Tagbox 337
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Tagged Works
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- Sonora Review: No. 57 by Jake Levine (1 times)
- Merchants Make History: Tells how trade has influenced ... history ... by Ernst Samhaber (1 times)
- Custers Luck (Missing Jacket) by Edgar L. Stewart (1 times)
- Teach Yourself Swedish by R.J. McClean (1 times)
- The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia by Masha Gessen (1 times)
- Engineering: An Illustrated History from Ancient Craft to Modern Technology (100 Ponderables) by Tom Jackson (1 times)
- In the Shadow of Liberty: The Hidden History of Slavery, Four Presidents, and Five Black Lives by Kenneth C. Davis (1 times)
- 小石頭丟了以後 (xiao shi tou diu le yi hou) = Little Pebble is missing by Ran Hao (1 times)
- A Detour to Dragon Village by Hsiao-lu Ho (1 times)
- The Ferry at Billows Harbour 浪花渡 by Nan Fang (1 times)
- The Elements: An Illustrated History of the Periodic Table (100 Ponderables) by Tom Jackson (1 times)
- Mathematics: An Illustrated History of Numbers by Tom Jackson (1 times)
- The Romance of American Transportation by Franklin M. Reck (1 times)
- Flight and Flying: A Chronology by David Baker (1 times)
- Chrestomathie du Moyen Age by Gaston Bruno Paulin Paris (1 times)
- A Various Language: Perspectives on American Dialects by Juanita V. Williamson (1 times)
- Slang Through the Ages by Jonathon Green (1 times)
- The Old English version of the Heptateuch Aelfric's Treatise on the Old and New Testament, and his Preface to Genesis; by Ælfric of Eynsham (1 times)
- Teach Yourself Gaelic by Roderick Mackinnon (1 times)
- How the Irish Invented Slang: The Secret Language of the Crossroads by Daniel Cassidy (1 times)
- Maledicta 8 (1984-85): The International Journal of Verbal Aggression, vol. 8. by Reinhold Aman (1 times)
- Aelfric's Lives of saints: being a set of sermons on saints' days formerly observed by the English Church by Ælfric of Eynsham (1 times)
- Lexicon of Black English by J. L. Dillard (1 times)
- The Hausa language : an encyclopedic reference grammar by Paul Newman (1 times)
- The Social Stratification of English in New York City by William Labov (1 times)
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