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Pottermore is now out of Beta and into the public sphere, so everyone with an e-mail address has the chance to explore the world of Harry Potter. We would all love to know if anyone has joined Pottermore and what your username is, and also if you have any thoughts on Pottermore! Cheers.
Original Beta Members:
Theamwriter - ScarletElm67
Sarahy - MistCat146
Foggidawn - HazelCat40
Recent Members:
StarlightLily - StrikeUnicorn26663
ErisofDiscord - formerly known as AvisThorn20176; is now FelicisBronze25408
AresofAmbition - RuneDragon22446
Fob45 - SnitchBat5096
Flanisntjustdessert - StrikeRain8231
The_silent_reader - FeatherWalnut741
GinnyW - RoseWatch13787
Rozax - CrimsonQuill17391
Katagirl - SkyStar25626
Betty30554 - WatchMoon4821
Xkrissio3 - ScarletSnidget24384
ColoradoRain - FeatherFlame6053
Swimfreak14 - KeyOwl9339
Hyper13 - MugwumpQuaffle3314
OverlordH - SickleStrike27826
Original Beta Members:
Theamwriter - ScarletElm67
Sarahy - MistCat146
Foggidawn - HazelCat40
Recent Members:
StarlightLily - StrikeUnicorn26663
ErisofDiscord - formerly known as AvisThorn20176; is now FelicisBronze25408
AresofAmbition - RuneDragon22446
Fob45 - SnitchBat5096
Flanisntjustdessert - StrikeRain8231
The_silent_reader - FeatherWalnut741
GinnyW - RoseWatch13787
Rozax - CrimsonQuill17391
Katagirl - SkyStar25626
Betty30554 - WatchMoon4821
Xkrissio3 - ScarletSnidget24384
ColoradoRain - FeatherFlame6053
Swimfreak14 - KeyOwl9339
Hyper13 - MugwumpQuaffle3314
OverlordH - SickleStrike27826
May I post a complaint? Eris, darling, my name is flanisntjustdessert. You posted it as Flanisjustdessert. Which, if you think about it long enough, I am declaring my own non-existance.
I just copied it directly from the old Hogwarts Castle, and I didn't check to make sure all the spelling was correct. Don't worry, I'll fix it. Sorry about that! :)
I'm HazelCat40 -- and I keep meaning to go play with the first CoS chapters, but forgetting. Maybe this weekend. . . .
Pottermore is an interactive website that accompanies the Harry Potter books! You can be sorted, get a wand, win points, help your house to victory, and quite a lot of other things! It's really fun. If you want to check it out, here's the website:
I'm having problems logging into pottermore. I tried a couple weeks ago to log in from my local library, but I have forgotten my password. So I requested a password change and I changed it. But I was stupid and didn't write it down, so I don't remember it a week later when I went back. So another change, but pottermore didn't let me change it. It emailed me the link but it said there was problems so try again later. I tried again same message. So essentially I am logged out of my pottermore account.
I would make a new account, but I don't have fast enough internet at home to support Pottermore, so I won't.
I would make a new account, but I don't have fast enough internet at home to support Pottermore, so I won't.
WatchMoon4821. Just sign up today.
Brilliant! Just added you to the list, and I hope you enjoy Pottermore.
Just trying to get a handle on it all.
I'll send you a friend request (my username is AvisThorn20176, so that's who it'll be from). If you have any questions about the site, please let me know.
I added you both. Thanks!
I've been on Pottermore a lot. They've got all of Sorcerer's Stone, and they've added four chapters of COS. The first house cup was awarded to Slytherin, but Gryffindor is in the lead for the new one. I'll send you a friend request, Seraph!
Wow, Sarah, you haven't even been sorted yet! I'm in Gryffindor at Pottemore. Surprise.
You can get a new one, if you want to. Pottermore's actually not that bad.
You should get a new password and get on sarahy because they are starting to open up book 2
I'm KeyOwl9339
I'll make sure Eris adds you!
Added you! And I'll go find you on Pottermore and send a friend request.
Ok! I'll look for it!
I added you to the list, and I will also go send you a friend request on Pottermore. :)
Can someone please help me? I'm having trouble with Moment 2, Chapter 11 in the Chamber of Secrets book. The one where you have to find the 3 spells. I've only managed to find Expelliarmus. :(
You can scroll deeper into the page by using the forward arrow key. there should be more spells there :D
Thank you so so much, hyper! :D :D :D
they opened the rest of the chapters in chamber of secrets? *goes over to pottermore website*
Ok, confession time. How pathetic is it that I had to look on here to remember mt pottermore name?
#36 Oh, no worries, I do that all the time! XD
It's okay I did at least once or twice
Yeah! That would be a great idea
The final chapters for Chamber of Secrets have come out, just to let everyone know. :)
Glad to see KT is active again! andGinny, don't worry... err... your not alone!
Wait...I know this probably sounds stupid, but what's KT? ^_^'
Oh when I read it, I thought flan put in the wrong letter for LT. L and K are right next to each other, it can be a simply mistake.
I actually did mean LT, but creative thinking everyone!
*bursts out laughing* XD
Added you! Sorry it took a while.
I've deleted my old account, by the way, as I wanted to go through the Sorting and Wand Buying process again. :) My new account name (it's still being processed) will be FelicisBronze25408.
I've deleted my old account, by the way, as I wanted to go through the Sorting and Wand Buying process again. :) My new account name (it's still being processed) will be FelicisBronze25408.
And I was sorted into Slytherin! Woohoo! Very nice. I'm happy to experience Pottermore through a different house that I love very dearly.
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