Includes: Anglican/Episcopal, anglican/episcopal
Tagged Works
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- Easter Stories: Classic Tales for the Holy Season by Miriam Leblanc (2 times)
- The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church by Church Publishing (1 times)
- The School of the Heart; by Christopher Harvey (1 times)
- Baptized Imagination (Routledge Studies in Theology, Imagination and the Arts) by Kerry Dearborn (1 times)
- Grace is Not Faceless: Reflections on Mary by Ann Loades (1 times)
- R. S. Thomas to Rowan Williams: The Spiritual Imagination in Modern Welsh Poetry (Writing Wales in English) by M. Wynn Thomas (1 times)
- The Vowed Life: The Promise and Demand of Baptism by Sarah Coakley (1 times)
- By Mr. William Stringfellow - A Keeper of the Word: Selected Writings of William Stringfellow (1996-05-17) [Paperback] (1 times)
- God, Grace, and Horses: Life Lessons from the Saddle by Laurie M. Brock (1 times)
- The Waste Land: A Biography of a Poem by Matthew Hollis (1 times)
- The Audacity of Peace by Scot McKnight (1 times)
- Return from a Distant Country by Alister McGrath (1 times)
- The Truth and Beauty: How the Lives and Works of England's Greatest Poets Point the Way to a Deeper Understanding of the Words of Jesus by Andrew Klavan (1 times)
- All Thy Lights Combine: Figural Reading in the Anglican Tradition by David Ney (1 times)
- The Monastic Call of Every Christian: The 2019 James Lloyd Breck Conference on Monasticism and The Church (The James Lloyd Breck Conference on Monasticism and The Church) by Greg Peters (1 times)
- Resurrection Hope: A Future Where Black Lives Matter by Kelly Brown Douglas (1 times)
- The Bond of Peace: Exploring Generous Orthodoxy by The Rt Revd Dr Graham Tomlin (1 times)
- Frequencies of God: Walking through Advent with R S Thomas by Carys Walsh (1 times)
- The Hope of Glory: Reflections on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross by Jon Meacham (1 times)
- Anatomy of a Revived Church: Seven Findings of How Congregations Avoided Death by Thom S. Rainer (1 times)
- The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church: A Chain Linking Two Traditions by L. Gordon McLester III (1 times)
- Systematic Theology, Volume 2: The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity: Processions and Persons by Katherine Sonderegger (1 times)
- Horses Speak of God: How Horses Can Teach Us to Listen and Be Transformed by Laurie M. Brock (1 times)
- Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices by Scott Gunn (1 times)
- Harvesting Abundance: Local Initiatives of Food and Faith by Brian Sellers-Petersen (1 times)
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