Proven Guilty (potential for spoilers)

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Proven Guilty (potential for spoilers)

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Jun 30, 2007, 4:51 pm

This is a thread in order to discuss the book Proven Guilty as well as the books that came before since the books aren't open ended and each one builds upon the characters & main plot.

Edited: Jun 30, 2007, 8:45 pm

Here are a few notes for Proven Guilty:

This one begins with the execution of a young would-be wizard who had gotten into trouble with the White Council by practicing black magic. Harry is very upset by this.

Then Harry receives a call from Molly, with arequest to bail her out of jail; turns out he has to bail out her boyfriend. Mouse growls at Molly and Harry doesn't understand why.

This is the book with the horror movie convention, Molly's friends Rosie and Nelson, Officer Rawlins, horror moviemaker Darby Crane and his henchman Lucius Glau (who looks like a frog), the Scarecrow and other movie-character monsters, Charity's secret, and the climactic excursion into Winter, with Murph, to rescue Molly.

Wow, this one really was one of the better books, wasn't it?

Jun 30, 2007, 8:53 pm

IMO Proven Guilty is the best in the series to date. There was a lot of action, humor and backstory revealed. I actually ended up reading this one in a day....granted it was a long day of flying home from Fargo, ND to Boston.....but it was a long book so I was impressed with myself. *lol*

I was also shocked at all the changes that Molly had gone through in such a short time. She always had a little wild side....but that tattoo?!? Crazyness. And with Charity's secret revealed it makes me wonder if maybe now she won't be so hard on Harry from this point forward.

Jan 23, 2008, 9:13 pm

I finished Proven Guilty last night. I wonder who the rat on the White Council is. And I wonder what Thomas is up to.

Jan 23, 2008, 9:49 pm

seitherin you'll get an answer to one of your questions in White Night....perhaps the other will come in Small Favor

Edited: Jan 24, 2008, 9:27 pm

I've got White Night on order. I can't wait for it to get here. I'm betting it's the Thomas question that gets answered . . . right?

Edited: Apr 8, 2008, 8:43 am

#3 "IMO Proven Guilty is the best in the series to date. There was a lot of action, humor and backstory revealed"

Yep. I agree there, definetly my favourite. Ties up a few loose ends from previous books and introduces a whole lot of other ones.

I particularly like the ambiguity surrounding Harry's goodness, Michael's response and of course the question of the sword.

May 24, 2008, 8:14 am

I was curious about the type of breed that Murphy mentioned in the book and yes it is an actual breed!

I however did not picture Mouse as being well "fluffy".

Also I was glad to see another side to Charity in this book. Her high and mighty attitude towards Harry was annoying me (probably because I like Harry so much LOL). But at least now her attitude is explained a lot and she is not so much a pain in the ass.

I like the development of the overall story of the series in this book.