulo Coelho(1)
J. M. Coetzee(2)
Steven Martin Cohen(1)
Phil Colebourn(1)
Isabel Colegate(1)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge(2)
Gladys Mary Coles(1)
Judith Collins(1)
Lacy Collison-Morley(1)
Morris Collman(1)
Jim Connor(1)
Joseph Conrad(1)
G. H. Cook(1)
Olive Cook(2)
Peter Cook(1)
Robin Cook(2)
Susan Coolidge(3)
H. Coombes(1)
Stephen Coonts(1)
Wendy Cope(2)
Vena Cork(1)
Graham P. Cornish(1)
Patricia Cornwell(17)
Bill Cosby(1)
Abraham Cowley(1)
William Cowper(1)
Alan Cox(1)
Barry Cox(1)
Jack Cox(1)
J. Charles Cox(4)
Mary Cox(1)
R. Hippisley Cox(1)
Patrick Coyne(1)
George Crabbe(1)
Michael Crichton(16)
Peter Crookston(1)
Fred H. Crossley(2)
Dan Cruickshank(1)
Helena Parente Cunha(1)
Merce Cunningham(1)
Pamela Cunnington(2)
Francesco D'Adamo(1)
Roald Dahl(4)
Sophie Dahl(1)
Jacques Damade(1)
John Richard Darling(1)
Charles Darwin(1)
David Davies(1)
Gareth Huw Davies(1)
Hunter Davies(1)
Jennifer Davies(1)
Philip Davies(1)
A. R. Davis(1)
Michael Worth Davison(1)
Richard Dawkins(1)
Joan Dean(1)
Jeffery Deaver(19)
Frank Debenham(1)
Daniel Defoe(1)
Frank Delaney(1)
Mary Delorme(1)
R F Dempewolff(1)
David Deutsch(1)
Alison Margaret Deveson(1)
Alice Dewey(1)
Charles Dickens(6)
Emily Dickinson(1)
Reader's Digest(6)
J. M. Dillard(1)
Thérèse de Dillmont(1)
Isak Dinesen(4)
Jenny Diski(1)
P. H. Ditchfield(4)
E. Dixon(1)
J Dixon-Scott(1)
Michael Dobbs(1)
A. H. Dodd(1)
Anthony Doerr(1)
Gerald Donaldson(1)
L. A Doust(4)
Roddy Doyle(2)
Phil Drackett(1)
Nick Drake(1)
Jo Draper(1)
John Drinkwater(4)
John Dryden(1)
Wakeling Dry(1)
M.N Duffy(1)
Serge Duigou(1)
F. Martin Duncan(1)
Nell Dunn(1)
Marguerita Duras(1)
Ralph Dutton(1)
Stephen Dwoskin(1)
David Percy Dymond(1)
Lawrence H. Earle(1)
E. G. Earthrowl(1)
Antony Easthope(1)
Max Eastman(1)
Faith Eaton(1)
Herbert L. Edlin(1)
Joseph Edmundson(1)
Geoffrey Edwards(1)
R P A Edwards(1)
Loren C. Eiseley(1)
Sergei Eisenstein(2)
T. S. Eliot(4)
Andrew W. Ellis(1)
Hattie Ellis(1)
Monica Ellis(1)
Winifred Ellis(1)
EM Hatt. Paul Sharp(1)
John Entick(1)
Leif Ericksenn(1)
Donald E. Ericson(1)
E. S. Holloway(1)
Ivor Evans(1)
Neil Ewart(1)
Peter Fairhurst(2)
Michael Fairless(2)
Sam Fair(1)
John Meade Falkner(1)
Juan Manuel Fangio(1)
U. A. Fanthorpe(1)
Eleanor Farjeon(2)
A. Farquharson-Coe(1)
J. G. Farrell(2)
Elizabeth Farrer(1)
Karen Farrington(1)
James H. Fassett(1)
William Faulkner(3)
Sebastian Faulks(1)
Richard Fawcett(1)
Marguerite Fawdry(1)
Jacqueline Fearn(1)
Maxence Fermine(1)
Felipe Fernández-Armesto(1)
Eric Fernie(1)
Winifred Ferrier(1)
David Ferry(1)
Marion Milner(4)
Robert Field(1)
Walter Taylor Field(1)
Charlotte Fiell(2)
Eva Figes(1)
Joscelyne Finberg(1)
Edith Hope Fine(1)
Sharon Finmark(2)
Alastair Fitter(1)
Richard Fitter(1)
Edward FitzGerald(2)
Gustave Flaubert(2)
James Elroy Flecker(1)
Geoffrey S. Fletcher(1)
Bob Flowerdew(1)
Raymond Flower(1)
Alan Folder(1)
Jill Forbes(1)
Mary R Stanhope A. ; Mitford Forbes(1)
Ford Madox Ford(1)
A.J. Forrest(1)
E. M. Forster(6)
Paul Foster(1)
Richard Foster(1)
Michel Foucault(1)
Mick Fouriscot(1)
H.W. Fowler; F.G. Fowler(1)
P. J. Fowler(1)
John Fowles(1)
Wallace Fowlie(1)
Janet Frame(1)
Peter France(1)
Anne Frank(1)
Antonia Fraser(1)
Robin Freeman(1)
Ron Freethy(1)
Nicci French(6)
Esther Freud(1)
Sigmund Freud(1)
James N. Frey(1)
Betty Friedan(1)
Uta Frith(1)
Michael G. Fulford(1)
H. B. Fyfe(1)
M.E. Gagg(1)
John Gaisford(1)
Paul Gallico(2)
G. Gardiner(1)
Gordon Gardiner(1)
W. H. Gardner(1)
Graham Gauld(1)
Kenneth F. Gee(2)
Jean Genet(2)
Tess Gerritsen(8)
David Gervais(1)
Eileen Gibb(6)
Lewis Grassic Gibbon(1)
Cecil Gibson(1)
Stewart Gibson(1)
André Gide(2)
George Gilfillan(1)
Carolyn Bailey Gill(1)
Roger Gillham(1)
Robert W. Gill(1)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1)
Jean Giono(1)
Rumer Godden(1)
Walter Hindes Godfrey(1)
George Godwin(1)
John Godwin(1)
Glen David Gold(1)
William Golding(1)
Oliver Goldsmith(1)
Norman Goodland(5)
Elizabeth Goudge(1)
Philip Gourevitch(1)
Frank Grace(1)
Elspeth (Mrs. Kenneth Grahame) Editor. Grahame(1)
Günter Grass(1)
Robert Graves(1)
Robert Apuleius; A New Translation by Graves(1)
(Tolkien & Graves)(1)
Francis Grayling(1)
Thomas Gray(1)
Arthur. R. Green(1)
Candida Lycett Green(1)
Brian Greene(1)
Graham Greene(4)
E. Tyrrell Green(1)
Margaret Joan Green(1)
Martin Green(1)
Rod Green(1)
Roger W. Greenslade(1)
R. L. Gregory(1)
Joyce Grenfell(1)
Malcolm Le Grice(1)
Bertrand Jaques; Azema Grielsamer(1)
Leonard Griffin(1)
Brothers Grimm(1)
Jacob Grimm(1)
John Grisham(2)
Jade Grod(1)
Arthur Groos(1)
Karen E. Haas(1)
Axel Hacke(2)
R. Neville Hadcock(1)
Mark Haddon(1)
Leslie Halliwell(1)
Nor Hall(1)
Radclyffe Hall(2)
Richard Hamblyn(1)
Enid Hamer(1)
John G. Rostrevor and Arlott Hamilton(1)
Richard Hamilton(1)
Pat Hammond(1)
Hampshire County Planning Department(1)
K Hamsun(1)
Knut Hamsun(1)
Freddie Hancock(1)
Peter Hansell(1)
Robert Harbison(1)
Thomas Hardy(3)
Jack Hargreaves(2)
John Harries(1)
Jane Harris(1)
John Harris(1)
Melvin Harris(1)
Charles Harrison(1)
Robert Harris(4)
Thomas Harris(4)
Wilhelmine Harrod(1)
Adam Hart-Davis(2)
J.Edward Hart(1)
L. P. Hartley(1)
Christine Harvey(1)
Nigel Harvey(1)
Charlotte Haslam(1)
Anne Haverty(1)
Pamela Hawken(1)
Jacquetta Hawkes(1)
Rosemary Hawthorne(1)
Rex Hays(2)
Gwyn Headley(2)
R.M. Healey(1)
Seamus Heaney(3)
Sid G. Hedges(2)
John Hegley(5)
Françoise Heilbrun(1)
Ernest Hemingway(11)
Adrian Henri(1)
Roger McGough Henry, Brian Patten Adrian(1)
Alan Henry(2)
George Herbert(1)
James Herbert(7)
Patrick Heron(1)
Robert Herrick(1)
Louis Heilbroner Hertz(1)
D. G. Hessayon(2)
Hermann Hesse(1)
Roger Hicks(2)
Patricia Highsmith(1)
E. W. Hildick(1)
Damon Hill(2)
Paul Hills(1)
Susan Hill(2)
Paul Hindle(1)
Ivon Hitchens(1)
Anthony Hobson(1)
Martin John Hockley(1)
David Hodges(1)
Sheila Hodgetts(17)
Michael Hoeye(1)
Ann Hoffmann(1)
Werner Hofmann(1)
Garry Hogg(2)
Noddy Holder(1)
Matthew Hollis(1)
G. J Hollister-Short(1)
Jenny Holzer(1)
Philip Hook(1)
Laurence Hope(1)
Mike Hope(1)
Philip Hope-Wallace(1)
W. Garrett Horder(1)
Nick Hornby(1)
Terence Horsley(1)
W. G. Hoskins(5)
Bert Houghton(1)
F. E. Howard(1)
Christopher Howkins(1)
David Hughes(1)
Richard Hughes(1)
Sean Hughes(1)
Ted Hughes(4)
C. Hugo(1)
Victor Hugo(1)
Stephen Humphrey(1)
Claire Hunter(1)
Michael Hunter(1)
Patricia J. Hunt(1)
P.J. Hunt(1)
David Hutchison(1)
Shaun Hutson(3)
Aldous Huxley(1)
Edward Hyams(1)
Paul Hyland(1)
Greg Iles(1)
Kathleen E. Innes(1)
Michael Innes(2)
Hampshire Federation of Women's Institutes(1)
Barbara Ireson(1)
Luce Irigaray(2)
Big Chief I-Spy(3)
Albert Jackson(1)
Lee Jackson(2)
Clive James(1)
Henry James(2)
Simon James(1)
W.J. James(1)
Kathleen Jamie(1)
Quintin Jardine(1)
Derek Jarman(2)
Gordon Jarvie(1)
Edward Jeffrey(1)
Ian Jeffrey(1)
Ann Jellicoe(1)
Sally Jenkinson(1)
Simon Jenkins(1)
Elizabeth Jennings(1)
Paul Jennings(1)
Jerome K. Jerome(1)
F. Brian Jewell(1)
JHB Bell. EF Bozman. J Fairfax-Blakeborough.(1)
Samuel Johnson(1)
Jennifer Johnston(1)
Susan Jonas(1)
Anthea Jones(2)
Edmund D. Jones(1)
Gareth Lovett Jones(2)
Kathy Jones(1)
Lawrence E. Jones(5)
Nigel H. Jones(1)
Stanley Jones(1)
Sydney R. Jones(8)
Dorothy M Jowitt(1)
James Joyce(2)
Sebastian Junger(1)
Franz Kafka(3)
Wassily Kandinsky(1)
Alex Kava(6)
Denys Kay-Robinson(1)
John Keats(1)
John Keegan(1)
Brian Keenan(1)
Mary Kelly(1)
Brian Kemp(2)
Thomas Keneally(1)
David H. Kennett(1)
William Kent(1)
Geoffrey Kichenside(1)
Anthony Kilmister(1)
Stuart S Kind(1)
Charles Kingsley(1)
Hilary Kingsley(1)
Stephen King(1)
John Kinross(1)
W. P. Kinsella(1)
Rudyard Kipling(4)
Dan Klein(1)
Naomi Klein(1)
Grenville Kleiser(1)
Horst Koch(1)
Tina Konstant(1)
Richard Kron(1)
Annette Kuhn(1)
Jacques Lacan(1)
D.J. Laidlaw-Dickson(3)
E. A. Greening Lamborn(1)
Lucinda Lambton(7)
Michael Langford(2)
Jean Laplanche(1)
Walter Laqueur(1)
Maggy Larissa(3)
Goethe (tranlated By Albert G. Latham)(1)
David Lawrence(1)
Mike Lawrence(1)
Michael Leapman(1)
Raymond Lea(1)
Irène Immerman(1)
Editions A. Leconte(1)
Brian North Lee(1)
Hilary Lees(1)
Clare Leighton(1)
Burton M. Leiser(1)
Philippe De Lespinay(1)
Reginald M Lester(1)
Julien Levy(1)
Mervyn Levy(1)
Jorge Lewinski(1)
David Lewis-Williams(1)
Country Life(2)
Richard Lines(1)
Franco Lini(1)
Penelope Lively(1)
Ken Livingstone(1)
Christopher Lloyd(1)
H.M. Llwellyn(1)
Eric Lomax(1)
Roy Lomax(1)
Jack London(1)
Helen Long(1)
Dennis Longwell(1)
George de Forest Lord(1)
Arthur Lunn(1)
Richard Mabey(1)
Frederick T. Macartney(1)
Gus Macdonald(1)
A. J. MacGregor(1)
A. J. And W. Perring MacGregor(1)
Niccolò Machiavelli(1)
Rev. Herbert W. Macklin(1)
S. P. B. Mais(1)
Thomas Malory(1)
Nelson Mandela(1)
Peter Mandelson(1)
John Edgar Mann(1)
E. Mansell(1)
Katherine Mansfield(1)
Keith Mantell(1)
Sándor Márai(1)
Walter de la Mare(2)
Sasa Marinkov(1)
Michael F. Marmor(1)
Gabriel García Márquez(1)
Peter Marren(1)
Peter Martin(1)
Robert Martin(1)
Andrew Marvell(1)
Frans Masereel(1)
H. J. Massingham(1)
Derek Matravers(1)
W. Somerset Maugham(4)
Daphne du Maurier(9)
Niko Mavraki(1)
William Maxwell(1)
Judith Mayne(1)
Trevor May(1)
William McBrien(1)
Carmel McConnell(1)
Norman McCord(1)
Frank McCourt(1)
Mark McCrum(1)
Carson McCullers(2)
Val McDermid(15)
Ian McEwan(1)
Brian McFarlane(1)
Annie McGarry(1)
James L. McGaugh(1)
Angus McGill(1)
Roger McGough(5)
Anthony McIntyre(1)
Ian McKeever(1)
Les McLean(1)
Daniel Meadows(1)
Derek Meddings(1)
Arthur Mee(1)
Julie Meech(1)
Brad Meltzer(1)
Herman Melville(1)
J. G. Merquior(1)
Walker Miles(1)
Frank Miller(1)
Judith Miller(1)
Spike Milligan(7)
John Mills(1)
A. A. Milne(2)
John Milton(1)
Yukio Mishima(1)
Charles F Mitchell(1)
Ed Moloney(1)
Josephine Monroe(1)
Nicholas Monsarrat(5)
Raffaele Monti(1)
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments(1)
Pam Moore(1)
Patrick Moore(1)
Thomas Moore(1)
Wilfred George Moore(1)
Arthur Morris(1)
Edward Morris(1)
Hugh Morris(1)
Joseph E. Morris(1)
O. J Morris(1)
Toni Morrison(1)
Richard Morris(1)
O.F. Morshead(2)
John Mortimer(1)
H. V. Morton(2)
Keith Mossman(1)
Ted Moss(1)
Rory Motion(1)
Timothy Mowl(1)
L. Russell Muirhead(1)
Richard Muir(7)
Terence Mullaly(1)
John Mulligan(1)
Laura Mulvey(2)
Lewis Mumford(1)
Iris Murdoch(1)
W. Murray(3)
William Murray(1)
Walter Musto(1)
Vladimir Nabokov(4)
V. S. Naipaul(1)
Noboru Nakajima(1)
R. K. Narayan(1)
Paul Nash(1)
Stephen Neale(1)
A. Needham(1)
Pablo Neruda(1)
R.G. Nettell(1)
Bob Braverman & Bill Neumann(1)
Erich Neumann(2)
Christopher Neve(1)
Louise Nevelson(1)
F.E. Newing(1)
Robert Newson(1)
Ian Niall(1)
Graham Nicholson(1)
Adam Nicolson(1)
Richard Noble(1)
Linda Nochlin(1)
Greg Norden(1)
Alden H. Norton(1)
John Norwood(1)
Simon Nye(1)
Maureen O'Brien(1)
Richard O'Brien(1)
John O'Connor(1)
Noreen O'Dell(1)
Mabel O'Donnell(1)
Georgia O'Keeffe(1)
Michael Ondaatje(1)
Iona Opie(3)
Richard Oram(3)
George Orwell(2)
Richard Osborne(1)
Edward Osmond(1)
R.J. Owen(1)
Lily Owens(1)
Elsie Jeanette Oxenham(2)
Ruth Padel(1)
Wendy Padgin(1)
Humphrey Pakington(1)
Francis Turner Palgrave(2)
Michael Palin(1)
Sara Paretsky(2)
Phillip Parfitt(1)
John Henry Parker(3)
Malcolm Parker(2)
Lynn Parr(1)
Pier Paolo Pasolini(1)
John Dos Passos(1)
Boris Pasternak(3)
Brian Patten(1)
A. Temple Patterson(1)
Richard North Patterson(1)
Sherman Paul(1)
Stel Pavlou(1)
David Pearce(1)
John Pearson(1)
Lynn F. Pearson(1)
Dan Pedoe(1)
John Penoyre(1)
John Percival(1)
Georges Perec(1)
Charles Perrault(1)
Gordon. A. Perry(1)
Nikolaus Pevsner(2)
Jan Pfloog(1)
Peggy Phelan(1)
Desa Philippi(1)
Daphne Phillips(1)
G.A.R. Phillips(1)
Roger Phillips(4)
Jean Piaget(1)
G.G. Pierce(1)
Terisio Pignatti(1)
Rosamunde Pilcher(2)
Doris Pilkington(1)
Jayne Pilling(1)
Chris Pilton(1)
Peter Pimm(1)
Anne Pitcher(8)
Sylvia Plath(7)
Colin Platt(1)
Janes Plaza(1)
Paul Plecan(1)
Alison Plowden(1)
Edgar Allan Poe(1)
Brenda Poole(1)
Rien Poortvliet(1)
Cyril Posthumus(1)
Dennis Potter(1)
Julian Potter(1)
Vanessa Potts(1)
John Prebble(1)
Eileen Preston(1)
Abbé Prévost(1)
Donald Preziosi(1)
Vladimir Propp(1)
Annie Proulx(1)
Railway Publications(1)
AA Publishing(2)
C Ernest Pulbrook(1)
Arthur Quiller-Couch(1)
Anthony Quiney(1)
Gerard Quinn(1)
Oliver Rackham(3)
Andrew Ralston(1)
Gerald Randall(1)
Henry Rasmussen(1)
Gwen Raverat(1)
Man Ray(1)
John Rayner(1)
Robert Ray(1)
D. H. Moutray Read(1)
Herbert Read(1)
Christine Redington(1)
Barry C. Reed(1)
Bob Reed(1)
George Henry Reed(1)
A.L. Rees(1)
Laurence Rees(1)
Vyvyan Rees(1)
Kathy Reichs(1)
Richard Reid(1)
Ruth Rendell(1)
Graham Reynolds(1)
Peter J. Reynolds(1)
Tim Rice(1)
Edward] Richards [Bawden, J.M.; Clark, Kenneth (editor)(1)
Julian C. Richards(1)
Sue Richardson(1)
L. Richmond(1)
Leonard Richmond(1)
Gerhard Richter(1)
Ian Ridpath(1)
Robert Ripley(2)
Guy Ritchie(1)
Michael Pitt-Rivers(1)
Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam(1)
J. I. Rodale(1)
John Rodgers(2)
Warwick Rodwell(1)
Nigel Roebuck(3)
Byron Rogers(1)
James Rogers(1)
Alex Rollo(1)
Lanning Roper(1)
Hanns P Rosellen(1)
M. J. Rose(1)
Michael Rosen(2)
Jose Rosinski(1)
Diana Ross(1)
Christina Rossetti(1)
Hilda I. Rostron(1)
Julian Rothenstein(1)
Clive Rouse(1)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau(1)
Trevor Rowley(1)
Anne Roze(1)
Tom Rubython(1)
Michael Rush(1)
John Ruskin(1)
Joan Russell(1)
Nick Russel(1)
Joe Sacco(1)
Oliver Sacks(2)
Mike Salter(1)
John Sambrook(1)
Edward Sammes(1)
William Sansom(1)
Gerald Scarborough(1)
Norman Scarfe(3)
Simon Schama(1)
Aaron Scharf(1)
Robert Schleicher(3)
R Scholes(1)
Fred J. Schonell(2)
Paul Scott(1)
Sir Walter Scott(1)
Kenneth Scowen(1)
Harold Sculthorpe(1)
Lindley Searle(1)
Michael Sedgwick(1)
Will Self(1)
Gitta Sereny(1)
Gerald Seymour(1)
John Seymour(1)
Martin Seymour-Smith(1)
William Shakespeare(6)
Anna Shannon(1)
William Shatner(1)
Bob Shaw(4)
Ben Sherwood(1)
W. E. Shewell-Cooper(3)
Tony Shiels(1)
Debra Shipley(1)
Anthony Simmons(1)
Jack Simmons(1)
Steve Simmons(1)
Marshall Sisson(1)
P. Adams Sitney(1)
Edith Sitwell(1)
Osbert Sitwell(1)
Christopher Smart(1)
Vic Smeed(5)
Alexander McCall Smith(1)
Betty Smith(1)
Cara Lockhart Smith(1)
Edwin Smith(4)
Stevie Smith(1)
Royal Horticultural Society(2)
Rebecca Solnit(2)
Susan Sontag(1)
Pierre Sorlin(1)
Martha Southgate(1)
Vera Southgate(2)
Michael Sowa(1)
Frances Spalding(1)
Edmund Spenser(1)
Lindsay Stainton(1)
Irwin Stambler(1)
Gavin Stamp(1)
Emile Standart(1)
Diana Stanley(1)
Louis T. Stanley(1)
Henry Stapleton(1)
Valerie Steele(1)
Tom Steel(1)
John Steinbeck(2)
Tom Criddle Stephenson(1)
Paul Sterry(1)
Joan Stevens(1)
Robert Louis Stevenson(2)
Mary Stewart-Wilson(1)
Frances Stillman(1)
W. J. Stokoe(3)
Brian Stone(1)
Graham Storey(1)
Anthony Storr(1)
Catherine Storr(1)
Sean Street(1)
Pieter Stroethoff(1)
Roy Strong(1)
Elisabeth Stuart(1)
Richard Sudell(1)
M.E. Sullivan(1)
Homer Sykes(1)
David Sylvester(1)
James Antony Syms(1)
Richard Tanner(2)
Robin Tanner(1)
J. Randy Taraborrelli(1)
Quentin Tarantino(2)
Mary Taubman(1)
Christopher Taylor(1)
Emma Tennant(1)
Alfred Lord Tennyson(2)
Herbert van Thal(27)
Theodore Thass-Theinemann(1)
The Advisory Board of the Aurora Plastics Corporat(1)
John Theydon(2)
Dylan Thomas(3)
Edward Thomas(3)
Leslie Thomas(2)
A. Hamilton Thompson(1)
C. J. S. Thompson(1)
Francis Thompson(1)
Frank Thompson(1)
Martin Thornhill(1)
Percy Thrower(1)
James Thurber(2)
E. M. W. Tillyard(1)
John Timbs(1)
J. Timpson(2)
John Timpson(10)
Alan Titchmarsh(1)
Marc Edo Tralbaut(1)
Rose Tremain(1)
Posthumus & Tremayne.(1)
Christopher Trent(1)
J. C. Trewin(1)
Paul Hayes Tucker(2)
Miranda Tufnell(1)
James Turle(1)
Alan Turner(1)
Barry Turner(1)
James Turner(1)
J. M. W. Turner(1)
Michael Turner(1)
Anne Tyler(1)
Parker Tyler(1)
Tom Tyler(1)
C (editor). Urrutia(1)
Paolo Cherchi Usai(1)
Edmund Vale(3)
Penny Valentine(1)
Tom Vanderbilt(1)
Mark Van Doren(1)
A. E. van Vogt(1)
Wynford Vaughan-Thomas(1)
David Verey(1)
Lea Vergine(1)
Jules Verne(1)
M. D. Vernon(1)
Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald(1)
John E. Vigar(1)
Leo Villa(1)
John Norman Thatcher Vince(2)
Bill Viola(1)
John Vivian(1)
Mark Voit(1)
Leonard de Vries(1)
Laurence Vulliamy(1)
Stephen Wade(1)
Charlie Waite(1)
E. M. Wakefield(1)
Charles Walker(1)
Murray Walker(1)
J. W. C. Wand(1)
Arthur Ward(1)
Sadie B. Ward(1)
Eric Warman(1)
C. Henry Warren(1)
Joseph Warton(1)
Thomas Warton(1)
Sarah Waters(1)
Bruce Watkin(1)
Sid Watkins(1)
Lawrence Weaver(1)
Mike Weaver(1)
Mary Webb(1)
Montague. Webb(1)
Oscar Weigle(1)
Jeffrey Weiss(1)
Chris Welch(1)
Simon Welfare(1)
D West(1)
Gilbert White(2)
Robin Whiteman(1)
Stephen E. Whitfield(1)
Neville Whittaker(1)
Brian Whittle(1)
David Whyley(1)
Oscar Wilde(1)
Angela Wilkes(1)
Philip Wilkinson(1)
A.M. Williams(1)
Guy Williams(1)
Michael Williams(1)
Tom Williamson(1)
Sara Williams(1)
Betty Willsher(1)
Barbara Ker Wilson(1)
Ian Wilson(1)
Ron Wilson(1)
Winchester & Portsmouth Diocesan Faculties Advisor(1)
Martin Windrow(1)
Windsor & Newton(1)
Gerald A. Wingrove(1)
Gordon Winter(2)
Colin Wintle(1)
Gina Wisker(1)
John Wittich(1)
David Wolstencroft(1)
Charles Wood(2)
Marie-Helen Wood(1)
Michael Wood(1)
Christopher Woodward(1)
Ian Woodward(1)
Mick Woollett(1)
William Wordsworth(2)
Michael Worthington-Williams(2)
Geoffrey N. Wright(2)
Patricia Yaeger(1)
Jack Yates(1)
William Butler Yeats(1)
Christopher Yetton(1)
David Young(3)
Eoin Young(1)
Geoffrey Young(1)
O L Zangwill(1)