I am number four
TalkHarry Potter/Hunger Games/Twilight/Every Series You Know You Love
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Does anyone know If I am number four is a series or not?? If someone could tell me that would be awesome!!
It is planned to be a six book seires.
The second one, The Power of Six, comes out Augest 23.
The second one, The Power of Six, comes out Augest 23.
what was better, the book or the movie? i haven't read/seen either.
I think they are going to make a second movie....I saw the first in theaters, i really liked it ^_^ it kind of seemed like there was something missing though, and when I read the book it sort of filled in those holes. They changed a lot of the events from the book to the movie...but I still think it was really awesome :D
I am going to soon be reading I am number four. Can anyone give me some things I should be expecting in the book??
I read the book before i watched the movie the book was better. I loved the books so far two are out.
I just got I Am Number Four from the library. Can't wait to read it :)