"Support the Great Books and Take Home a Set"

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"Support the Great Books and Take Home a Set"

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Edited: Feb 22, 2011, 11:37 am

This is the title of a fundraiser currently running for Shimer College, Chicago's tiny and indomitable Great Books college: http://apps.facebook.com/causes/cause_invitations/new?cause_id=577342 . Shimer follows a lineal descendant of the Great Books program developed at the University of Chicago by Robert Maynard Hutchins, Mortimer J. Adler and others. The fundraiser is sponsored by long-serving College trustee and bookstore owner Dan Shiner, and the terms are as follows:


All donations to Shimer College must be made no later than March 7th (Dan Shiner’s birthday) for this cause. Anonymous donations are appreciated, but we will not be able to award any gifts to those who choose to donate without providing a name.

*Make a donation of $100+ and you will receive a signed first edition book (one per donor). It may not be Hemingway, but Dan says it will be something like a signed Susan Grafton or a signed Capitalist Manifesto by Adler and Kelso.

*Make a donation of $10+ and your name will be put into a drawing for a complete used set of the Great books of the Western World (one entry per donor).

*Be the largest individual donor ($1000 min) and you will also receive a complete used set of the Great Books.


Just spreading the good word.