book about a mean squirrel living in treehouse?

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book about a mean squirrel living in treehouse?

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Dec 6, 2012, 2:18 pm

OK, I'm desperate to locate a picture book I had as a child (late 70s, early 80s), but I can't remember the name of the book. And when I describe my memory of this book, everyone is going to think I'm crazy. :) My copy was a very nice hardcover, and it was longer horizontally than it was vertically (not like a typical book). I don't know if other editions existed.

The book was about a squirrel who lived in a treehouse. He didn't like any of his neighbors (also animals), and he was very mean and stingy. He wore overalls, and he was some sort of carpenter or builder. Because he was so mean, he started having nightmares in which his tools came alive and chased him. I remember the pictures of the saw and hammer with eyes, chasing the squirrel around his treehouse. He eventually decided to be nicer to his neighbors so the dreams would go away.

Sounds crazy, right? But I'm desperate to find it, even if it's out of print and I have to find it used. Can anyone help me? I've Googled every combination of things imaginable, and I've come up with nothing!!!!

Dec 6, 2012, 9:09 pm

Ok, this book doesn't really fit but it came to mind when I read your description - Miss Suzy by Miriam Young. The time frame fits and it is about a squirrel but otherwise is different. I know the author wrote other Miss Suzy stories and other children's books so maybe checking out her other books would be worthwhile.
Miss Suzy is the main character and is bullied by another group of squirrels so she moves into a dollhouse. A group of toy soldiers she finds in the dollhouse scares away the mean squirrels for her.
Hopefully, this might help you!

Dec 6, 2012, 10:07 pm

Try looking at these search results for subject:"juvenile fiction" intitle:squirrel with year range.

Dec 6, 2012, 11:07 pm

Your description of it as a horizontal book made me think of the Woodsey series of books based on the Fisher Price toys. I had Grandma and Grandpa's Grand Opening in the early 80s. I can't find anything about a carpenter squirrel when I google different combinations. Sorry! But here's a link to some Woodsey toys/books to see what you think.

Also, Purple House Press publishes old children's books. Maybe someone there remembers your book (although I think their specialty more is 1950s-1960s books.)

Edited: Dec 7, 2012, 11:17 am

Thank you bookel, I will look at this list.

Dec 7, 2012, 11:18 am

Thanks, CalicoCat. I've looked at all of Miriam Young's books, and I don't think she wrote this one. But I appreciate the lead!

Dec 7, 2012, 11:21 am

Thanks for the link, DianaNowling. I'll check it out!

Dec 7, 2012, 3:11 pm

More search results from this time. Search results for 'kw:squirrel' > '1950..1985' > 'Book' > 'Fiction' > 'English' > 'Juvenile'

Edited: Dec 7, 2012, 3:18 pm

So far from WorldCat results found one mean squirrel, but doesn't seem quite what you describe.

The meanest squirrel I ever met
Author: Gene Zion; Margaret Bloy Graham
Publisher: New York : Scribner, 1962
Nibble, a young squirrel, must confront an older squirrel who stole his Thanksgiving nuts.

Dec 7, 2012, 3:30 pm

Further along in the search results, this looks more likely, but unsure if it has the dream.

Attila the Angry
Author: Marjorie Weinman Sharmat; Lillian Hoban
32 p. New York : Holiday House, ©1985.
With the help of Angry Animals Anonymous, Attila the squirrel learns how to control his angry behavior.

"Although controlling one's anger is not as quickly and easily resolved as this story leads children to believe (Attila attends one AAA meeting and learns to repress his anger in one day), Sharmat's message is clear and gentle without sounding ..."

Dec 9, 2012, 10:39 pm

OH MY GOD!!! My book was on the 2nd list of search results you sent, bookel!!!!! The book is called "The House in the Hole in the Side of the Tree", about Grumpy Squire Squirrel. I cannot express how eternally grateful I am to you! I am ordering it from today!!!

Dec 9, 2012, 11:14 pm

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Excellent!! I'm happy you found it!
The House in the Hole in the Side of the Tree by V. Gilbert Beers.