Book Places for cesarchavezcs

Places within the books in cesarchavezcs's library

Summary: 898 Places.

25th Street

Abomey, Benin

Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico

Accrington, Lancashire, England

Adirondack Mountains, New York, USA



Airstrip One, Oceania

Alabama, USA

Alaska, USA

Albany, New York, USA

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Alcatraz Prison, Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California, USA

Alegría, Dominican Republic


The American plains

American Southwest

American West

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Anchorage, Alaska, USA

Ancient Greece

Andalusia, Spain

Andes Mountains, Peru





Anza-Borrego, California, USA

Appalachia, USA




Arctic Circle

Arctic Regions

The Arena


Argenta, the Realm of the Adderhead

Arizona, USA

Arkansas, USA

Arras, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France

Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Aslan's How

Asteroid B-612

Asturia, Arendia

Athena's Cabin, Camp Half-Blood

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA

Atlantic Ocean


Atlantis University

Auburn, New York, USA

Auschwitz concentration camp, Oświęcim, Lesser Poland, Poland

Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp, Oświęcim, Lesser Poland, Poland

Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camps, Oświęcim, Lesser Poland, Poland




Badlands, North Dakota, USA

The Badlands, South Dakota, USA

Bag End, Hobbiton, The Shire

Bahia Anasco, Costa Rica

Baja California, Mexico

Bakersfield, California, USA

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Bandundu, Congo

Bangassou, Central African Republic


Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Barley's Farm


Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland

Bataan, the Philippines

Battle School

Bayonne, Louisiana, USA

Beaufort, North Carolina, USA

Beavers Dam

Beaverton, Oregon, USA

Beecher Prep Middle School

Belgian Congo


Belmont, Massachusetts, USA


Benson School

Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth

Berkeley, California, USA

Berlin Wall, Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Bethlehem, Georgia, USA

Bethnal Green, London, England, UK

Biddeford, Maine, USA

Big Woods of Wisconsin, USA

Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Bistrița, Bistrița-Năsăud, Romania

The Black Hills of South Dakota, USA

Black Rock, New Mexico, USA

Blazing World

Blindhurst Fell

Bloor's Academy

Bluford High

Bluford High School

Bombay, India

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The Bowl

Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Brewer's Farm

Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, USA

Bright Angel Trail, Arizona, USA

Bristol, England, UK

Bronx Zoo, New York, New York, USA

The Bronx, New York, New York, USA

Brookdale, Maryland, USA

Brooklyn, New York, New York, USA

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Brown Street Community Center

Bucharest, Romania

Buchenwald concentration camp, Weimar, Thuringia, Germany

Budapest, Hungary

Bukovina, Romania

Bullhead City, Arizona, USA

Bulungu, Congo


Buxton, Ontario, Canada

Bybanks, Kentucky, USA


Cabo Blanco, Costa Rica

Caer Dallben

Caer Dathyl

Cair Paravel

Cairo, Egypt

California, USA



Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Camera Obscura

Camillo Junior High

Camp Half-Blood

Camp Half-Blood, Long Island, USA

Camp Harmony, Puyallup, Washington, USA

Cape Ann, Massachusetts, USA

Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

Capernaum, Galilee

The Capitol

Capricorn's Fortress

Capricorn's Village, Italy

Carfax Estate, North Yorkshire, England, UK

Caribbean Region

Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, USA

Carpathian Mountains, Romania


Carrock, Anduin, Rhovanion, Middle-earth

Carthage, South Dakota, USA

Casablanca Building, Junktown

Castelgard, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Casterbridge, Wessex, UK

Castle Dracula, Wallachia, Romania

The Castle in the Lake

The Castle of Night

Castle Rock, Uninhabited Island, Pacific Ocean

Catskill Mountains, New York, USA

Cavendish Square, London, England, UK

the cay

Central Africa

Central African Republic

Central America

Central Park Zoo, New York, New York, USA

Central Park, New York, New York, USA

Ch'ulp'o, Korea

Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico, USA

The Chalk, Discworld


Chamonix, Haute-Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Charleston, West Virginia, USA

Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada

Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, USA

Chicago, Illinois, USA




Chular, California, USA

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

The city

City Hall

Claverage Middle School

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Cloudcroft, New Mexico, USA

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA

Colchester, Essex, England, UK

Colonial Africa

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Colorado, USA

Columbia University, New York, New York, USA

Command School

The Community

Concord, Massachusetts, USA

Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York, New York, USA


Congo River, Africa

Connecticut, USA

Constantinople, Turkey

Copenhagen, Denmark

Cork, County Cork, Ireland

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

Corregidor, Manila Harbor, Luzon, Philippines


The County

Cranbury, Connecticut, USA

Crisfield, Maryland, USA

Cross Creek, Florida, USA


Culver Creek

Cupertino, California, USA


Curdled Cave

Cuzco, Peru

Czech Republic

Dachau, Bavaria, Germany

Dale, Middle-Earth

Daly City, California, USA


Damocles Dock

Darrowby, Yorkshire, England, UK

Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA

Dauntless Compound

Davis Gulch, Utah, USA

the Dawn Palace, Sunrise

De Smet, South Dakota, USA

Deep Water, West Virginia, USA

Deerfield, Massachusetts, USA

Delft, South Holland, Netherlands

Democratic Republic of the Congo


A desert isle


Desolation of Smaug, Rhovanion, Middle-earth

Detroit, Michigan, USA

Devon, England, UK


District 11

District 12

District 13

District 2

District 8

Dominican Republic

Dorchester County, Maryland, USA

Dordogne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Dorset, England, UK

Dorwinion, Middle-earth