For those of us who are still in school...
TalkHarry Potter/Hunger Games/Twilight/Every Series You Know You Love
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Has anyone had their spring break yet? If yes, then what did you do? If no, then what are your plans?
My school's spring break is next week, and I'm leaving this friday with my dad and some friends to Central America! We'll be back on Easter Sunday, so I won't be able to post anything until then unless we get wi-fi or something down there.
My school's spring break is next week, and I'm leaving this friday with my dad and some friends to Central America! We'll be back on Easter Sunday, so I won't be able to post anything until then unless we get wi-fi or something down there.
Nope. Just for fun. Unless your reading over break
i have break soon, then we are driving 14 hours on a road trip..... sorry, cant tell u where, but 14 HOURS stuck next to my brother !!! heeeelllllppp meeee
Haha. I'm sure you'll have a good time tough! I went out east last summer and I was in the car with my brother and sister for a llllooonnnggg time! It was worth it though.