New here with "?" about images & social/sharing

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New here with "?" about images & social/sharing

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1isamama First Message
Apr 1, 2007, 12:59 am

I just discovered LT this week and I'm already addicted, but I have a couple questions I hope someone here can answer.

Every book I entered I couldn't wait to see how many others have the same book, but I discovered, by visiting another hsers library, that may not be accurate (or I don't know what I'm doing lol). I saw books there that my library said I was the only member having. Then I discovered she had images that of these books that didn't come up when I searched Amazon, so I activated my dh to show my how to use my scanner, which scans above the 600k limit. Anyway I'm open to any LT hints that you wished you knew when you were new here.

One more question; I noticed you can't record videos - or can you? - I have several educational and entertainment videos that I consider just as much a part of my library as my books. Just today I bought the cartoon version of Tales of Two Cities; a book my ds21 begged me to not make him finish, so I granted him a substitution.

P.S. I wish there was a similar site as LibraryThing before a wildfire consumed my first library. It would have been very useful for insurance reasons.

Apr 1, 2007, 2:56 pm

I can't really answer the first two questions, aside from guesses- perhaps the single book issue is an ISBN conflict? Did the person not have the book listed after all?

I guess you could enter videos by manually inputting all the information yourself using the add books form.

That's a very good point about the insurance issue. I have a database on my PC, but that won't do me much good if the PC is lost as well. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss to wildfires. I am sure that the books were just one of many things that are missed.

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