Ben Affleck(1)
J. Ahern(1)
Marvin H. Albert(2)
James Alburger(1)
Karl Alexander(1)
Robert Alley(1)
Piers Anthony(1)
Allen Appel(1)
Max Apple(1)
Jeffrey Archer(1)
Campbell Armstrong(1)
Alan Arnold(1)
Darren Aronofsky(1)
Isaac Asimov(2)
John August(1)
Brian Augustyn(1)
Jane Austen(1)
Massad F. Ayoob(1)
Richard Bach(1)
John Ball(1)
Burl Barer(1)
Chuck Barris(1)
John M. Barry(1)
Peter Barsocchini(1)
Janet Scott Batchler(1)
Thomas Baum(1)
Josh Bazell(1)
John Head Anne Beatts(1)
Matthew Beaumont(1)
Stefan Bechtel(1)
Peter Benchley(1)
Brian Michael Bendis(2)
Robert Ben Garant(1)
Harve Bennett(1)
Alfred Bester(1)
David Bischoff(9)
Peter Biskind(2)
Terry Bisson(2)
Michael Blake(3)
William Peter Blatty(1)
William Blinn(1)
Robert Bloch(1)
M. C. Bolin(2)
Robert Bolt(1)
T. Michael Booth(1)
Anthony Bourdain(1)
Ben Bova(1)
Alice Boyd(1)
Randall Boyle(1)
Randall Boyll(1)
Peter Brackett(1)
Melvyn Bragg(1)
John Brancato(1)
Berkeley Breathed(2)
Paul Brickhill(1)
David Brin(1)
Charles Bronson(1)
Mel Brooks(1)
Terry Brooks(1)
Dale Brown(3)
William Broyles(1)
Ken Bruen(8)
Anthony Bruno(1)
Bonnie Bryant(4)
Edward Bunker(1)
James Lee Burke(1)
Herbert Burkholz(1)
Chandler Burr(1)
Edgar Rice Burroughs(1)
Stephen Bury(2)
Kurt Busiek(1)
Michael Butler(1)
Craig Byrne(1)
Jeffrey Caine(1)
James Cameron(1)
L. Sprague de Camp(1)
James Carabatsos(1)
Lorenzo Carcaterra(1)
Orson Scott Card(6)
Diane Carey(1)
Daniel Carney(1)
M. Scott Carpenter(1)
Caleb Carr(1)
Henry Carroll(2)
Forrest Carter(1)
Marc Cerasini(1)
Paddy Chayefsky(3)
Lee Child(15)
Adam Christopher(1)
Tom Clancy(4)
Chris Claremont(1)
Arthur C. Clarke(6)
Elaine A. Clark(1)
John Clarkson(1)
Joe Claro(1)
Jon Cleary(1)
Ernest Cline(1)
Rachel Cohn(1)
Max Allan Collins(5)
DC Comics(3)
J. J. Connolly(1)
Pat Conroy(4)
Darwyn Cooke(1)
Bob Cooley(1)
Stephen Coonts(1)
Avery Corman(1)
Robert Cormier(1)
Dick Couch(1)
Arthur Byron Cover(1)
Greg Cox(1)
Michael Crichton(3)
Cameron Crowe(5)
John Crowley(1)
Vic Crume(2)
Lowell Cunningham(1)
Drew Curtis(1)
Richard Curtis(3)
Peter J. D'Adamo(1)
Roald Dahl(1)
Brian Daley(1)
Dennis Danvers(1)
Frank Darabont(1)
Peter David(10)
Michael Davis(1)
Les Dean(1)
Keith R. A. DeCandido(1)
Dean Devlin(2)
Charles Dickens(1)
Philip K. Dick(1)
Gordon R. Dickson(1)
J. M. Dillard(5)
Isak Dinesen(1)
Evan Slawson Richard Dobbins(1)
Cory Doctorow(4)
Larry Doyle(1)
Wayland Drew(3)
Diane Duane(1)
Cathy East Dubowski(1)
Dale A. Dye(1)
Umberto Eco(1)
Alexander Edwards(1)
Dave Eggers(2)
Lajos Egri(1)
Eugene H. Ehrlich(1)
Max Ehrlich(1)
Bret Easton Ellis(1)
James Ellison(1)
James Ellison(1)
Warren Ellis(3)
Joel Engel(2)
Ken Englade(1)
Steve Englehart(3)
Garth Ennis(12)
Nora Ephron(1)
Mary Ann Evans(1)
Paul W. Fairman(1)
Stephen Farber(1)
Tom Farley Jr.(1)
Christopher Farnsworth(1)
Elizabeth Faucher(1)
Bob Feiden(1)
J.S. Feliciano(1)
Timothy Ferriss(1)
Jack Finney(1)
Jeffrey P. Fisher(1)
Fannie Flagg(1)
Leonore Fleischer(9)
Joseph Flynn(1)
Horton Foote(1)
Alan Dean Foster(11)
Larry Fox(1)
Randall Frakes(2)
Robert Frost(1)
richard kimberly gail & wolf(1)
Neil Gaiman(7)
Bob Gale(2)
Joseph Garber(1)
Craig Shaw Gardner(1)
Dee Gerald and Caruso Gardner(1)
John Gardner(1)
Patrick Posey Garrett(3)
Ray Garton(1)
Peter Gent(1)
Peter George(1)
David Gerrold(2)
Dave Gibbons(1)
Kahlil Gibran(1)
William Gibson(1)
Raynold Gideon(1)
Stephen Gilbert(1)
Stuart Gillard(1)
H. B. Gilmour(3)
George Gipe(2)
Mitchell Glazer(1)
John Godey(1)
Arthur Golden(1)
Christopher Golden(1)
James Goldman(1)
William Goldman(3)
Dan Gordon(1)
Ron Goulart(1)
Steven Gould(8)
Steven C. Gould(1)
Dewey Gram(4)
Martin H. Greenberg(3)
Simon R. Green(1)
Maureen Gregson(1)
Mike Grell(1)
Ken Grimwood(1)
John Grisham(1)
Winston Groom(1)
Robert Grossbach(1)
Lev Grossman(2)
Judith Guest(1)
Alec Guinness(1)
David Gunn(1)
David Hagberg(1)
Matthew R. Hall(1)
Edward M. Hallowell(1)
Larry Hama(2)
Sam Hamm(1)
Elizabeth Hand(1)
Robin Hardy(1)
Thomas Hardy(1)
Robert Harling(1)
Jim Harrison(1)
Payne Harrison(1)
William Harrison(1)
Thomas Harris(6)
Josephine Hart(1)
Nathaniel Hawthorne(1)
George Hayduke(1)
Todd Haynes(1)
Peter Heath(2)
Peter Hedges(1)
Robert A. Heinlein(2)
Andrew Helfer(1)
Zach Helm(1)
Charles W. Henderson(1)
Frank Herbert(3)
Evan Lee Heyman(1)
Bill Hicks(1)
Doug Hill(1)
Elias Hill(1)
Laura Hillenbrand(1)
Walter Phillips Clyde B Based On The Original Screenplay By Hill(1)
James Hilton(1)
S. E. Hinton(1)
Burt Hirschfield(1)
John Hodge(1)
Peter Høeg(1)
Chuck Hogan(1)
Harlan Hogan(1)
James P. Hogan(1)
Joseph Howard(1)
Robert E.; De Camp Howard, L. Sprague(1)
Ron Howard(1)
James Byron Huggins(1)
William Bradford Huie(1)
Stephen Hunter(1)
Aldous Huxley(1)
Karl Iglesias(2)
Judith Jacklin(2)
Jeremy Jackson(1)
Ulrika Jepson Wigg(1)
Kerry Mark Joëls(1)
Geoff Johns(1)
Kenneth Johnson(1)
Jenny M. Jones(1)
Terry Jones(1)
Graham Joyce(1)
Hank Williams Jr.(1)
Richard Kadrey(2)
James Kahn(2)
Bob Kane(1)
Mary Karr(1)
Elizabeth Kata(1)
Charlie Kaufman(2)
Robert Kaufman(1)
H. R. F. Keating(1)
David Keirsey(1)
Scott Kelby(2)
William Kelley(1)
Richard Kelly(1)
Richard T. Kelly(1)
Thomas Kelly(1)
Adam Kennedy(1)
Jack Kerley(2)
Crawford Kilian(1)
Garry Kilworth(1)
Stephen King(42)
Tabitha King(4)
W. P. Kinsella(1)
Barbara Ann Kipfer(1)
Robert Kirkman(9)
N.H. Kleinbaum(2)
Steve Kluger(1)
David Koepp(1)
Dani Kollin(2)
Dean Koontz(5)
William Kotzwinkle(1)
Jon Land(1)
Gary Larson(1)
Leslie Glen A. And Stevens Larson(1)
Aaron Latham(1)
Frank Lauria(1)
Tim Lebbon(1)
Harper Lee(1)
Stan Lee(1)
Tommy Lee(1)
Peter Lerangis(4)
Ira Levin(1)
David Levithan(1)
Shawn Levy(1)
Steven Levy(1)
Michael Z. Lewin(1)
C. S. Lewis(1)
Alan Lightman(1)
Richard Linklater(1)
Kenneth Lipper(2)
Jeph Loeb(1)
Kenneth Lonergan(1)
Jeff Long(2)
Barry B. Longyear(1)
Eileen Lottman(2)
George Lucas(2)
George et al. Lucas(1)
James Luceno(1)
Kurt; Sydney Pollack Luedtke(1)
Mike Lupica(2)
Eric Van Lustbader(1)
Peter Maas(1)
Jonathan Maberry(4)
Seth MacFarlane(1)
Rob MacGregor(1)
Alistair MacLean(1)
Norman MacLean(1)
Alison Macor(1)
Elliot S. Maggin(2)
David Mamet(1)
Matthew K. Manning(1)
Michael Mann(1)
Richard Marcinko(1)
Andrew W. Marlowe(1)
Steve Martin(5)
Richard Matheson(2)
Anne McCaffrey(2)
Robert R. McCammon(3)
Cormac McCarthy(1)
Johnston McCulley(1)
Colleen McCullough(1)
Jimmy McDonough(1)
Gordon McGill(2)
Jane McGonigal(1)
Vonda N. McIntyre(3)
Robert McKee(1)
Sarah McLachlan(1)
Larry McMurtry(3)
Mike McQuay(2)
Lynne McTaggart(1)
Sanford Meisner(1)
Billy Mernit(1)
Martin Meyers(1)
Mike Clark Carlton(1)
John Milius(2)
Mark Millar(1)
Arthur Miller(1)
Chris Miller(2)
Ed Leroy Miller(1)
Frank Miller(3)
John Minahan(2)
John Minahan, Illustrated by Cover Art(1)
Anthony Minghella(1)
Elyne Mitchell(1)
Kirk Mitchell(2)
Stephen Molstad(1)
Paul Monette(2)
Dito Montiel(1)
Alan Moore(5)
Steve Moore(1)
David Morrell(4)
Grant Morrison(1)
Willie Morris(1)
Jeffrey Moses(1)
Jim Munroe(1)
Warren Murphy(1)
Ed Naha(3)
E. M. Nathanson(1)
Bill Naughton(1)
Yvonne Navarro(1)
Andrew Neiderman(1)
Edward Neumeier(1)
Christopher Newman(1)
Andrew Niccol(1)
Martin Noble(1)
Christopher Nolan(4)
Chuck Norris(1)
Edmund H. North(1)
Christopher Null(1)
Eric S. Nylund(1)
James O'Barr(1)
Flannery O'Connor(1)
Scott O'Dell(1)
Mel Odom(2)
Michael Ondaatje(1)
Dennis O'Neil(1)
Victor O'Reilly(3)
George Orwell(1)
Richard Osborne(1)
Andrew Osmond(1)
Patton Oswalt(1)
Robert M. Overstreet(1)
Martin Owens(1)
Chuck Palahniuk(5)
Lucile Vaughan Payne(1)
Gilbert Pearlman(2)
John Philip Peecher(1)
Steve Perry(1)
Bryan Peterson(1)
Derek Peterson(1)
Rodman Philbrick(1)
Sonia Pilcer(1)
Joseph D. Pistone(1)
Richard La Plante(2)
Dale Pollock(1)
A Hallmark Entertainment/NBC Presentation(1)
Steven Pressfield(2)
Christopher Priest(1)
Nicholas Proffitt(1)
Annie Proulx(1)
Advance Magazine Publishers Inc.(1)
Mario Puzo(2)
A. J. Quinnell(1)
Kevin Randle(1)
Herman Raucher(2)
Wilson Rawls(1)
Christopher Reeve(1)
Claudia Reilly(1)
Erich Maria Remarque(1)
Burt Reynolds(1)
Anne Rice(2)
Keith Richards(1)
Doug Richardson(1)
Tad Richards(1)
John Ringo(5)
J. W. Rinzler(3)
John Roach(1)
David Robbins(1)
Phillip Rock(1)
Gene Roddenberry(2)
Robert Rodriguez(1)
James Rollins(1)
Bjarne Rostaing(1)
David Lee Roth(1)
William Rotsler(1)
J. K. Rowling(7)
Bruce Joel Rubin(1)
Fred Saberhagen(1)
Carl Sagan(1)
Julie Salamon(1)
Paul M. Sammon(1)
John Scalzi(7)
The Staff and Friends of Scarecrow(1)
Jack Schaefer(1)
Eric Schlosser(1)
Mark Schultz(1)
George Scullin(1)
Erich Segal(1)
Jerry Segal(1)
David Seltzer(1)
Bob Sennett(1)
Rod Serling(1)
Michael Shaara(1)
William Shakespeare(1)
Tom Shales(1)
Marjorie Weinman Sharmat(1)
Rob Sheffield(1)
John Shirley(1)
Tom Shone(1)
Neil B. Shulman(1)
Anne Rivers Siddons(1)
Dan Simmons(3)
Heather Simon(1)
Upton Sinclair(1)
Warren Skaaren(1)
John Skipp(1)
A. C. H. Smith(1)
Carole Smith(1)
Carol Sturm Smith(1)
Dodie Smith(1)
Kevin Smith(1)
Martin Cruz Smith(1)
Patti Smith(1)
Steven Smith(1)
Blake Snyder(1)
Steven Soderbergh(1)
John Somerville(1)
Nicholas Sparks(2)
Steven Spielberg(1)
Sylvester Stallone(1)
John Steakley(2)
John Steinbeck(2)
Richard Steinberg(2)
Neal Stephenson(6)
D. A. Stern(1)
Howard Stern(1)
Roger Stern(1)
Jon Stewart(1)
Kerry Stewart(1)
J. Michael Straczynski(3)
Todd Strasser(1)
Whitley Strieber(2)
William Strunk Jr.(1)
Daniel Suarez(1)
Mark T. Sullivan(1)
Patrick Süskind(1)
James Swallow(1)
Glendon Swarthout(1)
Anthony Swofford(1)
Donna Tartt(1)
Derek Taylor(1)
Alison Thomas(1)
John C. Thomas(1)
Randy Thomas(1)
Illustrated by Cover Art Racina Thom(1)
Ernest Thompson(1)
Hunter S. Thompson(1)
Billy Bob Thornton(1)
Michael Tierno(1)
Robert Tine(4)
Giles Tippette(1)
Wesley Treat(1)
Lars von Trier(1)
John Truby(1)
Garry Trudeau(1)
Michael Uslan(1)
Andrew Vachss(1)
Eugene Vale(1)
A. E. van Vogt(1)
John Varley(4)
Robert Venditti(1)
Bev Vincent(1)
Joan D. Vinge(1)
Christopher Vogler(2)
Lilly Wachowski(1)
Walter Wager(1)
Tim Waggoner(1)
Mark Waid(2)
Amy Wallace(1)
Randall Wallace(1)
Mika Waltari(1)
Todd Walton(1)
Simon Waterson(1)
Bill Watterson(1)
W. J. Weatherby(1)
Charles Webb(1)
Rebecca Wells(1)
Jann Wenner(1)
Robert Westbrook(1)
Robert Weverka(2)
Joss Whedon(4)
Zack Whedon(1)
Christopher Whitcomb(1)
T. H. White(1)
Hilary Williams(1)
Calder Willingham(1)
Tim Willocks(1)
Meredith Willson(1)
Daniel H. Wilson(1)
Paul F. Wilson(1)
Judd Winick(2)
Burton Wohl(2)
Tom Wolfe(1)
Marv Wolfman(2)
Jonathan Wood(1)
Richard Woodley(1)
Bob Woodward(1)
Richard Wormser(1)
Writers of Thirtysomething(1)
Chuck Yeager(1)
Rafael Yglesias(1)
Timothy Zahn(1)
Bill Zehme(1)
Mitchell Zuckoff(1)