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- Byzantinoslavica 57/2 (23 times)
- Actes d'Iviron by Greece) Monē Ivērōn (Athos (8 times)
- Actes de Lavra I (Archives de l'Athos V). Texte. by Sōphronios Eustratiadēs (7 times)
- Acta et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi Sacra et Profana (Cambridge Library Collection - Medieval History) (Volume 5) by Franz Miklosich (6 times)
- Les moines d'Orient II by A. J. Festugière (6 times)
- Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit (v. 2-12: Veroffentlichungen der Kommission fur Byzantinistik) (German Edition) by Erich Trapp (6 times)
- Early Medieval Europe by T. S. Brown (5 times)
- Patrologiae cursus completus (Latin Edition) by J.-P. Migne (5 times)
- Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents: A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders' Typika and Testaments (Dumbarton Oaks Studies) Volume 5 by John Philip Thomas (5 times)
- Die Urkunden der lateinischen Könige von Jerusalem, II (4 times)
- Dei gesta per Francos et cinq autres textes by Guibert of Nogent (3 times)
- Regesto delle pergamene. Vol.V (Sec. XV–XVI) by Montevergine (Abbey), (3 times)
- Carte dell'Archivio Arcivescovile di Pisa. Fondo Arcivescovile (720-1200) (3 times)
- Voyages, IV by Ibn Jubayr (3 times)
- Villages antiques de la Syrie du Nord; le massif du Bélus à l'époque romaine, vol.2 by Georges Tchalenko (3 times)
- Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des oströmischen Reiches von 565-1453 by Franz Dölger (3 times)
- Abrégé d'histoire de France, par J. Michelet... [par Mme Michelet.] by Jules Michelet (3 times)
- Revue des études byzantines 57 by Institut français d'études byzantines (3 times)
- Urkunden zur älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte der Republik Venedig : mit besonderer Beziehung auf Byzanz und die Levante : vom neunten bis zum Ausgang des fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts, vol.I by G. L. F. Tafel (3 times)
- The economic history review 65/3 (3 times)
- Byzantine and modern Greek studies 31/1 (3 times)
- Die Stadtmauern by Manfred Klinkott (3 times)
- Les comptes sur tablettes de cire de Jean Sarrazin, chambellan de saint Louis by Hartmut Atsma (3 times)
- Catalogue of Byzantine Seals at Dumbarton Oaks and in the Fogg Museum of Art, 6: Emperors, Patriarchs of Constantinople, Addenda by John Nesbitt (3 times)
- Epistulae et, Amphilochia by Saint Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople (3 times)
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