Tagconstruction drawings
Includes: construction drawings, Construction Drawings
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- Brick Buildings S, M, L: 30 x Architecture and Construction (DETAIL Special) (German Edition) by Sandra Hofmeister (1 times)
- Rakennusselitys by Martti Tiula (1 times)
- Tumbleweed DIY Book of Backyard Sheds & Tiny Houses: Build Your Own Guest Cottage, Writing Studio, Home Office, Craft Workshop, or Personal Retreat by Jay Shafer (1 times)
- Museum of modern and contemporary art of Trento and Rovereto by Mario Botta (1 times)
- الموسوعة الهندسية لآنشاء المبانى والمرافق العامة by عبد اللطيف أبو العطا البقرى (1 times)
- الموسوعة الهندسية لآنشاء المبانى والمرافق العامة - أعمال المجارى, أعمال الطرق, أعمال المياه, أعمال الانفاق by عبد اللطيف أبو العطا البقرى (1 times)
- تشييد المبانى - أساسات انشاء المبانى by فاروق حيدر (1 times)
- تشييد المبانى - الاسقف والتشطيبات وخدمات المبانى ورسومات تنفيذية by فاروق حيدر (1 times)
- تشييد المبانى - الهندسة الصحية والتركيبات الصحية by فاروق حيدر (1 times)
- المنشأة المعمارية - التصميمات الانشائية , الكميات والمواصفات, دراسة العطاءات by عبد اللطيف ابو العطا البقرى (1 times)
- Progettare un Museo - Le Nuove Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia by Renata Codello (1 times)
- Italy in Alexandria - Influences on the Built Environment by Mohamed Awad (1 times)
- Il Progetto dei Nuovi Uffizi - Conferenza Stampa by L. Moro (1 times)
- Forbo Product Portfolio 2006/ 2007, World Class Flooring Solutions by Forbo (1 times)
- Architettura e Design: Il Museo Italiano, La Transformazione di spazi storica in spazi espositivi by Antonella Huber (1 times)
- 300 Best Selling Home Plans by Garlinghouse Co. (1 times)
- Science Museums: Spaces of Scientific and Technical Exhibition by Luca Basso Peressut (1 times)
- Time-Saver Standards; a manual of essential architectural data for architects, engineers, designers, builders, draftsmen, and other technicians (1 times)
- Museums in the 21st Century: Concepts, Projects, Buildings by Suzanne Greub (1 times)
- Engineering aid 3 & 2 (1 times)
- Structure Systems by Heino Engel (1 times)
- Bluenose II by L. B. Jenson (1 times)
- Architectural Graphic Standards by Charles George Ramsey (1 times)
- Small Barn Plans for Owner-Builders by Craig Wallin (1 times)
- Architectural Graphics by Francis D. K. Ching (1 times)
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