Book Events for cheryl.berry

Events within the books in cheryl.berry's library

Summary: 359 Events.

The 144,000 with the Lamb





16th century



17th century








18th century






1938 New England hurricane


19th century

2008-2009 Recession


Abraham justified by faith

African-American Civil Rights Movement

All Saints' Day

American Civil War

American Revolution

Ananias and Sapphira

The Anarchy

The angels with the seven last plagues


Antebellum South

The anti-Christ revealed

Apollo 11

Ark of the Covenant


The army from the Euphrates


Assassination attempt on Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Assassination attempt on George Washington

Assassination attempt on Jackson

Assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Assassination of James A. Garfield

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Assassination of Long

Assassination of Medgar Evers

Assassination of William McKinley

Astor Place Theater Riots


An axhead floats

Balaam’s Donkey

Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth

The barren fig tree

Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle of Jericho

The beast from the Earth

The beast from the sea

Beheading of John the Baptist

Birth of Jesus

Birth of Jesus Christ

Birth of Jesus foretold

Birth of John the Baptist

Birth of John the Baptist promised

Birth of Moses

Birth of the United States first surviving complete set of septuplets

Black Death

Black Friday

Black Thursday

Black Tuesday

Boxer Rebellion

Bronze Snake

California Gold Rush

The catch of 153 fish

Cholera Epidemic

Christ and Antichrist

Christ and Satan

Christ rebukes Pharisees and Scribes


Christmas Eve

Christ’s sacrifice once for all

Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, 1963

The Church’s final victory

The Church’s victory

Classical Antiquity

Coronation of Charles VII of France


Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth

The cursing of the fig tree

D-Day, Normandy, France 1944

Daniel in the lions den

David and Bathsheba

David and Goliath

David anointed King of Judah

David King of Israel

Day of Atonement

Death and Resurrection of Aslan

Death of Moses

Death of the White Witch

December 23, 1918

Declaration of Independence

The defeat of Babylon

The defeat of Satan

Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

Disappearance of Amelia Pershing Gilmore

Disappearance of Leah

Disappearance of Perceval Peel

Discovery of the Titanic


Doubting Thomas

The dragon and the child

The dragon persecutes the woman

Dust Bowl Era


Elijah taken to Heaven in a chariot of fire

Elizabethan Era

End of the World

Erie Canal

Evacuation of British Children in WW2

Execution of Joan of Arc


Extinction of the dinosaurs

Fall of Jerusalem

Fall of Man

False god destroyed by God

False teachers and their destruction

Feast of Tabernacles

First day of school

The first five bowls

The first five bowls 'plagues'

The Flood

Fourth of July

French and Indian War

Garden of Gethsemane

Geneva Initiative

getting a pet

Gilded Age

Godlessness in the Last Days

going to the pet store

Golden Age of Piracy

Golden Calf

Great Chicago Fire

The Great Commission

Great Depression

The Great Depression

Great War


The harvest


Hundred Years' War

Hurricane Lenny

Incan Civilization

Israel crossing the Red Sea

Israel's exodus from Egypt

Jabez's prayer recorded in 1 Chronicles 4:10

Jacob wrestles with God

Jacobean Era

Jazz Age

Jerusalem under siege

Jesus and disciples prepare for Passover

Jesus anointed in Bethany

Jesus appears to Peter

Jesus before Herod

Jesus before Pilate

Jesus blesses small children

Jesus calls his disciples

Jesus calms the stormy sea

Jesus feeds 4,000

Jesus feeds the 5,000

Jesus heals 10 lepers

Jesus heals a blind man

Jesus heals a leper

Jesus heals a man with dropsy

Jesus heals deformed woman on Sabbath

Jesus heals man with palsy

Jesus heals the blind and mute

Jesus heals the Centurion's servant

Jesus purges the Temple

Jesus purging the temple

Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter from the dead

Jesus raises the widow of Nain’s son

Jesus restores a lunatic

Jesus restores the sight of 2 blind men

Jesus revealed to his disciples

Jesus sends the 12 Apostles

Jesus sentenced to death by Pilate

Jesus taken captive

Jesus walks on the sea

Jesus' temptation in the desert

Jesus’ burial

Jesus’ death

Jesus’ parable of the net

Jesus’ parable of the sower

Jesus’ parable of the weeds

Jesus’ parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl

Jesus’ parables of the mustard seed and the yeast

Jesus’ prophecy of His suffering

Jesus’ resurrection

Jesus’ trial

Jesus’ triumphant entry to Jerusalem

Jesus’ words on the cross

Job’s faith tested

John Main Seminar

John preaches and baptizes

John’s vision of Christ on the island of Patmos

Jonah swallowed by a great fish

Jonestown Massacre, 1978

Joseph in charge of Egypt

Joseph Sold to Egypt

Joseph takes Mary as his wife

Joseph's brothers go to Egypt

Joseph's dreams

Judas agrees to betray Jesus

Judas Iscariot hangs himself

Judgement pronounced on Jerusalem

Klondike Gold Rush

Lancaster County Church Split

Last Judgement

Last Supper

Late Cretaceous

Lewis and Clark Expedition

liberation of Buchenwald

The locusts out of hell

Manna from Heaven


The marriage supper of the Lamb

Matthias chosen to replace Judas

Mesozoic Era

Middle Ages

Moses and the burning bush

Mother of the Year Contest

Mouse meets Fox

Mouse meets Gruffalo

Mouse meets Owl

Mouse meets Snake

Mouse tricks all of them

Murder of Leah's husband

Murder of Mary Sampson

Mutiny on the Bounty

Neolithic Period

The new Heaven and the new Earth

New Heavens and a new Earth

The new Jerusalem

Nineteen Year Winter

November 11, 1918