Book Events for ahzim

Events within the books in ahzim's library

Summary: 294 Events.

1 April 1933

10th Annual Hunger Games

11th century

14th century

15th century


16th century

17th century


18th century

1948 Arab-Israel War

19th century

1st century

1st century BCE

20 July plot

2008 Presidential Campaign

21st century

74th Annual Hunger Games

75th Annual Hunger Games

Abraham's Call

Accession of Elizabeth I

Alien Invasion

Altonaer Blutsonntag

Amarna Period

American Civil War

American Revolution

The Anarchy

Anglo Saxon period


Assassination of Julius Caesar

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Augustine's conversion

B'Wa Kell Rebellion

Bal de l'Opera

Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth

Battle at Burning plains

Battle of Actium

Battle of Agincourt

Battle of Antietam

Battle of Britain

Battle of Copenhagen

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Hastings

Battle of Hattin

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of Jenin

Battle of Laverstoke

Battle of Midway

Battle of New Orleans

Battle of Passchendaele

Battle of Philippi

Battle of South Mountain

Battle of Thapsus

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of the Hornburg

Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

Battle of Trafalgar

Battle of Waterloo

Big Bang


Black Death

The Blitz

Bloody Sunday


The building of the Analytic Engine

The building of the Difference Engine

Butlerian Jihad

Caesar crosses the Rubicon


Cape Grim massacre

Catalinarian Rebellion

Charlevoix–Kamouraska earthquake

Chilean Coup

Cholera Epidemic

Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster


Cold War

Conspiracy of Catiline

Coronation of Aragorn

Coronation of King Arthur

The Council of Elrond

Covenant with Israel

COVID-19 pandemic

Creation of the universe

Creation of the world

Crimean War

Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth

Cuban Missile Crisis

Cultural Revolution

Dance Macabre

Death of Katherine of Aragon

Descente de la Courtille

Destruction of Isengard

Destruction of Sandleford Warren

Destruction of the One Ring

Discovery of Pluto

Discovery of the double helix

Discovery of the Titanic

Divorce/annulment of Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII

DomDaniel is Defeated

Dominion War

Dreyfus Affair

Dust Bowl Era

early Church history

Earthquake at Pompeii

Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt

Election of Barack Obama to U.S. Presidency

Election of Donald Trump

Elizabethan Era

End of the Third Age

English Civil War

English Reformation

English Renaissance

Eruption of Mount Vesuvius

Estado Novo

Evacuation of British Children in WW2

Execution of Anne Boleyn

Exile of Ovid

Expedition 34

Expedition 35

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989 [1989]

Fall of the Roman Empire

February Revolution

First Fleet

First Opium War

Focke Museum, Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Fourth Crusade

Franklin's Lost Expedition

Freedom Ride

Galactic Civil War

Georgian Era


Golden Age of Piracy

Grace Marks Murder Trial

Great Depression

The Great Fire of Ankh-Morpork

Great Fire of London

Great Frost

Great Leap Forward

Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755

Great Northern War

Great Turkish War / War of the Holy League

The Great War

The Great Wars

Guadalcanal Campaign

Hamburg, Germany


Hellenistic Period

Herculaneum, Campania, Italy

Hindenburg disaster

History of Ancient Israel and Judah


The Hounds of God

How Nobody Came to the Graveyard

Hundred Days

Hundred Years' War

Hurricane Irene

Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany


Jack the Ripper Murders

Jacobean Era

Jazz Age

Jesus calls his disciples

Jesus’ burial

Jesus’ death

Jesus’ resurrection

Jonestown Massacre

Kieler Woche

The King's Champion Contest

Life of Jesus

Longitude Act of 1714

Luddite Movement

LWL-Römermuseum, Haltern am See, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

Middle Ages

Midsummer Eve Festival

morris dancing

Mouse meets Fox

Mouse meets Gruffalo

Mouse meets Owl

Mouse meets Snake

Mouse tricks all of them

Murder in Albany, Albany County, New York.

Napoleonic Wars

Nazi seizure of power

The New Friend

New Kingdom of Egypt

New Year

New York City Draft Riots

Night of the Long Knifes

Nineteen Year Winter

Norman Conquest of England

Nuclear War

October Revolution

Olympic Games

Panic of 1837

Papal Election

Peninsular War

Phone taps in New York.

Pinochet regime


Pluto planetary status changed


Presidential Election of 2016


Ptolemaic Dynasty

quantum theory

Quarter Quell

Queen Elena's Quest

Quest of Erebor

the rain

Regency Era

The Reichstag Fire

Reichstag fire

Reign of Augustus Caesar

Reign of Cleopatra VII

Reign of Edward III, King of England

Reign of Titus

Reign of Vespasian



Restoration of the Monarchy

Revolt of Spartacus

Rise of Nazi power

Roman Empire

Roman Invasion/Occupation of Britain

Roman occupation of Britain


Sadie is kidnapp

San Francisco Earthquake and Fire

Scarlet Fever Epidemic

Schlacht um Alesia

Second Boer War

The Second World War 1939 - 1945

September 11 Attacks

shooting in the gym

Siege of Fowl Manor

Siege of La Rochelle

Siege of Watership Down

signing of Emancipation Proclamation

Sinking of the Titanic

Six-Day War

Social War

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster

Spanish Civil War

Spanish Golden Age

Spanish Inquisition

Spanish Renaissance

Spanish-American War