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- Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent by Industrial Workers of the World (4 times)
- Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry [in Two Volumes] by Thomas Percy (1 times)
- Handbook for Boys by Boy Scouts of America (1 times)
- The Official Boy Scout Handbook (9th Edition) by William Hillcourt (1 times)
- Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History, Updated Edition by Bruce Cumings (1 times)
- Red guards and workers' militias in the Russian Revolution by Rex A. Wade (1 times)
- Under the Mask of Phillanthropy by Michael Barker (1 times)
- The World-System and Africa by Immanuel Wallerstein (1 times)
- Routledge Handbook of Marxian Economics (Routledge International Handbooks) by David M. Brennan (1 times)
- Pocket Guide to Workplace Rights of Public Employees by Bonnie G Bogue (1 times)
- Biblia, das ist: Die Heilige Schrift Altes und Neues Testaments, Nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers, Mit jedes Capitels kurtzen Summarien, auch beygefügten vielen und richtigen Parlellen; Nebst einem Anhang des dritten und vierten Buchs Esrä und des dritten Buchs der Maccabäer by Martin Luther (1 times)
- Large Scale Development Impact Review Manual by Laurence C. Gerckens (1 times)
- Interim Evaluation of HUD's Homeownership Zone Initiative by Joe Kirchner (1 times)
- State & society in Europe, 1550-1650 by V. G. Kiernan (1 times)
- Diagrammatically (Urban Infill) by Terry Schwarz (1 times)
- Captain of the Steppe by Олег Павлов (1 times)
- Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914–1922 by Aaron B. Retish (1 times)
- Sarah Tyson Rorer: The nation's instructress in dietetics and cookery (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society) by Emma Seifrit Weigley (1 times)
- Den finska revolutionen : dokument från F.K.P:s grundande : öppet brev till kamrat Lenin av finska kommunister i Ryssland by Otto Wille Kuusinen (1 times)
- Insider's Guide to Careers in Urban Planning by Tim Halbur (1 times)
- Nensokan: Moon in a Dewdrop by Stacey B. Day (1 times)
- History of Black Americans: From Africa to the emergence of the cotton kingdom by Philip Sheldon Foner (1 times)
- Death of a Salesman [critical edition] by Arthur Miller (1 times)
- The Double Helix [Norton Critical Edition] by James D. Watson (1 times)
- Life in the Iron Mills [Bedford Cultural Editions] by Rebecca Harding Davis (1 times)
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