Book Characters for Barry_Holtslander

Characters within the books in Barry_Holtslander's library

Summary: 5,551 Characters.

John A. McDonald

"Joan Eunice" Smith

"Kitten" Smith

"Mama" Macaroni


'Squiffy' Tidmouth

3rd Earl of Burlington

\Pontius Pilate, judge at the trial of Jesus

A. V. Alexander

Aaron Pursley

Aaron, brother of Moses

Aaron, older brother of Moses

Aaron, the Levite, older brother of Moses


Abaddon, angel of the Abyss "Apollyon"

Abaddon, angel of the Abyss "Apollyon" "Destruction"

Abba "God the Father"

AbbƩ Henri GrƩgoire

Abdon, son of Hillel, from Pirathon, one of 6 minor judges in the Bible

Abdon, son of Hillel, from Pirathon, one of judges in the Bible

Abdul Illa

Abdul O'Brien Cohen

Abe Levver

Abednego, of the fiery furnace

Abednego, of the fiery furnace "Azariah"

Abel Magwitch

Abel Wackaugh

Abel, son of Adam and Eve, killed by Cain

Aberforth Dumbledore

Abiathar, high priest

Abiathar, son of Ahimelech, high priest

Abigail, wife of Nabal, then wife of David

Abihu, son of Aaron, died when he entered the presence of the Lord

Abijah, son of Rehoboam, King of Judah

Abimelech, king of Gerar

Abinadab, son of Jesse, keeper of the ark of the covenant

Abishag, a Shunammite, warmed old King David

Abishag, warmed old King David

Abishai, son of David's sister Zeruiah

Abner, commander of Saul's army

Abraham Epstein

Abraham Kuyper

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham, father of Issac, husband of Sarai "Abram"

Abraham, son of Terah, father of Issac, husband of Sarai "Abram"

Abraham, son of Terah, father of Issac, husband of Sarai, lived 175 years "Abram"


Absalom, son of King David

Abulurd Harkonnen

Acacia Garcia

Acheron Hades

Achille Dambreuse

Achish, king of Gath

Achish, king of Gath, son of Maoch

Acorn [Watership Down]


Ada Byron Lovelace

Ada Clarkson

Ada Cootes

Adah, wife of Lamech


Adam Cook

Adam Eddington

Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine

Adam Selene

Adam Smith

Adam Stanton

Adam, father of Cain, Abel

Adam, father of Cain, Abel, Seth

Adam, father of Cain, Abel, Seth, he lived 930 years

Adam, father of Cain, Abel, Seth, lived 930 years

Adeimantus of Collytus

Adela Cream


Adelaide Filleul, comtesse de Flahault de la Billarderie

Adelard Took

Admiral Darlan

Admiral Ernest J. King, USN

Admiral Lavrenti Kutuzov

Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Fisher

Adolf Eichmann

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Lautier

Adolf von Kleist

Adolph Norliss

Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge

Adonijah, son of David and Haggith

Adrian Healey

Adriel, of Meholah, married Saul's daughter Merab

Adrien Jean-FranƧois Duport

Adrienne de Lafayette


Aeneas MacKenzie





Aethelred the Unready


Agabus, prophet from Jerusalem

Agafea Mihalovna

Agag, king of Amalekites

Agatha Gregson



Agnes Flack




Ahab, King of Israel

Ahab, King of Israel 874-853

Ahab, King of Israel, 874-853

Ahasuerus, king of Persia

Ahasuerus, king of Persia "Xerxes"

Ahaz, King of Judah, son of Jotham

Ahijah, son of Ahitub, priest

Ahimelech, son of Ahitub

Ahinoam, wife of David

Ahinoam, wife of David, daughter of Ahimaaz

Ahio, son of Abinadab, guided the cart with the Ark of the Covenant

Ahithophel, David's counselor, hanged himself

Ahithophel, the Gilonite, David's counselor, hanged himself

Ahmad Ashmaway Mulloy

Aileen Peavey

Aimee Semple McPherson

Akiko Hiroguchi

Al Neuharth

Alain le Garsmeur

Alan Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke

Alan Leigh

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody

Alastor Moody

Albert Einstein

Albert Eustace Peasemarch

Albert I, King of the Belgians

Albert Kloughn

Albert M. Irby

Albert of Mainz

Albert Peasemarch

Albert Rice

Albert Ross

Albert Schweitzer

Albert, Prince Consort

Alberto Manguel


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Albus Severus Potter


Aldhelm, St.


Aldous Huxley

Alec Guinness

Alec Leamas



Alex Griffin

Alex Jardine

Alex Osborn


Alexander "Sandy" Murry Jr.

Alexander Fleming

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Grigorievich Zametov

Alexander Hergensheimer

Alexander Kovalev

Alexander MacKenzie

Alexander Murry Sr.

Alexander Pope

Alexander the Great

Alexander, the smith

Alexandra of Denmark, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom

Alexandre Lion

Alexandre-ThƩodore-Victor, comte de Lameth

Alexandria Belfridge

Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin

Alexey Leonov

Alexis de Tocqueville

Alfonso XI, King of Castile, León and Galicia

Alfred Dreyfus

Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski

Alfred Lanning

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Alfred Russel Wallace

Alfred Stokes

Alfred Swaine Taylor

Alfred the Great

Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Algy Martyn

Alia Atreides


Alice Douglas

Alice Fletcher

Alice Flett

Alice in Wonderland

Alice Perrers

Alice Porter

Alice Rhodes

Alice's sister

Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine

Alice, Princess of Greece and Denmark


Alim Nassor

Aline Peters

Alison Ely Campbell


Allen Carpenter

Alona Casales


Althea Vail

Altona Winkler

Alva Mooney

Alvin Dobrowitz

Alyona Ivanovna

Amadeus VI, Count of Savoy

Amadou Diallo

Amanda Morgan




Amaziah, King of Judah, son of Joash

Amaziah, Priest of Bethel

Ambassadors from England

Ambrogio Lorenzetti

Ambrose Bierce

Ambrose Tennyson

Ambrosio Boccanegra

Amelia Bingham

America Vicuna


Aminata Diallo




Amnon, son of David


Amos, writer of one of prophetic books in the Bible


Amram, father of Moses, lived 137 years




Amy Denver

Amy Wynn

Ananias of Damascus

Ananias son of Nedebeus [High Priest 47 to 52]

Ananias, high priest

Ananias, husband of Sapphira

Ananias, husband of Sapphira, struck dead for lying to God

Ananias, of Damascus, high priest
