Book Events for collo01

Events within the books in collo01's library

Summary: 317 Events.

13th century

14th century

16th century

17th century

18th century


19th century

1st century

1st century BCE

5th century BCE

Age of Sail

Aliens Act

Amarna Period

American Civil War

American Revolution

Anglo-Spanish War

The Annunciation


the Assassination attempts on the de Medicis.

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Assassination of Julius Caesar


Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Augustine's conversion

Babington Plot

Battle of Actium

Battle of Ashdown

Battle of Badon

Battle of Bannockburn

Battle of Barnet

Battle of Blore Heath

Battle of Bosworth Field

Battle of Bothwell Bridge

Battle of Britain

Battle of Brunanburh

Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle of Cannae

Battle of Caporetto

Battle of Carrhae

Battle of Castagnaro

Battle of Clifton

Battle of Culloden

Battle of Drumclog

Battle of Dunkeld

Battle of Edgecote

Battle of Edgehill

Battle of Ellandun

Battle of Ethandun

Battle of Evesham

Battle of Falkirk, 1298

Battle of Falkirk, 1746

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Flodden

Battle of Glenshiel

Battle of Halidon Hill

Battle of Hastings

Battle of Hedgeley Moor

Battle of Hexham

Battle of Homildon Hill

Battle of Killiecrankie

Battle of Lansdown

Battle of Lepanto

Battle of Lewes

Battle of Lostwithiel

Battle of Maldon

Battle of Marathon

Battle of Marston Moor

Battle of Mortimer's Cross

Battle of Naseby

Battle of Neville's Cross

Battle of Northampton

Battle of Otterburn

Battle of Pinkie

Battle of Preston

Battle of Prestonpans

Battle of Roundway Down

Battle of Salamis

Battle of Saratoga

Battle of Sedgemoor

Battle of Sheriffmuir

Battle of Shrewsbury

Battle of Stamford Bridge

Battle of Stirling Bridge

Battle of Stoke

Battle of Tannenberg

Battle of Tewkesbury

Battle of the Atlantic

Battle of the Marne

Battle of the Somme

Battle of the Standard

Battle of Thermopylae

Battle of Towton

Battle of Trafalgar

Battle of Wakefield

Battle of Waterloo

Battle of Worcester

Belgian Revolution

Black Death

Blanketeers March

Blasphemous and Seditious Libels Act

Blessing of the Fleet in Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA

The Blitz

Bolshevik Revolution

Bourbon Restoration

Bouvines battle, France

Bristol riots

British Raj

The Capture of the City by the French in 1497

Carlsbad Decrees

Cato Street Conspiracy

Champlain fights Mohawks - 1609

Chilean Coup

Chinese / Spanish fighting in Manila 1640

Chinese Civil War

Classical Antiquity

Clutter family murder

Cold War


Communist China

Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle

Congress of Laibach

Congress of Troppau

Congress of Verona

Congress of Vienna

Copyright Act

Corn Laws

Coronation of Charles VII of France


Crimean War

Death of Julius Caesar

Decembrist Uprising

Defeat of the Spanish Armada

Despard Plot

Disaster: Shipwreck

Discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb

Dreyfus Affair

Duchess of Richmond's ball

Dutch Revolt

Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt

Eighty Years War

El final de la Reconquista con la toma de Granada por los castellanos

El imperio otomano conquista Egipto

El saqueo de Roma por los luteranos.

Elizabethan Era

Emigration to Paraguay

End of the Third Age


English Civil War

English Renaissance


Entente Cordiale of 1904

Eruption of Mount Vesuvius

Execution of Joan of Arc

Expedition of the Thousand

Fall of France

The Fall of Lucifer

Fall of the Roman Empire

First Battle of Newbury

First Battle of St. Albans

The Flood

Focke Museum, Bremen, Bremen, Germany


Fourth Crusade

Franco-Prussian War

French expedition to Ireland

French Resistance

French Revolution

German Peasants' War

Giro D'Italia


Global Financial Crisis

Glorious Revolution

Great Depression

Great Game

Greco-Persian Wars

Guelderian Wars

The Harrowing of Hell

Hellenistic Period

Herculaneum, Campania, Italy

Herrschaft der Hundert Tage

Heysel Stadium disaster

Hillsborough disaster


Holy Week

Hundred Days

Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis

Hundred Years' War

Indonesian Invasion of East Timor

Industrial Revolution

Inflation in China - 1640s

Iran-Iraq War

Iranian Revolution

Irish rebellion

Israeli war of independence

Italian Renaissance

Italian Risorgimento

Jacobean Era

Judgement Day

July Revolution

June Days Uprising

Kapp-Lüttwitz Putsch

Kidnapping of Heinrich Kreipe

Lombok Expedition

Longitude Act of 1714

LWL-Römermuseum, Haltern am See, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Manhattan Project

Massacre of Chinese by Spanish in Manila 1603


Metropolitan Police Act

Middle Ages

Ming Dynasty

Misdemeanors Act

Mongol Empire

Munich Agreement

Münchner Räterepublik

Münster Rebellion

Napoleon's invasion of Russia

Napoleonic Wars

Nazi seizure of power

New Kingdom of Egypt

Newspaper and Stamp Duties Act

Night of the Long Knifes


Olympic Games

Ominous Decade

Operation Barbarossa

Origins of World War I

Origins of World War II

Paris Commune

Pax Romana

Pentagon Papers

Pentrich Rising

Persian Wars

Peterloo Massacre

Poor Law Amendment Act 1834

Prague Spring

Ptolemaic Dynasty

Qing Dynasty

Quest of Erebor

Rebecca riots

Reform Act


Reichstag fire

Reign of Amasis II

Reign of Cambyses II

Reign of Claudius

Reign of Cleopatra VII

Reign of Hadrian

Reign of Titus
