Book Characters for HCCC

Characters within the books in HCCC's library

Summary: 876 Characters.


Aaron, brother of Moses

Aaron, the Levite, older brother of Moses

Abaddon, angel of the Abyss "Apollyon" "Destruction"

Abba "God the Father"

Abby Johnson

Abdon, son of Hillel, from Pirathon, one of 6 minor judges in the Bible

Abednego, of the fiery furnace

Abednego, of the fiery furnace "Azariah"

Abel, son of Adam and Eve, killed by Cain

Abimelech, king of Gerar

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham, father of Issac, husband of Sarai "Abram"

Abraham, son of Terah, father of Issac, husband of Sarai "Abram"

Abraham, son of Terah, father of Issac, husband of Sarai, lived 175 years "Abram"


Adah, wife of Lamech

Adam, father of Cain, Abel

Adam, father of Cain, Abel, Seth, he lived 930 years

Adam, father of Cain, Abel, Seth, lived 930 years


Adeodatus or Deodatus I, Pope

Adeodatus or Deodatus II, Pope

Adolf Hitler

Adrian, Hadrian, or Adrianus III, Pope

Adrian, Hadrian, or Adrianus V, Pope


Agabus, prophet from Jerusalem

Agapetus I, Pope

Agapetus II, Pope

Ahab, King of Israel

Ahab, King of Israel 874-853

Ahab, King of Israel, 874-853

Albert Camus

Albert Schweitzer

Alcuin of York

Aldous Huxley

Alexander I, Pope

Alexander II, Pope

Alexander III, Pope

Alexander IV, Pope

Alexander the Great

Alexander V, Antipope

Alexander VI, Pope

Alexander VII, Pope


Ambrose Autpert

Ambrose of Milan

Ambrosius Aurelianus

Amos, writer of one of prophetic books in the Bible

Ampliatus, friend of Paul "Amplias"

Ananias of Damascus

Ananias son of Nedebeus [High Priest 47 to 52]

Ananias, husband of Sapphira

Ananias, husband of Sapphira, struck dead for lying to God

Ananias, of Damascus, high priest


Ancient of Days, God

Andrew, the Apostle, Simon Peter's brother

Andrew, the Apostle, Simon Peter's brother, crucified

Andronicus, Christian relative of Paul and fellow prisoner

Angel of the Lord, God


Anicetus, Pope


Anna, daughter of Phanuel, prophetess, saw the baby Jesus

Annas, high priest, questioned Jesus

Annie Sullivan

Anselm of Canterbury

Anterus, Pope

Anthony the Great


Antichrist, one who puts himself in place of Christ

Antiochus IV

Antipas of Pergamum, martyr

Antonius Felix

Apelles, perhaps persecuted for being a Christian


Apollos, of Alexandria

Aquila, husband of Pricilla

Aquila, husband of Priscilla

Aquila, of Corinth, husband of Pricilla

Aquinas, Thomas, 1225-1274


Archelaus, king over Judea and Samaria, son of Herod the Great

Aristarchus of Thessalonica

Aristarchus, early Christian disciple

Aristotle, 384-322

Arnobius, d. ca. 327

Arphaxad, son of Shem, father of Shelah "Arpachshad"

Asaph, psalmist

Asher, son of Jacob and Zilpah


Asyncritus, Roman Christian friend of Paul

Athenagoras of Athens

Augustine of Canterbury

Augustine of Hippo

Augustine of Hippo, 354-430

Augustus Caesar, Roman Emperor

Augustus Caesar, Roman Emperor, 27 BC-14 AD

Augustus Caesar, Roman empire's first Emperor

Baal, god of Asia Minor

Baasha, King of Israel

Baasha, King of Israel, 908-886

Balaam's Donkey

Barabbas, criminal released instead of Jesus

Barnabas, a Levite from Cyprus "also named Joseph"

Barry, a Saint Brnard

Bartholomew, the Apostle "Nathaniel"

Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Baruch, Jeremiah's secretary


Basil of Caesarea or Basil the Great

Bathsheba, wife of Uriah, David's great sin


Beatrice Portinari


Bede or The Venerable Bede

Beelzebub, prince of demons

Bel, god of Babylon "Marduk"

Belial, sons of worthlessness "Satan" "Wicked One"

Belshazzar, son of Nabonidas "Belsharusur"

Benedict I, Pope

Benedict II, Pope

Benedict III, Pope

Benedict IV, Pope

Benedict IX, Pope

Benedict of Nursia

Benedict V, Pope

Benedict VI, Pope

Benedict VII, Pope

Benedict VIII, Pope

Benedict XI, Pope

Benedict XV, Pope

Benedict XVI, Pope

Benjamin, son of Jacob and Rachel, brother of Joseph

Benjamin, son of Jacob, brother of Joseph

Bereans, known to search the Scriptures

Bereans, searched the Scriptures

Bernadette Soubirous

Bernard Law

Bernard of Clairvaux

Bilhah, Rachel's maid, bore sons for Jacob

Bl. Marie Rose Durocher

Bl. Miguel Agustin Pro

Blackwood 'Blackie' Ryan

Blessed Virgin Mary

Boaz, husband of Ruth



Boniface II, Pope

Boniface III, Pope

Boniface IV, Pope

Boniface V, Pope

Bronze Snake

Bronze Snake "Nehushtan"

Brother Lawrence

C. S. Lewis

Caesar, Roman Emperor "Caesar Augustus"

Caesar, Roman Emperor "Tiberius Caesar Augustus"

Caiaphas, high priest who plotted against Jesus

Cain, son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel

Caius or Gaius, Pope

Caius or Gaius, Presbyter of Rome

Caleb, son of Jephunneh

Canaan, grandson of Noah


Catherine of Genoa

Catherine of Siena

Cecil Rhodes

Celestine II, Pope

Celestine IV, Pope

Cephas "Simon Peter"


Chemosh, god of Moab

Cherubim, angels

Christopher, Antipope

Clare of Assisi

Claudius, Emperor "Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus 1"

Clement of Alexandria

Clement or Clemens I or Clement of Rome, Pope

Clement or Clemens II, Pope

Clement or Clemens III, Antipope

Clement or Clemens III, Pope

Clement or Clemens IV, Pope

Clement or Clemens V, Pope

Clement or Clemens VI, Pope

Clement or Clemens VII, Antipope

Clement or Clemens VIII, Antipope

Clement or Clemens VIII, Pope

Clement or Clemens X, Pope

Clement or Clemens XI, Pope

Clement or Clemens XII, Pope

Clement or Clemens XIII, Pope

Clement or Clemens XIV, Pope

Conon, Pope

Constantine II, Antipope

Constantine the Great

Constantine, Pope

Cornelius, Pope

Cornelius, the centurion, of Caesarea, converted Gentile

Creator "God" "Lord"

Cush, son of Ham

Cyrus II, c. 600–530 BC, King of Persia "Cyrus the Great"

Cyrus II, King of Persia

Cyrus II, King of Persia "Cyrus the Great"

Damasus I or Damasus of Rome, Pope

Damasus II, Pope

Dan, son of Jacob

Dan, son of Jacob and maidservant Bilhah

Daniel, the Prophet, survived the lion's den

Dante Alighieri

Daughters of Jerusalem / Zion

David, King of Israel

David, King of Israel, son of Jesse

Deborah, the prophet, one of judges in the Bible


Decius, Emperor of Rome

Delilah, Samson's demise

Desiderius Erasmus

Diana, cult goddess "Artemis"

Dinah, daughter of Jacob, raped by Shechem


Dionysius the Areopagite

Dionysius the Great

Dionysius, Pope

Dionysius, the Areopagite

Dioscorus, Antipope

Donus, Pope

Dorcas, Peter raised from the dead "Tabitha"

Dorothy Day


Eddie Olczak

Edith Stein

Ehud, one of judges in the Bible, delivered Israel from Moabites

Ehud, one of judges in the Bible, sent by God to deliver Israel from Moabites


Eleutherius, Pope


Eli, the priest

Eliakim, son of Hilkiah

Elijah the Prophet

Elijah, the Prophet, did not die, was taken up in a whirlwind

Eliphaz, son of Esau and Adah

Elisha, the Prophet

Elizabeth Ann Seton

Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist

Enoch, father of Methuselah, walked with God, did not die - taken by God

Enoch, father of Methuselah, walked with God, did not die-taken by God

Enoch, son of Cain, and father of Irad