Entering other items

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Entering other items

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Jul 13, 2007, 4:25 pm

I am new to the library thing and to home schooling. None the less, my library has been growing here at home. I was wondering if I can enter other items without ISBN numbers in my library, i.e. educational games and the such.

Jul 13, 2007, 5:21 pm

I have not tried this, though it is tempting just to keep track of everything. You could try using the manual entry option and see if it works. :-)

Jul 13, 2007, 9:28 pm

I use manual entry for those items which do not have a book isbn or lccn. I have music masters cassettes that I enter that way and also we use HomeSat and I enter things like Mom's minutes and sets of DVD classes I have recorded.
If you go to my catalog and look for the tag homesat you will see and example of that. I don't see any reason why you cannot enter games and such and then you can use tags to keep track of them, too as far as location or subject.

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